PaperDemon Art RPG

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Post 44615 - Crystal Wyrm Boss Fight

  1. Posted on Aug 21, 2023, 9:24:46 PM UTC
    ID: 44615
    Cover for Ballad of Kyanoko

    Ballad of Kyanoko » Soul Tearing Song

    Kyanoko's written attacks against PaperDemon boss fights.

    Last updated Aug 28, 2023
    Total Chapters 7

    Kyanoko summons Fire alongside Adriel Tudor’s Water, and the two swirl together to create a blast of Chaos that sends the Crystal Wyrm flying for 310 damage!

    💥 Critical hit!

    The Crystal Wyrm whips forward and strikes Kyanoko for 51 damage.

    Kyanoko has passed out and is out of the fight!

    "Hey you guys! I wanna play, too. Take that, Judy."

    Shenshort attacks Crystal Wyrm for 10 damage.