PaperDemon Art RPG

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Post 4357 - The showdown! Dreamhost vs. Micfo

  1. Posted on Sep 21, 2005, 4:34:02 PM UTC
    ID: 4357
    Well you're not going to believe this. We are moving BACK to Micfo. The move will be quick though because my files are still there. They are going to move me to a more stable server so that I wont have all that down time.

    Well I was too hasty in switching from Micfo. I should have asked them first if they could do something about the down time. I was also pissed off because the GD library suddenly stopped working. And their tech support is really fast and that's super hard to find. I think I'll give micfo another try and sign on for a year.

    I really hate Dreamhost's control panel. It's aweful. It's poorly designed. They need to spend some money and hire a graphic artist or user interface designer to make it more user friendly. They also charge way to much to get a dedicated ip. Micfo charges a one time fee of $10. Dreamhost charges a $10 setup fee and then $5 a month ontop! Wow that stinks! I need a dedicated IP so that my boyfriend's site can work. Also Dreamhost's tech support is pretty slow. Although I've only been with them two days. (i've sent in maybe 3 or 4 trouble tickets). I'll be able to get all of my money back from Dreamhost. They have a 97 day money back guarantee.

    Anyway, I don't know how long it will be before micfo moves us over to the new server. I'll move all the new files, etc. to the new server on micfo as soon as they are ready for me and I have the time. Hopefully tonight.