PaperDemon Art RPG

Open group | 1303 Members

Post 3711 - Big Thumbnails!

  1. Posted on Aug 7, 2005, 2:06:59 AM UTC
    ID: 3711
    At the request of members, I have changed the galleries in both the Paper Demon site and the Red Curtain to display larger thumbnails. I've also implemented a new layout for the galleries but it's still a work-in-progress.

    In every page of the gallery (with the exception of when you are viewing fullsized artwork), there is a random featured artwork shown on the left. Featured artwork has been taken off of the gallery index pages (it used to show 9 small thumbs on the right). I think people's artwork will get more exposure in the single randomizer on the left.

    I'll be changing the limits for the featured artwork. I think I will change it to 4 Paper Demon and 4 Red Curtain. At this time the limit is 7 of any. By separating the limits, more random art will be in the Red Curtain. At the time of this posting, there are only 20 in there. I will also be able to show the larger thumbnails of featured artwork on artists' profile pages.

    Enjoy the bigger thumbnails! :veryhappy: