PaperDemon Art RPG

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Are you on Tumblr or pinterest?

  1. Posted on Sep 24, 2013, 2:12:33 AM UTC
    ID: 28153 | #1
    Level 281 ADMIN

    I started a new pinterest page for Paperdemon but I want to connect with members there. I'm not sure if folks are more active on ponterest or tumblr. I might start a Tumblr page if more people are active there.


    Please post your pinterest and Tumblr pages so i can follow you :D 

  2. Posted on Sep 24, 2013, 3:06:35 PM UTC
    ID: 28159 | #3
    Level 281 ADMIN

    Thanks for the link. I'm following you on Tumblr now with my personal account. Nice theme! I might start a new one for PaperDemon. Not sure yet.

  3. Posted on Oct 31, 2013, 2:06:34 PM UTC
    ID: 28176 | #4
    Level 115

    I'm a hardcore Tumblr-er myself. I think I have a Pinterest, but I never use it (I guess the fact that I'm not sure if I even have an account is pretty indicative of that though lol)

    my url is

  4. Posted on Jan 8, 2014, 12:43:36 PM UTC
    ID: 28212 | #7
    Level 275 BETA ADMIN

    I have a Tumblr,  but I despise the site. It's not a site for artists posting art IMHO :( IT's actually made me HEAVILY depressed over 2013 to the point where I barely drew while I was having a super stressful time in my life with moving. I don't know if it was made worse, or if it caused a lot of my stress, but it's not a healthy site for me, and I'm trying to pull away. It's really targeting information sharing which doesn't lean towards a personal experience. I REALLY hate that I can spend 10 hours on a picture and get 20 likes / reblogs, while a doodle of the same fandom will get 250 or more. IT's so heavily face value. 

    I'm on Tumblr though. Even if I do manage to pull away, I'll post art there, but I do it begrudgingly.

  5. Posted on Jan 28, 2014, 8:40:12 PM UTC
    ID: 28223 | #8
    Level 2

    "I REALLY hate that I can spend 10 hours on a picture and get 20 likes / reblogs, while a doodle of the same fandom will get 250 or more."

    This and the logic that the original artist has significantly less notes compared to some dope blogger that took the image and reposted it at times. In my opinion, it's more of share common interest material rather than "show your amazing talents" blog. RP blogs do better in gaining followers and most fandom art in terms of anime are merely credited pixiv images. I mean, is it hard to put a thumbnail and let users see the full image at the site itself so the artist gets more viewers?

    I despise certain parts of DA over Tumblr though. Mainly underage twats and others using/uploading pics that aren't their own and such.

  6. Posted on Mar 18, 2014, 6:15:05 AM UTC
    ID: 28234 | #9
    Level 13

    You have to give up wanting to post art for attention on blog sites. Speaking of which, this site is pretty empty, so if you want attention for your drawings why would you care about posting them here? What it comes do to is "Why do you draw?" "Why do you post on the internet/ to the public?" What do you expect or want to gain from it?" "What will you do if you don't get what you want?" and "How much is the attention you seek worth to you?"

    I'd rather post on blog sites because the posting rules are a lot looser, and the posting process is much less complex. I'm back to posting on art sites, because I want to try again at being apart of the online "artist" community. Maybe I can get more useful things out of it now that I've been through more things in my life. I'm not here to be popular, like i was before. I want to share my ideas, make friends, and see other's points of view.

    Now, as my writing goes...

  7. Posted on Apr 7, 2014, 1:24:58 AM UTC
    ID: 28240 | #10
    Level 281 ADMIN

    Maybe we should consider making the posting process easier on here? I have noticed on other sites it's a lot easier to share. PD does have too many steps, though we do it to make content easier to organize and browse through.

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