PaperDemon Art RPG

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Post 28234 - Are you on Tumblr or pinterest?

  1. Posted on Mar 18, 2014, 6:15:05 AM UTC
    ID: 28234

    You have to give up wanting to post art for attention on blog sites. Speaking of which, this site is pretty empty, so if you want attention for your drawings why would you care about posting them here? What it comes do to is "Why do you draw?" "Why do you post on the internet/ to the public?" What do you expect or want to gain from it?" "What will you do if you don't get what you want?" and "How much is the attention you seek worth to you?"

    I'd rather post on blog sites because the posting rules are a lot looser, and the posting process is much less complex. I'm back to posting on art sites, because I want to try again at being apart of the online "artist" community. Maybe I can get more useful things out of it now that I've been through more things in my life. I'm not here to be popular, like i was before. I want to share my ideas, make friends, and see other's points of view.

    Now, as my writing goes...