Paperdemon Trap

Posted May 27, 2024, 3:45:00 AM UTC

118 Something magical is happening! Your character finds themself as a paperdemon, what do they look like? What abilities do they have? Draw or write about their experience! If they are already a paperdemon, draw them as another species of your choosing.

Whatever spell going around turning people into Paper demons hit K80. Unfortunately, this had no effect on K80's essance and only the body he lives in. Code is not compatible with flesh, so K80 is within, but not at home while he waits for someone to switch his body back or bring his other body close enough for him to hop back to that one. 


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  • May 27, 2024, 3:51:04 AM UTC
    Uh-oh, how do you fix programming if there's no way to access the code? Hopefully someone helps him out soon (if not, I toss my phone at him so he can temporarily chill there while we find his body >w<Wink

    Ooh I love the little detail in his irises that carries over from his construct side <3
    • May 27, 2024, 4:02:18 AM UTC
      I am so DELIGHTED by the idea of him hanging out in a phone. Like a little helper character in a video game walking you through the tutorial lol!
      As for the irises I didn't even notice that! I was just trying to make it look like he was spaced out and not home. Your eye for detail always impresses me



K80 PaperDemon Art RPG 🧑🏽 #pd3367
171 total points
5 approved points



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