Comment 159141

Comment ID 159141

[Art] Paperdemon Trap
May 27, 2024, 3:51:04 AM UTC on [Art] Paperdemon Trap
Uh-oh, how do you fix programming if there's no way to access the code? Hopefully someone helps him out soon (if not, I toss my phone at him so he can temporarily chill there while we find his body >w<Wink

Ooh I love the little detail in his irises that carries over from his construct side <3


  • May 27, 2024, 4:02:18 AM UTC
    I am so DELIGHTED by the idea of him hanging out in a phone. Like a little helper character in a video game walking you through the tutorial lol!
    As for the irises I didn't even notice that! I was just trying to make it look like he was spaced out and not home. Your eye for detail always impresses me