Treasure at the Market

Posted Mar 19, 2024, 3:36:57 PM UTC

#109 It's the Paperdemon Guild Open Market! What sort of wares or services is your character selling? How does their stall look? Would they prefer to be a customer perusing other guildmember's stalls? Or perhaps they might go the route of thievery when no one's looking...

The Paperdemon Guild Open Market is full of unique treasures! Juke found an old baritone hiding in the corner of one of the stalls- too bad he can't play it!

(I am an extreme novice at backgrounds, composition, and color, so I made a little piece to celebrate the beginning of my learning journey! Happy shopping :P)

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  • Mar 19, 2024, 5:29:17 PM UTC
    Extreme novice at backgrounds???? I think you did absolutely fantastic! you didnt make the background look empty or too busy, it looks just right and liek a market!! the colors are also lovely, GJGJGJGJ
    • Mar 19, 2024, 9:03:48 PM UTC
      Thank you so much!! ;; I've been avoiding semi-detailed backgrounds for like... all of my art life haha, but it really is motivating to hear that this is a good start!
      • Mar 19, 2024, 9:30:17 PM UTC
        gosh i feel ya!! i've avoided certain types of backgrounds for a looong time (and still kinda do >.>Wink but this is a very good step to keep goin at it!!



Juke PaperDemon Art RPG 🧑🏽 #pd4441
40 total points
5 approved points



  • the predatory wasp of the palisades is out to get us!
  • It's Showtime!
  • Much Too Big...
  • Hey, She Actually Doesn't Get It
  • Sparkle Sparkle
  • Honk! x2
  • Juke's First Battle
  • Silly Juke Sketch
  • Duet in F Minor


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