Duet in F Minor

Posted Mar 10, 2024, 1:38:06 AM UTC

108 It's time for the Paperdemon Guild Talent Show! What type of talent would your character show off? How would the audience and judges react? Or would your character get stage fright and opt to stay in the audience instead? Or maybe they'd be a judge?

While Juke is more comfortable with jazz, he is capable of playing a concert piece. 

Since Mistressmoon made me an amazing jazzy picture, I figure it's only fair I get them back by representing concert band players :P 

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  • Mar 10, 2024, 6:16:03 AM UTC
    Love these characters and how you repersented them!
  • Mar 10, 2024, 3:03:13 AM UTC
    it's soo cute! I've already said so on Discord, but it looks very nice.
  • Mar 10, 2024, 3:29:45 AM UTC
    I love the coloring. The warm colors look great together. They both look fantastic!



Juke PaperDemon Art RPG 🧑🏽 #pd4441
40 total points
5 approved points



  • the predatory wasp of the palisades is out to get us!
  • It's Showtime!
  • Much Too Big...
  • Hey, She Actually Doesn't Get It
  • Sparkle Sparkle
  • Honk! x2
  • Treasure at the Market
  • Juke's First Battle
  • Silly Juke Sketch


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