Gifts from rich to poor

Posted Dec 25, 2023, 5:03:44 PM UTC

CHARACTERS: Naedithas Ambartanen, Tyrvalor Ilindriis
PROMPT: [#97] Does your character celebrate a holiday? Write about or draw them doing one of their traditions for it

Every Winter season, when the heavens grow dark during the earliest of hours, and the land is covered with layers of snow, that halts the harvests. 
There are days where the poor flock together and seek shelter in the cities in which nobility is found. Eager for warmth, a meal, and a moment of comfort, away from the threat from what is beyond the walls. A selection of guards are assigned the duty to keep these people from becoming a threat to the nobles, and adventurers that hold onto their wealth.

These people are being offered blankets, a warm meal that is publicly prepared, and their children receive small donations from the locals. Gifts taking the form of treats, toys, or clothing pieces for the young ones to wear and play with. Tyrvalor is one of the guards who suggested this to his superiors, who had taken it into consideration.

Ever since, he is assigned the leading role to make it an event for everyone to enjoy. If anything, it became a large attraction tool for outsiders, that increased the city's business. And today? Today he brought his brand new, right-hand man along with him to make this event even less forgetful.

"Are you excited to find out what you'll be gifted this year? I promise you that the coming nights will be much warmer, once these are in your possession."

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