Dungeon Time(TM): Godzilla???

Published May 5, 2024, 6:26:49 AM UTC | Last updated May 5, 2024, 6:26:49 AM | Total Chapters 2

Story Summary

General violence/mild to moderate swearing 

The Lads™ go to various places for missions and things. 

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Chapter 2: Godzilla???

“Oh, it's this... place. Great.” Gus said, sighing. He and Overte stood at the entrance of a large building – its exterior was a bit on the traditional side and elaborately decorated.


“I honestly think the art collection here is quite lovely.” Overte said.


“Well, the art is all well and fine, but...” Gus said. “... this guest of theirs, the mystery dungeon...”


The Oversized Toybox dungeon – currently situated in the Spielzeugkiste Exhibit – was a strange one to say the least. While roaming dungeons weren't exactly a new concept, it was rare for dungeons to take place primarily inside Pokémon-made structures. Sometimes there was overlap between a mystery dungeon and part of a building, but for one to consistently hop from building to building and only certain types of buildings (art museums in this case) was strange to say the least.


Reports on mystery dungeons in developed settings were still sparse as the development of many current technologies and infrastructure had all been made fairly recently. Mystery dungeons were a concept as old as time, and the recent industrial revolution was but a faint glimmer to the might of all the ancient stars. Still, it wouldn't be surprising to see the nature of mystery dungeons change, places once thought of as exclusively a thing of the wilderness.


The art museum that the Spielzeugkiste Exhibit was situated in had seen the Toybox dungeon come and go many times by now, though due to the relatively peaceful nature of the dungeon, administration saw no reason to change its opening hours. Much like with 'traditional' outdoor mystery dungeons that posed little threat, many people had come to enjoy visiting the Toybox when it appeared, even letting their children wander about unsupervised (the young hobgoblins were free to do as they pleased within the dungeon, the administration thought – the real exhibits would be unharmed).


All had been well. Until...


“What exactly do museum staff do when the dungeon takes over?” Gus said, watching as people came and went through the museum entrance. “The only ones who hang around for their actual exhibits are a couple art or history nerds. Everyone else is loitering around the Toybox dungeon. You'd think they'd get at least one or more certified dungeoneers to keep an eye on things...”


“I suppose they would enjoy a period of relaxation from their usual shifts.” Overte said. “Though, today seems a bit different.”


“Yeah. The report.” Gus said. “This is exactly why you station a dungeoneer. Why are people still hanging around like nothing's going on? I get not wanting to cause a panic, but jeez...”


“No time like the present. Let's find the dungeon entrance.” Overte said. “Today, we will be meeting up with a team from the Malakhe Guild.”


“This should be fun...” Gus muttered.


The two Pokémon entered the museum, Overte showing her guild badge to the front desk workers as she passed by. The Spielzeugkiste Exhibit wasn't difficult to find – it was one of the main sections of the museum and was notable for its enormous, treasure chest-styled toybox covered in children's drawings of various fantastical scenes: pirates, mermaids, treasure, dragons, and more. Normally the stairs that led to the box's open lid simply led to an empty room with some paintings, but with the dungeon present – there was the characteristic subtle distortion in the air.


“Alright. Pre-entry checks?” Overte said.


“Fucken lots of rippling.” Gus said. “Equipment is a go. Let's do this.”


Side by side, the two Pokémon leapt through the dungeon entrance, flying through the void for a few moments before being deposited into a pile of soft plushies. Gus jumped out immediately, looking around to quickly analyze his surroundings: many oversized toys scattered about, massive wooden blocks arranged in a labyrinth, a train track that went across some of said wooden blocks, and a doll house-like castle in the distance.


Overte picked herself up from the pile and went to Gus's side, dusting herself off lightly.


“This place got fucking big. Sheesh.” Gus said. “D'you think the other team has taken care of the report already? I mean... subduing big scary guys is kind of their thing.”


Well, technically the Malakhe Guild's thing is researching legends and the supernatural.” Overte said, laughing softly. “But yes, they do excel in combat.”


I'm pretty confident about a scuffle against a regular 'mon but... if the report's not exaggerating about a giant, out of control mech...”


I'm sure we'll be fine! We'll have another team to help out, after all.” Overte said. “Oh! Speaking of...”


There was the unexpected sound of engines revving and several cars rushed past – externally, they looked like very large toy cars, but were somehow fitted with actual functioning engines. As Gus stared in shock, he noted that none of the drivers were likely of driving age. Whether this sort of thing counted in actual driving law, Gus had no idea but regardless, it couldn't possibly be very safe.


As the dust cleared and the teens in the cars continued on, making donuts or generally driving much too fast, two more Pokémon emerged from the block labyrinth: a strange, shrimp-looking Dreepy and a gray Rowlet. They didn't seem bothered at all by the unsafe car shenanigans but did appear to recognize Overte.


Ah, Ms. Olivine-Dubois.” The shrimp-Dreepy said, approaching the team. “Good to see you.”


Hello, Echo! Just 'Overte' will do.” Overte said. “And you must be Seven!”


Greetings.” The Rowlet – Seven – said. Gus raised an eyebrow – the Rowlet was strange, wearing some kind of sci-fi-looking visor and wearing a metal backpack. The technology didn't look like anything from the current era.


Uh. Hey. Gus.” Gus said, before whispering to Overte: “How do you know so many people?”


I've done a lot of traveling before the Stellar Guild.” Overte shrugged and turned to the Malakhe team. “I presume you've been briefed?”


Accordingly. We will assist when needed.” Seven said. “We have our own investigations to conduct, as per regulation.”


Right...” Gus said.


Alright, that works with me. Let's go!” Overte said. She summoned her staff and raised it in the air as if to rally the teams together.


NERDS!” One of the car teens – a Yamper – shouted from the side. They drove a circle around the two teams and made a face before driving off into the block labyrinth.


The nerve of-!” Gus sputtered.


They're just kids, they haven't harmed anyone. Yet.” Echo said. “Well, Gus – you're the leader of Sol Lazuli, correct? Lead the way.”


Largely in silence, the four Pokémon made their way through the wooden block labyrinth. Occasionally, Seven would make remarks on the environment or something they were tracking through their visor, and Echo would respond with an acknowledgment or an inquiry. Gus thought the two were awfully stuffy – he supposed the folks at the Malakhe Guild were fond of doing things exactly a certain way. Regulations. Rules. Standards. This wasn't to say that the Stellar Guild didn't also have its own regulations to follow, but things seemed a great deal more relaxed for the Stellar teams.


Occasionally, the car teens would reappear, shouting unintelligibly at the exploration teams before disappearing back into the labyrinth. Gus was surprised the drivers were able to weave in and out through the blocks so effortlessly – the paths through the blocks weren't the most spacious, even for those going on foot.


How long have these kids been here, that they've come to be so familiar with the place, and built actual cars with engines in them? Gus thought. Or maybe they somehow dragged actual car engines from wherever and stuffed them into the giant toy cars. Still...


Gus... I'm not sensing anything amiss.” Overte said. “Supposedly our target is a large mechanical entity that has been roaming berserk... but the most I've seen have been those teens in their cars.”


Maybe someone got pranked by them, wasn't expecting fast-driving cars in an art museum, and panicked?” Gus said.


Hm... it's not impossible.” Overte said. “That certainly has happened before. Still... I feel like it would be difficult to mistake a regular car for a 'monstrous robot thing'.”


Hey. Malakhe guys.” Gus said. “What have you heard?”


Before Echo or Seven could respond, one of the teens from before had driven between the two teams. A Litleo sat in the driver's seat, sunglasses perched on their forehead. A Kirlia sat next to them, wearing a sunhat and ribbons on their arms.


H-hey! Hey, old people!” The Litleo called. The Yamper driver from before emerged from the labyrinth as well, driving along to the left of Gus and Overte.


Hey, come on! What are you doing, stumbling around and talking about coordinates for? It's the TOYBOX DUNGEON!” The Yamper said. “You're supposed to be having FUN! Unless you're too much of an old, old, grownup for that?”


Hey! I'll have you know we're here on official business- ow!” Gus yelped as Overte pinched his cheek and tugged lightly, as if to tell him to stand down.


We've received some concerning reports about a large machine or robotic creature appearing here and wreaking havoc. Though... we have yet to see signs of it.” Overte said. “Do any of you have any ideas...?”


A large machine? That's crazy, man. There's nothing like that here.” The Litleo scoffed.


Maybe the wind-ups...” The Kirlia suggested, voice quiet.


No way. I think someone made a mistake and got scared.” The Yamper said. “Come on, you weirdos! Join our race! We're sick of it just being the three of us, and Sio doesn't want to drive.”


My parents'll kill me if they found out.” The Kirlia huffed.


We'll pass on that...” Gus said.


These toy cars are big, but I don't know if we could fit in them...” Echo said.


Aw. Lame. See ya.” The teens drove off. This time, they remained within the block labyrinth – the sounds of the engines reverberating throughout the block paths.


Maybe it really was just a false report. It could explain why everyone's so relaxed about it...” Overte said. “Still...”


Well, less work for you two.” Echo said, cheerfully.


Hmph.” Gus said.


There was something about the place and situation that still wasn't adding up to Gus, and yet Overte didn't seem to notice anything off. While her senses weren't perfect, in a place like this, if there truly was something to be found, she should have sensed or straight up seen it by now.


Unless... maybe she can't see threats if they're too mechanical? Gus thought. Machines and inanimate objects tend to have less aura, or just have a different energy signature. Overte is more specialized in the paranormal. I wonder...


The path through the block labyrinth led to an open area with a large dollhouse in the middle. The castle from before was more visible but was likely accessed from another path or from the air alone. Ski lift-like structures crossed overhead, leading from the castle and off into the distance over the mass of giant blocks of the labyrinth.


This seems to be the heart of the dungeon.” Overte said.


Well, looks like everything's fine then. Time to head out.” Echo said, shrugging. “It was nice seeing y'all. Take care, Overte.”


Wait, are you just leaving already?” Gus said.


We've fulfilled our objective. We've been here for several hours already, actually.” Echo said. “And you don't seem to be in any pressing need...”


Our stay has been about as relaxing as can be. I think this should be satisfactory for the secretary.” Seven said.


What.” Gus said.


Oh, well. I suppose we shall part ways then.” Overte said. “Thank you for accompanying us.”


As the other team left, Gus whipped around and gave Overte an accusing look.


Where those two here on a vacation?” Gus exclaimed.


Truthfully, I do not... fully understand the ways of the Malakhe Guild.” Overte said. “But... yes. That seems to be the case.”


Silence, save for distant, raucous laughter. Gus sighed and hung his head, feeling thoroughly foolish.


I guess there really isn't anything here, huh. At least that saves the trouble of-.”


Something nearby stirred. Gus snapped to attention, alert to the smallest of sounds. Overte didn't seem to have noticed, but recognized Gus's tension and stood at the ready, staff in hand.


Of course it'll be when the high-level team leaves-




An enormous, mechanical-looking Tyranitar appeared from seemingly nowhere, lumbering through the block labyrinth. The massive robot towered over the nearby blocks, shoving them aside and disrupting the shape of the labyrinth. All around, Gus could hear startled screams and frantic shouting - he could only hope that at least some of the kids here had parents or some kind of guardian nearby. 


“Oh, good gods.” Gus said. “Run!”


“Wait! Don't lose your head just yet!” Overte said, grabbing hold of Gus by the scruff of the neck. The robot Tyranitar lumbered closer, kicking aside blocks.


“Aim for the ankles! We could probably bring it down that way.” Overte said. She dashed to a side, summoning various leaf projectiles and firing them at the robot's feet.


“Right. Totally. Against a Mamoswine of a building-sized thing like that.” Gus said, but obliged anyway. He ran to the opposite side of the Tyranitar and launched several balls of fire at the other foot. Neither his nor Overte's attacks made much of a difference.


“Overte, this isn't the smartest thing to do.” Gus said, beginning to really panic. He wondered if the other exploration team could have done anything about this – the Tyranitar had to have been the size of a small tower, perhaps even a dynamaxed Pokémon - and those things required entire squads to take down. Gus and Overte were still relatively new to dungeoneering and the Malakhe Guild had only sent two Pokémon. Besides - just what was this thing?


“Hey, old people!”


As the mechanical Tyranitar stomped around, a familiar toy car zoomed by and stopped. The Yamper drive from before gestured frantically.


“Get on, nerds!” They said.


“There's no way-.” Gus said, before he was picked up by Overte and flung into the car. Overte herself leapt onto the back end of the toy car, latching on with her vines.


“Great...” Gus grumbled, as he was stuffed roughly into the seat next to the Yamper. Just as the Tyranitar was bringing its foot down upon them, the Yamper hit the accelerator and the toy car went speeding off.


“Where're the other two old guys?” The Yamper said.


“They left first. Got bored of everything, I reckon.” Gus said. “What the hell is that thing?”


“Oh, that guy. Dungeon madness, eh.” The Yamper said. “Lots of people have seen them come and go, but they're always hanging out in the Toybox, no matter what museum it's at.”


“What?” Gus said.


“They mostly stay in the void... somehow, but sometimes they poke their heads out. I guess most people have just learned to avoid them.” The Yamper said.


“Then what do we do about them? They're wrecking the place! People could get hurt!” Gus exclaimed.


“We need to calm them down. Something has them in a frenzy.” The Yamper said. “Thankfully we have just the 'mon for that.”


“That would be Sio, here!” The Litleo driver reappeared, driving precariously close to the Yamper's car. Sio – the Kirlia – waved shyly.


“Y'all need to pick safer places to hang out in.” Gus chided.


“Aw, where would the fun be in that?” The Yamper said.


“What do you plan on doing?” Overte said. “I could possibly help out, if you need it.”


“Normally, I can sing the Tyranitar to sleep. But they seem more upset than normal...” Sio said. “Miss Snivy... you're a mage, aren't you? A real mage?”


“Whaaaat! That rules!” The Yamper shouted.


“That doesn't matter right now, what exactly do you need Overte to do?” Gus said. The mechanical Tyranitar was close behind, despite the speed of the two cars. Some of the blocks from the labyrinth were flying through the air, a few with Pokémon clinging to them for dear life.


“Just a simple amplification should do.” Sio said. “Miss Overte... you're going to need to jump over.”


“Overte, you're gonna break your- AAAUUGH!” Gus said. Almost effortlessly, Overte detached herself from the Yamper's car and jumped over to the back of the Litleo's car. As she reattached her vines, the Yamper peeled away, driving in a different direction.


“I'll distract the big guy! You two do your magic-y things!” The Yamper said.


“Wait! I never agreed to any of this! Fuck!!” Gus screamed.


“Oh, he'll live.” Overte said. As the Yamper wove complex patterns before the Tyranitar, Litleo drove their car around to the other side of the Tyranitar, facing their back. As the Litleo slowed a bit, Sio stood up from their place in the car and took a deep breath.


Their voice was quiet, yet powerful – a gentle aura emanated from the Kirlia as they sang. Focusing her energy on Sio, Overte cast a simple amplifying magic circle. Pink waves of light poured through the magic circle, washing over the Tyranitar. Just as the mechanical beast was about to catch up with the Yamper, they stopped as if returning to their senses. As Sio's song ended, the Tyranitar turned and slowly lumbered away, vanishing into the barriers of the mystery dungeon.


The Yamper drove back over to the Litleo's car, Gus looking more than frazzled.


“Well. I suppose that's taken care of. But now we have all this mess to deal with.” Gus said. “I really hope this hasn't just... you know.”


“Oh, this has happened before too. Just not very often.” The Litleo said. “We have emergency plans in case Godzilla goes berserk.”


What.” Gus said.


“But it wouldn't hurt to have someone check on everyone... that was a little more nuts than usual.” The Yamper said. “Thanks for your help, old people.”


“Stop calling us old! I'm only 23!” Gus said.


“Old fart.” The Litleo snickered.


“Well, this certainly has been quite the dungeon.” Overte said.

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