[BOARDING PASSES] The Collection: [COLOSSAL PLANTS #1] "Buzz off, Beedrill!"

Published May 14, 2024, 2:26:48 AM UTC | Last updated May 14, 2024, 2:26:48 AM | Total Chapters 3

Story Summary

from now on this is where i'm putting all the boarding passes! I didn't know you could use one story and put chapters individually before, so whoops...

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Chapter 2: [COLOSSAL PLANTS #1] "Buzz off, Beedrill!"

Glorp slides over the floor of the Jungle. Ace follows behind them, padding her paws on the ground in an almost silent manner. Ace's ears twitch at every little sound, seemingly on edge. The sun is shining through the leaves, revealing mist droplets once they hit the light. The visibility is a bit obscured because of the mist, but not so much that you can’t see. The air in the jungle is humid, but not unbearably so.  Surrounding the pair are abnormally large mushrooms and flowers that tower above them in all shapes and hues. Above those  are even taller trees, they’re so tall most pokemon can’t even see the top of them.


The pair travel on, passing a Cascoon on the way. It hangs off the underside of a nearby mushroom, shaking a bit in an attempt to wave at the pair. Ace notices this, giving the Cascoon a small wave before continuing on.


The pair of pokemon are on their way into the dungeon for a rescue mission Ace found on the bulletin board this morning. Too bad I couldn’t come alone… At Least I’m here though!  Is what Ace thinks, looking out into the mist in front of them.


“So… who are we supposed to rescue again?” Glorp asks as they glide along.


“Oh! Hold on, I have the paper right…” Ace trails off as she digs in her wonderbag. “Here!” Glorp sighs, continuing their slow crawl along. “Okay, we’re rescuing a… Breloom! Says here that they went into the mystery dungeon yesterday and never came out… I think?” Ace sits down, holding the paper closer to their face.


“Wait. What do you mean ‘I think’? Aren’t you reading the paper?” Glorp asks, turning around to look at the now sitting Eevee.


“I am reading it! Or at least I’m trying to? I don’t know! The letters are too blurry for me to read! It looks like someone smeared ink all over the words.” Ace exclaims in frustration, trying to focus on the blurry words on the paper.


“Here, let me see.” Glorp says, crawling up to Ace. Ace obliges, holding the paper up for them to read. “You were right about the Breloom, and that they haven’t come out of the dungeon since yesterday. You just missed the bit that described them. They’re wearing a red bandana around their neck.” Glorp rambles on scanning the paper once more.


“Oh, okay! A Breloom with a red bandana around their neck! Got it.” Ace says with a nod, putting the paper back into their wonderbag.


Just then, a rustle can be heard in the nearby bushes, putting both of the pokemon on edge. Glorp quickly climbs onto Ace’s back, not wanting to get left behind if they both flee. Out of the bushes comes 3 beedrills, and all three of them look angry.


“In…tru–derzz!” One of them wheezes out. Ouch? That sounded like it hurt to say. Before Glorp or Ace can talk it out with them, the Beedrill begin to attack.


Beedrill used Gunk shot! 


Ace quickly darts out of the way, narrowly missing the attack. She looks the beedrill directly in the eyes, then turns and runs off, Glorp trying to hold onto her back. Ace darts in between a large section of mushrooms and flowers, running in a zigzag pattern. She scans the horizon, looking for somewhere else to run.


“Over there! The lake!” Glorp cries, pointing one of their horns at the large lake next to them. Ace obliges, running over to the lakebed. Inside of the lake are multiple reeds, and alongside the reeds are a collection of large lily pads, all within jumping distance of one another.


“Hold on tight, Glorp!” Ace yells, jumping to the first lily pad.


“What do you– WHOA!!” Glorp yelps, almost falling off the Eevee’s back as they land. Ace continues onwards, using her momentum to propel her over the water, landing safely on the lily pads each time. She Hops off the last lily pad, making it back onto land. She skids to a stop, trying to catch her breath.


“..Not to worry you, but they’re still following us–!!” Glorp blurts out, cutting themself off as they jolt forward with Ace’s movement. Ace starts running once more, the Beedrill even closer this time.

“Oh for Arceus’s sake! Buzz off, you Beedrill!” Ace shouts behind her as she runs. She darts forward, heading for an area with even larger bushes and flowers. 


Beedrill used Fell Stinger!


Ace staggers forward, their back leg being grazed by the stinger. They fight through the pain, continuing to run, albeit slower than before. Glorp, at this point, has had enough. They swing around, catching one of the Beedrill off-guard.


Glorp uses Dragon breath!


The Beedrill that was hit with Dragon Breath stutters in its flight, falling to the ground, landing harshly. They’re now laying there, unmoving due to the Paralysis the move inflicted. Ace barely takes notice of this, and just keeps running further into the dungeon. They zig and zag through the jungle, looking around for the Breloom they came in for.


Beedrill used Fell Stinger!

…But it missed!


Ace follows the stinger with her eyes, watching as it arches over her and Glorp. it hits a large mushroom in front of them directly at its base, uprooting it from the ground. The mushroom starts to fall in the direction that Ace is running in. 

Uh oh– Ace thinks, her adrenaline quickly turning to panic. She slams her feet onto the ground, trying to skid to a stop. She leans, the muddy ground carrying her momentum. She successfully slides to a stop, right in front of where the mushroom hits the ground with A loud ‘BOOM!’. The force of the mushroom coming down shakes the entire jungle, sending some Starly into the sky in a panic. Ace turns around, staring directly in the eyes of the two approaching Beedrill. 


Out of the large bushes comes a Breloom with a red Bandana around its neck. Before Ace and Glorp can react, the Breloom attacks the Beedrill. They throw a sleep seed, hitting the Beedrill straight on. The Beedrill is surronded by the sleep powder the seed carried, causing it to slowly drift to the ground as if falls into a deep sleep. Glorp takes this as an opportunity to attack again, because before Ace knows it…


Glorp uses Dragon breath!


The final Beedrill falls, just as all the others before it did. Ace breathes out a sigh of relief, adrenaline slowly wearing off. Glorp slips of her back, landing softly on the Jungle floor below.

"Hold on..." Ace trails off, taking a moment to think and observe the Breloom (Atleast I think they're a Breloom??) infront of them. Their view of them is smudged at best, and they're close enough that it's hard to make out some of the details. They're far enough that Ace can pick out one thing, though. "You're the Breloom we were supposed to rescue!" She exclaims, before giggling. "Though to be fair, I think you saved us instead."


The Breloom giggles a bit before reluctantly saying "Yeah, I guess I did." The group laughs some more, the reality of what just happened really setting in.


"Alright, we should probably get out of here before more Beedrills show up, yeah?" Glorp asks. The two other pokemon quickly nod, prompting Glorp and Ace to grab their badges. The Breloom taps Glorps, quickly teleporting back to the Guild. Glorp quickly follows suit, using their badge to teleport back. Ace lags behind for a moment, taking in the Jungle one last time.


Once she hears an ambient 'Buzz' in the distance, she uses her badge to teleport back to the guild. I'm NOT dealing with that again! Is the last thing she thinks before being whisked out of the dungeon.


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