[Agents of Chaos]: Side Stories: [Basic Knowledge]: The Agency

Published Apr 8, 2024, 9:09:26 AM UTC | Last updated Apr 8, 2024, 9:09:26 AM | Total Chapters 2

Story Summary

Short stories/lore tidbits revolving around Agents of C.H.A.O.S.

[Warning: Information subject to change]


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Chapter 1: [Basic Knowledge]: The Agency

**This is a primer to fill in background knowledge of the world Agents of CHAOS is set in.**


What is the C.H.A.O.S. Agency?

There are five main "mega corporations" which run different districts.

CHAOS Agency is nestled within the aptly named CHAOS Corporation, which ranks as third on the list.

Although the corporate is a relatively new competitor after the downfall of another corporation five years ago, it wasted no time in establishing a formidable reputation in the industry. 

The agency mainly deals in secret intelligence and cutting-edge technology (perhaps aided in part by their PaperDemon research...), and is the envy of many common folk looking for a stable occupation.

However, its history and ongoing affairs are a whole different story. To much of the public, the CHAOS Agency's rise to fame is a story that involved an enigmatic business man by the name of 'White', his business partner who went by the name of 'Black,' and the fall of the former mega corporation.

There are multiple branches of the agency located outside of their main (Central) district- being the North, East, South, and West Divisions- all of which house their own subdivisions and so forth. 

As the Agency's influence is streched out, it isn't uncommon for fellow coworkers to not recognize each other despite coming from the same parent company.



Hexadecimals (Hexes): Newbies who are mainly recognized as "grunts" of the agency. Tasks range from working at subsidiaries of the Agency (such as local cafes, supply chains, etc.) or tasks that the Agency deems low priority.

Chromatics (Chromes): Agents who complete a set of requirements and are granted higher privileges. Most employees do not progress past this position.

Shades: Senior agents who are recognized for their experience and higher skill level, typically are assigned to oversee Hexes and Chromes. They report to the higher ups on operation statuses.

Colors/Hues: Distinguished titles for only remarkable agents, such as those who are at the top of their fields. Candidates are personally approved of by White, the founder.


Workplace Culture

The Agency has particular sets of rules depending on who is running the division or branch.

For example, some divisions have strict dress codes while others (such as the central division) have more loose interpretations on what is acceptable.

In most divisions, Hexes are essentially seen as 'errand runners', if not outright 'dispensables' to the higher ranking agents. Depending on the location of the branches, some Hexes are more like mercenaries than trainees, as they are the first to be deployed as 'decoys' or 'scouts' in more serious missions. Meanwhile, other branches may simply reduce their role to 'coffee-making' and 'paper collector'.

A unique aspect of Shades and Colors is the need to erase one's public identity and don a new persona. The higher one's rank, the more sacrifices are required by corporate regulation (which may explain why some agents are content to stay at the Chromatic rank.)

Typically, a new identity will be provided a job at one of CHAOS Corp's subsidaries when on inactive duty.



For one to become a Hex, they must first pass an entry exam and background vetting process. 

The entry exam will test both physical and mental capabilities, such as endurance, speed, accuracy, to deception, problem solving, and fortitude. Depending on where the applicant was raised, the vetting process ranges from a week to a month, with higher priority given to those born within the Central District.

To be promoted to higher ranks, not only must a different promotion exam must be taken, but a series of requirements- such as number of successful operations and achievements, must be satisfied before an agent may apply. In addition, the score of their exam dictates what departments they are able to apply for. 

Special examinations may be held by the Operations Manager, Division Lead Manager, and the Founder themselves, such as the Candidates exam, which Agents Red, Blue, and Yellow are a part of.


Other Corporations

The CHAOS Agency (Or, CHAOS Corp) has many rivals vying for its power, but most notably are Avalon Corp and Bellonde Workshop.

Their partnerships, however, include the Diamond Corp and Evertime Research Center- the former providing materials and logistics, while the latter provides high-grade research information on bio-engineering and pharmaceutical supplies.


Mission Statement

"Committed to clandestine excellence: protecting, defending, and prevailing in the shadows."

...Or so it goes, but who knows what the Agency was really built for, or what its founders are seeking even today...?

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  • Apr 11, 2024, 2:28:52 AM UTC
    This is really thought out and I love the whole layout you have too!
    • Apr 11, 2024, 4:58:52 AM UTC
      🥹 Thank you!! I put a lot of attention into the presentation and I'm super happy you noticed! ❤️
      • Apr 11, 2024, 12:33:39 PM UTC
        No problem! I'm kinda jealous now that I don't have a good setup like you do, dang :p