A Rookie Mistake | Camille's First Battle: A Rookie Mistake | Camille's First Battle - Chapter 1

Published Feb 28, 2024, 8:34:20 AM UTC | Last updated Feb 28, 2024, 8:34:20 AM | Total Chapters 1

Story Summary

This is a story related to Camille's first battle within the Paperverse.

Prompt: #6
What is an unconventional way you can draw or write your character using their element? (a fire elemental melting rock into lava to make a bridge across a chasm, a water elemental pushing the water away from their heads to make an air bubble for them to breathe underwater, ect)

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Chapter NaN: A Rookie Mistake | Camille's First Battle - Chapter 1

"You forget I can fly, too, you know." 

Camille remembered those words clear as day, when she and Arius were stuck in the confines of that tower, and when he suggested he fly her out.

Her home kingdom was unlike any other, unique in the sense that it was situated deep within the clouds above the mainland. It was said mages with abilities rooted in sky-based power built the kingdom long ago. All to hide themselves from dragons. Such a legend was laughable to her. Even more so as Camille remembered her father telling it when she was younger. She wouldn't be surprised if he had made the whole thing up.

Though, perhaps there was some truth to it. As nearly all of her kingdom's citizens held some kind of power over such magic. Camille herself could conjure and bend clouds to her will, even with mists and fogs being no exceptions. Able to walk on clouds as well, she was free to run across the skies to her heart's content. Provided that she didn't become exhausted. 

It would come as a surprise to her when Camille cloud-walked a bit too low to the ground, disturbing a resting slime that decided to unleash it's wrath on her. Luckily, it didn't seem to be the dissolving type, but barrages of watery slime attacks were enough to keep her from taking off right away. This would be a bit more of a challenge than previously thought. 

Drawing her trusty halberd, Camille would cut the slime; slashing it in half. Then in half again. Rookie mistake, as smaller living slimes would manifest from these halves. It seemed hopeless, until Camille thought to conjure a specific type of cloud: A night shining cloud. Despite knowing just how cold these clouds were, Camille was taken by surprise as she shivered from the chilliness that surrounded her and the slimes. With them distracted and frozen in place, she was luckily able to escape their wrath.

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