Journey to Sacrum City: Aftermath

Published Jun 17, 2021, 4:03:34 PM UTC | Last updated Jun 17, 2021, 5:15:34 PM | Total Chapters 2

Story Summary

AP payment for Kassumi-7921 of their two raptors, Tiko and Tuk! Accompanied by my own stryx Jade and her rider Neo. The city of Sacrum is under attack by the dangerous cave monsters nearby, but the group of adventurers reach the city just in time to assist.

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Chapter 2: Aftermath

The battle was exhilarating and extraneous, but it was finally over. The remaining monsters had retreated back into the deepest reaches of the cave system, and the fires on the outer edge of the city had been extinguished. The wounded had been taken in, and the casualties had been retrieved and brought to the proper places to prepare for mourning.

Jade panted heavily as the last monster gave a scared snarl and bolted away. Neo had run off with the defense forces to tend to the needs of others, while Tiko and Tuk were nearby.

Tiko looked alright, a little banged up and frightened, but Tuk seemed injured. He was limping, keeping his right leg elevated.


“Are you guys alright?” Jade asked the two.


“I’m alright, but Tuk’s hurt. One of those things got his leg in one good blow of its tail. They’re strong!” Tiko replied, out of breath. Tuk leaned into him for support.


“Well let’s not hang out outside any longer, they may be back.” Jade worried of their vulnerability out in the open. The three made their way back to the gates of the city, Tuk limping the whole way there. The guards at the entrance stopped them.


“What’s your business here?” The right guard asked.


“Oh come on, we just helped save your city, and he’s hurt-” Jade gestured to Tuk “-and all you can think about is keeping us out?” Jade snarled. “He needs medical attention. Now.”


The guards reluctantly let them inside, where they spotted Neo conversing with one of the defense force members. Jade called out to get her rider’s attention. Neo came running over to check the group for wounds, seemingly ignoring her own cuts and bruises in favor of the others.


Jade motioned to the injured raptor at her side, to which Neo called over a medic to help get Tuk somewhere to be assessed.


Once Tuk was inside a building they could only assume to be a medical bay, the remaining three waited anxiously to hear any good news of Tuk. Tiko seemed especially upset about the whole situation. Jade offered a wing around his body in consolation.


Eventually, after about an hour and a half, the medic emerged with Tuk in tow, who now had a splint on his injured leg.


“He’ll be alright, just be careful of putting too much weight on that leg for a while as it heals. It was merely a small fracture, not a break, so it should heal alright with time.” The medic said before he was again called away to attend to some more injured folks.


“I’m glad you’re ok.” Tiko embraced Tuk in a hug, which Tuk gladly returned.


“Yeah, I’m fine. Just hurts a bit is all.” Tuk replied. Neo smiled at the two conversing in their squawks and chirps, at least that’s what she could hear. As a different species, she had little to no ability to understand them, and even when soul bonded it’s more of a feeling about what the other is trying to communicate rather than actual speaking to each other. Speaking of which, she could feel Jade’s tiredness radiating from her.


“Want to go get some rest? The city will be recovering for a bit, but maybe later we can go and explore the place a bit. We came all this way, what’s a little attack gonna stop us from taking a look around?” Neo ruffled Jade’s neck feathers, receiving a contented purr from the Harpia.


“I’ll take that as a yes, then.” Neo chuckled.


As the reunited group made their way through the streets crowded with emergency camps and recovery stations, they reached a small stable and inn, where stryx could rest and their riders could get some sleep.


Neo signalled to the stryx accompanying her to stay outside while she checked in. Just as she was about to enter the door, someone stopped her.


“Excuse me? Are you the brave group that assisted us in our fight?”


Neo turned around to see a city official face to face with her.


“Yeah, we are. What did you need?” She asked.


“I was told by our council to bring you to our city hall, where we would like to award your generosity and kindness.” The city official said, to Neo’s surprise.


“Really now? Are you asking for just me? Or would it be alright if the mighty companions I had came with us?” Neo raised an eyebrow, pointing to the group of stryx sitting nearby. They all perked up their heads.


“Why of course they can come! You all were very noble in your actions, after all.” The official chuckled. He ushered them along, leading them in the direction of the city hall.


Once they all arrived, a small ceremony was held in the auditorium not only for them, but to honor those who were lost in the fight or because of it, as well as to celebrate their victory. Many other city officials were in attendance, as well as some of the guards and defense force, and even families of said groups. A few Stryx were also there, seemingly being battlers to defend the city.


Jade felt a little out of place here, but she wandered around and introduced herself to everyone, while Tiko and Tuk did the same, Tiko more so than Tuk. After a little while of chatting and socialising, attention was called to the front of the auditorium, where the main officials stood on the stage and spoke. Words of condolence were given for the fallen or injured, while speakings of praise were told for the brave fighters and the group of volunteers. Apparently this was only the second attack as of recent, but they were only growing in intensity. Sacrum city would be sending out search teams to find the source of the monsters’ aggravation, and would try and put a stop to it soon.


Once the whole thing was over, Neo returned to the inn with Jade, Tiko, and Tuk, where they all settled in for the day.

1010 words-20
Rider (Neo)-5
Soul-bonded (Neo)-4
Extra Stryx-3
Total= 36 AP
1010 words-20
Rider (Neo)-5
Extra Stryx-3
Total= 28 AP
1010 words-20
Rider (Neo)-5
Extra Stryx-3
Total= 28 AP

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