In A Darkened Room: Chapter 8: The Outsider

Published Jan 3, 2009, 5:21:04 AM UTC | Last updated Aug 8, 2009, 1:07:15 AM | Total Chapters 19

Story Summary

Vampires and Angels? Meet church mouse Maire, a young girl who lives in a one bedroom apartment with her cat, Justin. She's just an ordinary girl. Ordinary in every way, unless you believe she really does talk to angels. One night Maire's world is turned upside down when she is given the mission to save the soul of a handsome stranger named Touya. The only catch is, Touya is a vampire who doesn't want to be "saved." Touya's a bit of a rebel among his kind; he refuses to use innocent humans as cattle and he struggles against a nature he did not ask for. When Maire tells he that she's on a mission help him regain his lost faith, he scoffs at her and turns away. However, this isn't the end of their relationship, and Touya slowly grows more and more fascinated with her. Meanwhile, Maire turns to a local occult specialist, Allison Scott, who just happens to be half vampire and part of the local Wiccan coven, to give her the inside scoop on the vampire society. Oh, and did I mention there would be demons running amuck? Touya just loves kicking demonic butt! Can Maire help Touya to recover his lost faith, or will he tempt her beyond her limits? Follow along and see who saves who.

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Chapter 8: Chapter 8: The Outsider

In A Darkened Room

By Mishi


Chapter 8

The Outsider


Ma-chan = [ma as in mama. Chan as in Jackie Chan.] A nickname that Touya gives, Maire. It is a term of endearment sort of thing. Chan is traditionally a suffix on an end of a name in Japanese that means baby or little. It can be use to make the name cute, or just to show closeness with people. It is most often used for girls, but you can use it for guys too. Just don’t use it unless you really are close to the guy or you will get punched, because it makes his name super cute. Touya is shortening Maire’s name to get the Ma. 




The theater parking lot was crowded for a chilly Monday in October; crowded enough that Allison had to park at the end of the long row of cars in the back of the lot.


“I can’t believe we have to park all the way out here,” Allison complained. “That’s a long walk to the door. Makes me wish I wasn’t all dressed in formal clothes with these heels on.”


Allison had spent the day leading a seminar on vampire mythology and modern theory at one of the local colleges, and had not had time to go home and change before picking up Marie for the movie. She was wearing a gray pants suit with a pink silk shirt that had pearl buttons. Her shoes were gray heels to match the suit, and the heels were not normally something she would wear. Luckily, she had kept it simple and the heels were not that high. Her hair was down, which also was not her norm-she always feared that wearing her hair up when in a pants suit would make her look too old, but she felt leaving it down made her face warmer and gave the impression of youth.


Maire on the other hand was dressed for fun. She was in a Buffy: Once More with Feeling tee shirt with dark jeans and her pink tennis shoes. She had run out of her building with her burgundy windbreaker in her hands. Only now was she trying to put it on. “It’s a good thing I brought the windbreaker and wore jeans,” she stated before getting out of the warm car.


It was habit that made Maire search her surroundings as she waited for Allison to come up beside her. The cool October wind blowing through her hair confirmed the need for the windbreaker.


Allison didn’t need to be psychic to know what she was doing. “He’s over there,” she said, pointing to a car in the next row over.


Maire looked and didn’t see Touya, but did make out the top of the Mustang.


“I saw him drive around us.” She explained to an inquisitive Maire.


“I hope he enjoys the movie.” Maire said as they walked.


“Doesn’t it disturb you to know he’s there?” She asked, concerned.


“No…I mean, it used to. I think I’ve gotten use to him being there. It’s been over a month since this started, and I don’t think I’m afraid anymore after all I’ve heard about him.”


Allison was a bit skeptical of her friend’s lack of fear, “What about those three men, and what I told you he did to them the night you met him?”


“Oh…I would like to ask him why he did that,” she said in a small voice.


“Maybe he’ll give you the chance to ask him someday. Let’s try to enjoy the movie and not think about him,” Allison said as she opened the door to the main enterence.




They had decided to sit in the middle of the balcony section, which consisted of thirty rows leading up to the back of the room. The theater looked like any other theater with its gray seats and gray walls. The carpet was a deep crimson, and there were matching wall sconces on both sides of the room. The curtains surrounding the screen were also the crimson color. Ten extremely long rows of seats made up the floor seating, and there were two exits with all the seats between them.


Most people would have called the movie a “chick flick,” Maire, however, chose to call it a comedic romance. It would have been a good date movie, if she had a boyfriend. She caught glimpses of the faces around her as she chatted with Allison, but none of those faces were his. She felt somewhat disappointed as the lights dimmed and the previews started.


Though Touya had been nowhere in sight when the lights went out, she swore at various points during the movie she could sense his eyes on her back. It wasn’t until the big love scene that she really couldn’t take it anymore. The feeling was far too intrusive for her.

Gathering her courage, and fighting the embarrassment of the sex scene, she turned to see him in the second to last row. He was starring right at her. Their eyes locked and she couldn’t turn way. If she had thought the feeling of him watching her was too intrusive; well, that was nothing compared to the intimacy of the staring match. The weight of his gaze was so heavy, she felt like he was starring straight into her soul. Her heart began to pound with the thought that he could examine her soul. She tried to calm herself by focusing more on his face, but she couldn’t understand the expression on it. For a moment she thought he was lost in though, but it was too hard to tell in the dim lighting.


It was finally Touya who broke their gaze, turning away to look at the seats next to him. It was enough for her to turn back to the movie, but not enough to let her mind return to it. The rest of the movie was spent trying to determine the meaning of the expression on his face and what he would be thinking so hard about.  


She was also quiet on her way to Allison’s house. Letting Allison do most of the talking, she looked out at the expensive houses that lined the street. They were getting closer by the minute, she could tell by the niceness of the homes.


“You’re being awfully quiet, Maire. What’s up?” Allison asked, looking from the road in front of her to the passenger to her right, and back to the road again.


“Sorry, I was just thinking about something.”




Maire turned against the seatbelt to sit sideways in the seat, bending her left leg and tucking her foot under her right leg. “I felt him starring at me all night, so I turned around at one point and we got caught in a staring contest. I’ve been trying to understand the look I saw on his face.”


“Well, during what part of the movie did this great stare down take place?”


“The sex scene,” she said rolling her eyes.


“Oooh…well that would be longing, dear,” Allison laughed.


“I know what lust looks like, and that was not it!” She gave her a light slap on the upper arm, laughing as she did it.


“Hey, don’t hit the driver!” Allison laughed all the harder. When she had calmed down, and just before turning onto her street, she added, “And I said longing, not anything sex related. Longing is a deeper emotion. It’s a little more solid than a simple lust, if you ask me. And it could be for anything, not just sex.”


“I didn’t think of it that way. I don’t know if that was what it was, though.” She turned around to sit normally in her seat again. Suddenly it occurred to her, “Do you think he can hear what we are saying right now?”


“Considering that he is right behind us, I think he can, yeah,” Allison replied, slowing the car and turning into her driveway. “He has probably heard everything we have said all evening. He doesn’t let himself be that far from you. And I don’t think he is really trying to hide himself at the moment.”


“Why do you say that?”


“You are so unobservant. Look, he’s parked right in front of my house.” She turned to look over here shoulder. Maire followed her lead and did the same. There he sat plain as day.


Allison didn’t bother to pull the Benz in the two car garage for the night; she still had to take Maire home. So when the girls got out of the car, Touya was able to watch them head for the cottage via the little sidewalk that lead to the front door.


They were two figures against a lime stone backdrop. The cottage had an a-frame red tiled roof, and the front door matched that tile’s color perfectly. The storm door that Allison was holding open was a beautiful black rot iron and glass mixture. To the left of the door was a regular sized window, and to the right was a large bay window that was great for sitting in.


When she had unlocked the inside door, Allison turned her attention to Touya and called out, “You know, you could come in and talk to us, Touya.” She gave him a moment to react to her invitation before motioning her friend inside.


“Maybe he didn’t hear you,” Maire said, looking down the larger sidewalk that led to the street; hoping he would come out of the vehicle.


“He heard me. Let’s get out of the chill.” She held the storm door and pushed the big red door open, letting Maire go in first. Before closing the storm door she said, “Suit yourself. You’re the one missing out you big lug.” With both doors closed and the warmth of the cottage swirling around her, she took off her suit jacket and said, “Stupid vampire, doesn’t know when to come in out of the cold…humph”




Touya had spent most of the night listening at the dinning room window while the girls did their girl talk thing. They had made plans for one more movie over the weekend and Maire would be going to Allison’s to celebrate Halloween in a week.


As for now, he sat on her fire escape watching her fight the bed. His back was too the railing with one leg straight out in front of him, and the other bent and upright. He was cold, but too downhearted to bother buttoning the long coat; so he left it lying open. He was in a pair of black leather pants with a black silk shirt to match them. His short sword sat beside him. The chill in the wind reminded him that he should be in the building across the alley; however, the events of the evening inspired him to take up his newest post.


‘It would be so easy to open this window and go inside.’ He thought, touching the frame with his finger tips. ‘It’s windy out here, but I would be warm setting on the edge of her bed. Would you scream if you woke up and found me there?’ He turned to look at the alley below him and let his hand drop into his lap. ‘You would probably mistake me for a pervert if you found me on your bed. I can’t really blame you for that. I’d have to explain that I didn’t want that from you.’  He thought back on the events that had lead him to this strange fondness he felt for her and closed his eyes, ‘Angels...did it have to be angels you claim to talk to? Couldn’t you have a strange power all your own. Couldn’t you be this honest and good person without being on a mission to save me?’  


He heard her breathing change, and looked back at the window. She was finally sleeping. “About time you gave in, Ma-chan,” he whispered and stood up, putting the sword back into place. He stood nearly the full length of the window now. The lights from the street below cast his shadow over her resting body.  â€œI’ll see you tomorrow night, baby.”


Jumping the railing, he floated downward to the alley below. The Mustang was parked only a few feet way. Once inside, he started the vehicle and made his way towards the west side of the city where he knew he could always find some trouble.


He thought of Maire sleeping peacefully as he drove, and the thought made him smile. “Some true relaxation would do her good. I hope she stays that way for the night,” he thought aloud.


The city got dirtier the farther west he drove. Bars and cheap motels lined the streets along with abandoned buildings that had once been home to small shops and restaurants. Prostitutes were scattered here and there on street corners.  Touya took it all in looking for his prey.


He had circled

Market Street twice before she revealed herself. It was her walk that had given her away, her movements were too fluid. Not even the most graceful of humans could move like that. She was medium height with raven black hair cut into a bob. Her dress was black crushed velvet with long sleeves that were off the shoulder. The bottom hem of her dress stopped at her upper thigh, revealing the tops of her black stockings.


He had parked half a block away, but he could feel the slight bursts of energy coming off her. “What the hell is it with the possession thing lately?” he mumbled watching “Little Miss Goth” walk up to a shinny red Porsche. As the automobile pulled away with her inside, Touya fallowed.


Pulling into one of the shady motels, the couple parked in the little lot and entered the office. Touya waited on the street for them to come out, and watched as they disappeared behind the building.


He entered the office to find the clerk sitting in front of a small TV eating pizza. The room couldn’t have been bigger than a ten by ten foot square, with all four of its walls being mostly large windows. There was a soda machine in the right hand corner, and the counter as soon as you walked in. The TV sat on a small bookcase which held some black and blue binders in it. The only other furnishings were a small round table and the chair the clerk was setting in.


The clerk had to be no older than eighteen, if he was a day. He had short spiked blond hair, and was in navy pants with a matching polo shirt. He was just about to take a bite of the pizza when Touya asked, “That couple, where are they going?”


Tossing down the pizza, the clerk rose and came to the counter. Meeting Touya’s eyes, he responded, “Who the hell wants to know?”


Touya smiled and leaned on the counter. Looking into the boy’s eyes and imposing his will on him, Touya asked again, “Where are they going?”


The boy flinched like he had been struck by an invisible hand. His voice flat, he answered, “506…top floor in the back.”


“Thank you,” he said in a sarcastic tone, pushing away from the counter. “You can go back to eating your pizza now.”


The clerk did what he was told and Touya exited the office, heading right for room 506. It only took a mater of seconds for him to reach the room. He could hear the TV in the background, and they were talking about pricing. He wasn’t sure what the hellion occupying Little Miss Goth had in mind, but it was obvious to him that the demon didn’t intend to give up its disguise so early in the game.


Ready to get on with things, he knocked on the door. All talking stopped for a moment, and then he heard the man mutter, “You expecting someone?” Touya figured that the girl must have shook her head, because he didn’t hear her reply to the question. He knocked again. The John cursed under his breath and Touya heard footsteps growing closer to the door. The door opened a crack and Touya pushed his way in. The John was stammering trying to form a coherent sentence, and Little Miss Goth stood from her seat on the bed.


“What the fuck are you doing?” She yelled at Touya.


He closed the door and locked it. He had the man by the throat. The guy was older, maybe in his late forties; dressed in a nice three piece brown suit. He was taller than Touya and balding, but his body was still fit. Catching the man in his gaze, Touya told him to sit down and be quite. Without a word the man went for the chair by the window.


“Shit!” The girl exclaimed and tried to get past Touya, but he was too quick for her.


He grabbed her by the waist and threw her to the bed. Straddling her, he held her hands down. He fought to make eye contact with her, but the demon knew what he intended to do and was fighting. If he couldn’t bespell her first, she would feel the pain of his fangs tearing her flesh. It would take him a moment to take control of her mind after the feeding had begun, and she would be in pain until his mind could penetrate hers.


“Look at me!” He commanded. She fought to the point of closing her eyes. “If you can just get enough control to look me in the eyes, I can make sure this doesn’t hurt you.”


He finally had to settle for holding both of her hands with one of his, so he could hold her head still enough to reach the neck. He hated that she would feel the pain, but he had to get the thing out of her. He went for her neck trying to be as gentle as he could with her fighting to move her head. All the while Little Miss Goth thrashed and cursed him. He wondered how long it would be before someone called the police. If he was lucky, the people in the motel would respond to the yelling the way everyone else in the west side responded to violence; by doing nothing.


At last he had control over her mind, and she stopped moving.  He drew back and he ordered the demon to come out. However, this was a very stubborn creature, who didn’t want to come out when called. 


“I will kill her if you don’t come out,” he threatened. Sure, Touya knew that he wouldn’t do it, but the demon didn’t. Demons, though good fighters, were not the best thinkers. Touya was fairly confident that his bluff would work. So confident, in fact, he unzipped a hidden pocket in his coat and readied himself for when the creature would attack the man, who was still patiently seated near the window.


Within moments of his words, red mist pored from the girl’s mouth and onto the bed. It moved quickly from the bed to the floor, and towards the man. Reaching into the pocket, Touya grabbed a handful of sea salt and threw it at the John’s feet. The red mist stopped as if it had collided with a brick wall. Having nowhere to run too, the thing materialized.


It was shorter than Touya and bone thin with long arms and legs and a puny body. The room quickly filled with the smell of rotten eggs as the thing addressed Touya in its nails on a chalkboard voice, “Damn you, vampire, let me have one of them!”


Touya drew his sword and took a step forward. The thing shrieked in horror. Touya stopped, shocked by the behavior. He had never encountered a demon who coward before him like this. 


With its hands over its face and hunkering down in fear, the demon pleaded, “Let me have the man, he has money and I can pay you for your mercy.” He watched through his fingers for Touya’s reaction.


“Do you honestly think I would make a deal with you?” He was sickened by the thought. “How pathetic! Your choices are to fight or go back to hell on your own. I will not make a deal.”   


“So long…it took so long for me to get out!” It began to crawl towards him on its hands and knees. He didn’t know what to do, so he watched it coming closer and closer until it was kneeling right in front of him. The demon sat back on its legs and begged, “Let me stay, please, please, please…” Then out of nowhere its claws tore into his leg. The swing of his sword was nearly a reflex action, which took off the things head. Red mist formed on the floor once more and headed for the door, and out a crack in its frame. Touya followed until the mist disappeared down a sewer drain behind the motel.


Returning to the room, he tore up the bed sheet to make a bandage for his leg and went to the bathroom to check out the damage. There were four deep rips in his inner right thigh, which told him he would be taking more blood from the girl before letting them go.


“Nasty ass demons,” he growled through clinched teeth as he bandaged the leg that hurt like hell. “If there is a God, I just want to know why damage caused by demons heals so damned slow? I’m a vampire for piss sakes; doesn’t that make me a little higher on the food chain? But no…demons can do wicked shit with their claws.” 


Leaving the bathroom, he looked at the motel room for the first time. The John was still setting in one of the two chairs that went with the table which set next to the window. The walls were off white and the curtains were amber, to match the carpet and bedding. A long dresser set along the wall in front of the bed, which held a lamp, TV, and the phone. There was another lamp next to the bed on a small wooden nightstand.  


Completing his assessment, he went to the bed and told Little Miss Goth to sit up. She obeyed and looked at him. He stopped to turn off the TV before pulling the extra chair over to sit in front of the prostitute. He then looked into her blank face and asked, “Why did you summon the demon?”


“I wanted power over rich men.” Her voice was flat and emotionless.


“Did you do this alone or did someone help you?”


“The Legion of Belial helped me.”


“Legion of Belial, huh…that’s new. Where can I find them? Tell me exactly were they are right now, and tell me how to get there.”


“They’re at the farm house, out by the Miller’s Dam.”


He took up a pen and a note pad that was next to the phone to write out the directions that followed. They weren’t complicated directions by any means, and he was sure he could find it. She was talking about a thirty minute drive out into the country. The worst he would face would be tromping through the woods part of the way, because the farm was hidden from the highway by a small bit of greenery.


He asked her other questions about numbers of followers and names. Leaders used fake names to hide their true identities-names that made him laugh like Lord Baal.


When his questions were answered, he shoved the paper with the directions in his pants pocket and bent close to drink from her again. This time there was no struggle. She sighed as the fangs met flesh and her arms slid around his neck. Tinny moans escaped her lips as he sucked.  


After removing himself from her arms, he went to the man seated before the window. His gaze fell on the band of gold, which encircled the John’s ring finger. Had he not been married, Touya would have seen him as an innocent and let him go. However, Touya held a harsh view of adultery. ‘Do you deserve pleasure or pain for your involvement in tonight’s festivities?’ He asked himself, while playing with his lower lip. 


“Have you cheated on your wife before?” He inquired.


“Yes,” the John replied.


Settling on a course of action, “You will make no sound as I feed from you. No matter how much it hurts, you will not cry out. You will remember from this day on that cheating on your wife causes you great pain. You will never cheat on her again as long as she is your wife.” With that he tore into the man’s neck, feeding without mercy. The John sat motionless with a look of agony on his face; his mouth open in a silent scream that would never be heard.


Finished with the John, Touya gave him a memory of changing his mind about the prostitute once inside the room, and suggested that he was racked with guilt over the idea of cheating. It was a guilt so terrible that it had caused him physical pain, making him run from the room and to his car. Then he promised that the man would return to himself when he reached his front steps.


“All you have to do now is leave this room, get in your car and drive yourself home,” he said holding open the door. The John stood up and walked out of the room with Touya closing the door behind him.


Returning to the spot in front of Little Miss Goth, he asked, “What is your name?”


“Sandy Allan”


“Where do you live?”



1425 Dalton Avenue, in The Village.”


 â€œAt least you have good taste, those are nice apartments. Why are you working here instead of as an escort?”


“I don’t want to pay someone to let me do my job, and I needed to start a client list.”


“So the demon helped you attract the rich sort and you get your list started. That makes sense. I don’t have to ask what the demon got in exchange, I’m sure he enjoyed destroying marriages and souls with what you do.” He paused and took her hand, “How old are you?”




“Why are you a prostitute?”


“I left home when I was 16 and it was the easiest way to make money.”


“Why did you leave home?”


“My parents got divorced. I was angry at both of them, and couldn’t decide who to live with, so I left.”


For the first time she started to show signs of emotion, so much so, that he had to force her mind back under his control.


“Get up and follow me,” he commanded.


He drove her back to her apartment asking her more questions about home and family as they drove. When they reached the apartment he had her pack a backpack with clothes and toiletries. Afterwards he drove her to the bus station, buying her a one way bus ticket to Tampa, Florida and stuffing $500 dollars into her purse.


“You don’t blame them for splitting up anymore. You can forgive them and let them love you. Go home to your parents and make up with them. You also will stop being a prostitute. You will forget about the men you have as clients and you will forget the Legion of Belial. No matter were you go, you will get an honest job. Do you understand?”




“You’ll fall asleep on the bus and when you wake up you will not remember me, but you’ll do everything I’ve told you to do. Goodbye and good luck, Sandy.”


He watched her get on the bus before turning to leave. He was happy for a moment until he noticed a few odd looks from a couple walking towards the bus. That’s when he remembered the rip in his pants. The makeshift bandage was under the pants, but the torn material was still an eye sore.


“Fucking demon,” he muttered as he walked out the door.  

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