In A Darkened Room: Chapter 12: The Art of Touching

Published Jan 3, 2009, 5:21:04 AM UTC | Last updated Aug 8, 2009, 1:07:15 AM | Total Chapters 19

Story Summary

Vampires and Angels? Meet church mouse Maire, a young girl who lives in a one bedroom apartment with her cat, Justin. She's just an ordinary girl. Ordinary in every way, unless you believe she really does talk to angels. One night Maire's world is turned upside down when she is given the mission to save the soul of a handsome stranger named Touya. The only catch is, Touya is a vampire who doesn't want to be "saved." Touya's a bit of a rebel among his kind; he refuses to use innocent humans as cattle and he struggles against a nature he did not ask for. When Maire tells he that she's on a mission help him regain his lost faith, he scoffs at her and turns away. However, this isn't the end of their relationship, and Touya slowly grows more and more fascinated with her. Meanwhile, Maire turns to a local occult specialist, Allison Scott, who just happens to be half vampire and part of the local Wiccan coven, to give her the inside scoop on the vampire society. Oh, and did I mention there would be demons running amuck? Touya just loves kicking demonic butt! Can Maire help Touya to recover his lost faith, or will he tempt her beyond her limits? Follow along and see who saves who.

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Chapter 12: Chapter 12: The Art of Touching

In A Darkened Room

By Mishi


Chapter 12

The Art of Touching


Despite the late evening with Touya, Maire had managed to get up bright and early to head out and buy material for her Halloween costume. Donning the new outfit that he had bought her, she had headed out at 9 a.m., so she could be at the fabric store when they opened at ten. Presently, it was just pass 2 p.m., and she was setting on her living room floor cutting the patterns out of the blue felt.


As she cut out the last piece, the phone rang. Leaving everything where it lay, she went for the cordless. She checked the caller ID with a secret hope that it was her vampire stalker, but it was only Michael.


“Hey Michael, what’s up?” She answered as she made her way back to the material, so she could pile it up and carry it to the bar; where she had the portable sewing machine plugged in.


“Hey,” he said back. “Are you busy?”


“I was working on my Halloween costume,” she announced cheerfully, placing the pieces on a barstool.


“Kinda old to be trick-or-treating, aren’t you?” He chuckled.


“Oh, don’t…I’m going to Allison’s to help her pass out candy, and I wanted to dress up for the kids,” she explained.


“Ah…I talked to your mom this morning,” he said nervously, knowing she wouldn’t like what was coming.


“And,” her cheeriness faded.


“She’s wondering why you haven’t called her about the attack.”


“I don’t really want to talk about what happened with anyone. What did you tell her?”


“I told her you’ve been busy. I told her that you went back to work right after you got out of the hospital, and that you’ve had people around you since it’s happened. She still wants to talk to you, so you might hear from her sometime soon.”


“I wonder if I can avoid that call?” She remarked offhandedly.


Michael gave a disapproving sigh, and said, “She’s your mother, Maire. She’s worried and just wants to know if you’re alright.”


“I know, but I don’t want to talk to her about this. I just want to forget it happened. I don’t want to keep remembering it until I’m afraid to go outside my apartment,” she explained, letting the frustration over their lack of understanding creep into her voice.


“I’ll call her back in a bit and try to explain that to her. Will that help?”


“You know her, Michael. I doubt it will make a difference, but if you want to try…go a head. It can’t hurt anything, I guess.”


“Alright, I’ll give her a call back. I’ll see you tomorrow morning at Mass.”


“Ok, see ya,” she said hitting the talk button to end the call. She sat the cordless down on the bar next to the sewing machine, so if it rang again she wouldn’t have trouble hearing it.




It was another crowded night in the movie theater parking lot, but somehow they had lucked out and come across a car pulling out of a spot as they were pulling in.


“Yes, we rock!” Allison exclaimed putting the Benz into park. She was in a playful mood and her outfit showed it. She was dressed in a pair of black jeans and a black tee shirt with a little goth girl dressed in plaid on the front. In red letters, next to the girl, the tee shirt read, “huggably goth.” She also had on a long red knit sweater and red canvas shoes, and her hair was done up in pigtails. “This is a sign you know.”


Maire laughed and asked, “A sign of what? Laziness, cause we can’t walk that far to the door.”


“No,” she gave her a push and explained, “Look at us…we are so cute! We are going to see this movie, and then we are going to go out and meet the men of our dreams.”


“Oh…ok, I thought it was going to be something that could take place in my reality.”


“Will you stop! Acknowledge how cute you are…come on, say it with me…I am so cute!”


Maire looked at her friend like she was on drugs. “You are serious?” She laughed.


“Yes, now say it.”


“I am so cute,” it came out a little flat.


“One more time,” Allison insisted. “This time with feeling.”


Together they said, “I am so cute!”


“There don’t you feel great!” Allison laughed.


“I feel stupid!” Maire giggled.


Suddenly Maire’s door opened and Touya popped his head into the car. Both girls screamed and jumped at the unexpected intrusion.


“It’s not the best idea to sit in parking lot with you car door unlocked,” he chided, squatting down next to the car.


“You’re not supposed to sneak up on us like that!” Allison yelled, letting him know she was good and angry at him for scaring the wits out of them.


He smiled and looked at Maire, “I couldn’t help myself when I heard your conversation.” He let his smile grow wider as she looked at him. “You are so darn cute.”


Maire blushed and looked way, while Allison said, “Oh, that was so damn obvious…do you want to tell me again that he doesn’t have a crush?”


He laughed as Allison turned to get out of the car. Standing up, he offered his hand to Maire, who stared at it for a moment before undoing her seatbelt and taking it. He eased her out of the car, which put her close to his body once she was on her feet. He was enticed by the warmth coming from her hand, and for a moment, he wondered what the rest of her warm body would fell like against his. Thankfully, before his thoughts could get out of control, she let go of his hand and moved away from him. He closed the door and moved to join Maire at Allison’s side as she locked the car with her key chain.


“Does this mean you’re going to join us for the movie?” Allison asked moving them towards the theater and out of the cold.


“That depends on Maire,” he answered looking at Maire. “Would you like for me to join you?”


Maire was stunned that he had asked instead of just doing what he wanted. “Ugh…yes, I want you to,” she answered shyly, avoiding looking into his eyes.


“Can I pay for your ticket?” He asked her.


“I have enough money to pay for it,” she insisted.


Suddenly he was standing in front of her, and she all but ran into him. His right arm wrapped around her waist and she tried to back up, but he had her locked in place. He whispered into her ear, “I know you are on a tight budget and you can’t afford Allison’s lifestyle. I’m not asking anything in return. Let me pay for the movie.”


Pushing against him was like pushing against as brick wall. Though, she had never wanted to be this close to brick wall before. The moment his warm breath touched her ear, she stopped struggling and her pulse began to speed for reasons that had nothing to do with fear. Standing there with his arm around her and his hand on the small of her back, she was willing to do anything he asked. She couldn’t speak, so she nodded her approval.


He stepped out of her way, but his hand remained on her back as they entered the theater. After buying their tickets, Touya sent the girls to their seats as he snuck off to buy snacks.


“What do you think he’s up to?” Maire asked her friend as they took their usual seats in the balcony.


“How should I know, he’s your boyfriend,” she teased.


“He is not!” Maire squeaked with her cheeks turning bright red.


“Oh, please, don’t even try to deny it. He is falling all over you.”


“It’s really not like that. He just wanted to pay for my ticket because I don’t have that much money. It has nothing to do with him being my boyfriend.”


“Ok, probably not…but you would like it too, wouldn’t you? Come on, Maire, spill it.”


“It’s too late, Touya, I saw you,” Maire said, after seeing Touya duck back around the wall at the bottom of the stairs.


He stepped out and began to ascend the stairs. He was carrying a giant tub of popcorn and a drink carrier with two large drinks.


“Great timing, Mr. Smooth,” Allison teased him when he came to their row.


“You couldn’t have asked that question a few seconds earlier?” He fired back, giving the popcorn to Maire, and then handing Allison one of the drinks. He set the second drink in his drink holder and took off his coat. He was wearing a plain black tee shirt that clung tightly to his muscled arms and chest, and it was tucked into his black leather pants.


“Don’t blame me for your poor timing,” Allison continued. Then noticing that there were only two drinks she asked, “Why didn’t you get Maire a drink?”


“I did, she’s sharing with me,” he answered, offering the drink to the red head next to him. “It’s Cherry Coke. I hope you don’t mind swapping a little vampire spit.”


“Oh, what’s a little bodily fluids among friends,” Allison giggled.


Maire elbowed her in the arm as hard as she could manage and gave Touya a weak smile. Meanwhile, the smile on Touya’s face could have rivaled the Cheshire Cat’s.


“I’m hoping there’s love scene in this movie,” Touya said, taking a sip of the pop.


“Oh, I’ve heard there’s a really steamy one in it,” Allison confirmed, looking at Maire.


Maire was gradually sinking in her seat and mumbling, “Lord help me, Lord help me…”


“Maybe we should stop, I think she’s going to hyperventilate,” Allison laughed.


“Ma-chan, we’ll stop now…please set up,” he said softly.


She sat up and stopped her prayer. He took a handful of popcorn and shoved it into his mouth, which fascinated her to no end. “You can eat food?” She asked.


“Huh…oh, yeah, I can eat some stuff. Mostly carbs…proteins are hard on our bodies.”


She was about to ask another question when the lights dimmed and the previews started to roll. Throughout the movie, she held the popcorn for the three of them and Touya held their drink. For the first part of the movie she sat with her body scrunched up into a tight ball. She was trying her best not to touch his arm, which was on the armrest. As much as she tried, she couldn’t concentrate on the movie, she could only think of how close he was to her. Looking at his hand, she felt the greatest urge to hold it.


Picking up on her nervousness, Touya did the one thing he had been trying not to do with her; he peaked into her head to find the cause of her anxiety. When he found it was the desire to touch him that was the problem, he suppressed a devilish grin and leaned into her ear and said, “You can relax, I’m not going to bite you, you know. Stop being so nervous and enjoy the movie.” Then he reached out and took her hand.


She leaned over and spoke in his ear, “You read my mind didn’t you!”


“You wanted me to touch you,” he whispered, his lips brushing against her ear. She closed her eyes and nearly dumped the popcorn. “Sorry, I got carried way again,” he gave her a little more room. “But touching me isn’t so bad, is it?”


“I really shouldn’t be doing this…we aren’t on a date, Touya,” she pointed out, hanging on to the little bit of resolve she still had.


“No, but there is nothing that says we have to be on a date to hold hands.”


“I shouldn’t be having these thoughts to begin with!” She tried to pull her hand out of his, but he wouldn’t let go.


“Why not? Why don’t you get to be human? So you are attracted to me…what’s so wrong with that?” He was becoming angry, but he kept his voice gentle and calm.


“I don’t know why, but it’s just not what I’m meant to do.”


“Do you really want me to let go of your hand? Remember I can read your mind, so you can’t lie about it.”


She took a deep breath and set back in her seat, and tried to relax and enjoy the feel of her hand in his. His hand was cold against hers, but she didn’t mind it. His skin was soft for a man. It wasn’t that she couldn’t feel how powerful the hand was, because she could feel the solidness of it. However, there was a silkiness to the skin that she was completely taken with.


It seemed like she had just managed to calm herself and get use the idea of him holding her hand, when the movie’s big love scene began. Almost immediately her body began to tense as she gave him a sideways glance. He appeared to be contently looking at the screen, but his thumb was suddenly moving in tiny circles on the back of her hand. Mercifully, the small gesture was a welcome distraction from what was taking place on the screen. Turning all her attention to their hands and his thumb moving against her hand, she tried to let herself relax again.


She had been doing well until she heard the moan break over the sound system, which caused her to look up at the screen. That’s when he leaned in and offered her a drink of the Cherry Coke. She gave him a sheepish grin and took a sip of the drink he was holding for her. He returned the grin and took a sip himself. She watched as he placed the drink in the drink holder and returned his attention to her. His head was resting against the back of the seat and he was looking at her. He looked peaceful as he sat there watching her. She marveled at how handsome his face looked with his full lips and exotic eyes. Then as suddenly as it had taken place, he returned his attention to the screen. To Maire’s relief, it had been enough of a disruption for the longwinded scene to come to an end.


The rest of the movie was less stressful and passed by quickly.


“Now what?” He asked as they walked to the car.


“We’re going to Blue Heaven,” Allison answered, digging for her keys.


“You’re taking Maire to a goth club?” He asked letting the displeasure come through in this voice.


“Yes, and she will be fine. I won’t let anything happen to her,” she responded looking at Maire.


“I’ll make sure nothing happens to her,” Touya said, sounding aggravated.


They had reached the Benz and Allison used her remote to open the locks. Touya moved in front of Maire and opened her door.


“Oh no you don’t…we won’t meet anyone with you hanging around,” Allison informed him.


“Fine, I’ll set at another table, but if she goes in…I’m going in too.”


“I’m right here, don’t I get a say?” Maire asked, waving her hand in the air.


“Sorry, hun, of course you do,” Allison answered.


“I don’t mind if Touya comes along. He can sit at another table like he said. I’ll feel safer with him there.”


“If that’s what you want, hun, that fine with me.” Allison commented as she got into the Benz.


Maire got into the car as well, and Touya squatted next to it for a moment and added, “There are vampires at this club, Maire. This is one of the three clubs in the city were you will find us in large numbers. Stay out of the upper areas and don’t go to the ladies room by yourself.


“If any vamps step up, I’ll tell them that she’s not their type. I promise, she’ll be fine,” Allison said with all sincerity. 


“She better be,” were his last words before closing her door.




Blue Heaven was located up town not too far from Avalon in the Avenues. It was on the corner of

8th Avenue and Hurst to be exact, and was next to a record store and tattoo parlor.  The outside of the building was brick that had been painted blue to match the neon sign that said Blue Heaven, which hung above the black metal door. The windows had mannequins dressed in dog collars and goth outfits framed in blue neon with black plastic behind them. On the inside, it was more like any club with booths lining two walls and a bar to the right of the door along the wall, which put it under the balcony that reached out over the room to meet the dance floor. Tables sat between the bar and the dance floor. The DJ and sound system sat on the wall opposite the bar. The walls were dressed in blue velvet, while the walls that were still exposed were painted black.


The girls went straight to the bar for drinks before heading to a table. It was Allison who did the ordering, because Maire wasn’t aggressive enough to get the bartender’s attention.


Before Maire could pay for the raspberry daiquiri that the bartender was busy making, Touya was behind her pushing a twenty into her hand. “You’ve seen how well arguing with me works, now just take the money and deal with it,” he ordered, pressing against her back. The brief contact with his body made her shiver, and Allison had to nudge her when it was time to pay for her drink.


The girls decided to sit at one the tall tables on the edge of the dance floor. Maire had a bit of trouble getting onto the tall rot iron chair with her short legs, but once on it, she was fine. Touya took up the booth only a few feet away where Maire could look over her shoulder and see him sitting. He had taken his coat off and was watching her sit nervously on her perch.


‘Everything makes her so nervous, how does she function during the day?’ He thought as he watched her setting there huddled over her drink.


As he feared, it was a pair of young vampires who picked them out of the crowd first. He knew them to be from Marcus’ territory, which is how they new Allison. He heard her politely explain to the dark haired male that Maire wasn’t his type, which the young one understood right away and backed off, and some of the tension in his shoulders eased. He was even more relieved when the dark haired male left the table completely, but he wasn’t happy when the vampire with golden hair and red highlights stayed. Touya looked into Maire’s mind to see what she thought about the intruder. It had been his clothes that she had noticed, and she was thinking that the leather pants and black HIM tee shirt would look much better on Touya. He let himself smile at the thought just in time for her to turn around and catching him doing it. She gave him a look that said she knew what he was doing and didn’t like it.


It was a waitress in a Catholic school girl uniform who saved him from her unapproving glare. He listened as Maire ordered another daiquiri, and the young male, Aaron, ordered a Margarita and Sex on the Beach for Allison and himself.  Touya was certain that the second drink would finish off the last of the twenty he had given her, and he wondered if he should slip over to the table and give her more money. He noticed that the alcohol had calmed her nerves-she was sitting up a little straighter in her seat and looking around. He heard her make some comments about liking the music the club had been playing, and Allison promised to burn her some CDs to sample with similar music. She seemed pleased with that idea, though she was concerned about the copyrights being violated. Allison promised that she wouldn’t copy the entire CD, but only make a sample disc, so she could go and buy the CDs of the bands she liked. This seemed to ease Maire’s conscience about burning the CDs, and they were on to a new topic by time the waitress came back with their drinks.


He had ordered his second bourbon by time a very well endowed blond came to sit at his booth with him. She was wearing a very tight red corset and long velvet black skirt with her hair done up in a pile of curls on her head. Little black bats hung from her ears and a black beaded choker circled her pale neck.


“I’m Candy, and you look hungry,” she said, leaning forward to show as much cleavage as possible without spilling over the top of her corset.


He nearly laughed at her, he was so amused. He had a second to think the better of it, but her approach proved to him that women shouldn’t use pickup lines. “I’m Touya,” he managed to say without laughing, which was a major test of will power.


“I love your hair…it looks great on you,” she complimented him.


“Thank you, but I should let you know that I’m waiting for someone to join me,” he responded glancing over in Maire’s direction.


“Oh, really?” Candy sounded a bit shocked, because she wasn’t accustomed to being rejected.


It was Allison who noticed that Touya wasn’t alone and pointed towards his booth, Maire turned, eyes following the finger.


“Yes, I’m actually waiting for the red head; she’ll be joining me soon,” he informed her.


“That timid thing? She’s going to just get up and leave her friends to come sit with you?” Candy couldn’t believe his ego.


“Pretty much,” he nodded and took a sip of the bourbon.


Maire slapped her hands down on the table and announced, “I’m ready.” She then climbed down form her chair, picked up what was left of her daiquiri and headed for his booth.


“Oh my God, I do not believe this!” Candy blurted when she saw Maire walking towards the booth.


Touya just grinned at her with his arms folded across his chest.


“Touya, it’s boring over there…Allison is talking to Aaron and I’m feeling like a third wheel, can I sit with you now?”


He moved his coat over and slid farther in to the booth, giving her room to sit beside him. Candy, no longer feeling confident about the situation, stood with a loud “humph” and disappeared into the crowded dance floor. Touya didn’t mind one bit, he was with the women he preferred.


It was on accident that Maire had originally touched his arm with hers. Without her windbreaker on, and her bare skin able to touch his, she was finding herself fascinated with the feel of his skin against hers. With the alcohol coursing through her body, she was looking for any and all excuses to touch him.


Finally he leaned into her ear and asked, “Are you having fun?”


She giggled and answered, “Yep!”


“You remind me of a child playing with a cat, because they’re fascinated with the feel of its fur,” he said. He lingered at her ear and then gently rubbed his cheek against hers.


Things low in her body began to tighten, but defiantly she said, “How do you know I like the touching so much?”


He pulled back to look her in the eyes before answering, “I haven’t lived this long without learning when a women enjoys being touched and when she doesn’t. My only question is, how much of this is the alcohol and how much of this is you?”


“It’s not the alcohol,” she stated right off, but he gave her a look that made her rethink it. “Maybe some of it is the alcohol, but I do like touching you. See, because of my dad I don’t like to have people touch me. I jump or cringe when I’m touched…even when it’s Michael doing the touching. I don’t do that with you, and I don’t know way. But it feels wonderful to touch and be touched without the bad reaction. And I trust you. I know that nothing will hurt me when I’m with you, because you’ll protect me. You are the first person I’ve ever felt safe around.”


“I’m flattered,” he told her, looking into her eyes. Then moving her hair away from her shoulders he pulled her closer and used his nose to trace the line of her neck to her jawbone. As he did this he spoke, his voice a deeper bedroom voice, “But who protects you from me?”


Her breath caught in her throat and a tingle of excitement rippled through her body. When she could let out the breath, she answered, “You said you wouldn’t hurt me.”


He stayed close enough to her face that they could have kissed, and said, “My innocent little church mouse, don’t you see what I’m already doing to you? I should be staying away from you, but I’m not.”


“I don’t want you to stay away,” she whispered, her voice full of air. She tried to kiss him, but he pulled back out of her reach.


He knew if he kissed her he would want more. He cursed himself for starting something he couldn’t let himself finish. “I should take you home. I think we’ve been her long enough,” he insisted, coaching her out of the booth and to her feet. He led her by the hand to say goodnight to Allison and to get her windbreaker. After taking the moment or two to put on their extra garments, the two were on there way back to Maire’s




The drive home had been one of little words for Touya, because he had asked her about Iris; and she spent the trip explaining Iris’ appearance and giving him some of their history together. After parking a few car lengths away from her front door, he got out and opened her door for her. He offered her his hand, just as he had back at the theater, which she took. Then he walked her to the door.


“Please come up with me,” she begged, refusing to let go of his hand.


“I can’t, baby. I gave you the movie and the club, can’t that be enough?” he asked, kissing the back of her hand.


“They were both great, but I’m not ready to let you go yet.”


“Remember, arguing doesn’t work with me, so you should give up now.”


“Fine, I’ll deal with it for now…but one day you are coming in!” She looked him in the eye and meant it. Then letting go of his hand, she went inside.


Immediately he was off to check her apartment for intruders before she reached it. Within seconds he was hovering outside her living room windows peaking in. Then her bedroom. He didn’t sense anyone in the apartment, but that meant nothing to him if the blond bitch from before were hiding inside; so he did a quick entrance through the window. He had everything checked and was back outside before she made it up the elevator.


The first thing she did when she came in was to turn on the light and toss the mail she had picked up on the coffee table to be looked at tomorrow. Striping out of the windbreaker, she made her way into the bedroom. Once inside, she hung up the pink jacket and turned to look out the window-she knew he was watching from the dark room across the alley, even if she couldn’t see him. After a long moment, she let herself close the blinds so she could get changed into her pajamas.


The moment the blinds closed, he knew what she would be doing, and his mind went wild. There was no longer any way for him to lie to myself about the fact that she excited him. He was drawn to her innocence and purity. He hated himself for the thoughts he was having. He wanted her because she was pure, but the very thing he wanted to do to her would corrupt that purity. Despite that fact, all he could think about was her body beneath his and the sound of her calling out his name. “I don’t deserve her,” he thought aloud, running his hand through his hair.


The blinds were open again and she was in the bathroom. He knew the lights would go out when she finished and she would begin her prayers. She would pray for him. She would pray on his behalf to a god that he had lost over 450 years ago. He wondered why she bothered, but he adored her for it. “Would you forgive me for corrupting her?” He whispered to the empty room. “Would it make any difference if I could say it was more than just lust?” He began to play with his bottom lip as he watched her come out of the bathroom and turn off the lights. “No…not according to the rules. I would be breaking those…she would be breaking those.”


It was just before 1 a.m., that he gave up the argument with the god he couldn’t believe still wanted him, and then he ended up on her fire escape. The night had turned damp, and there was a fine mist in the air that held possibilities of growing heavier at any moment. At least the cold air and mist helped to cool off his libido and bring him back to reality. He was so distracted by the weather that he didn’t see her get out of the bed, or her approach to the window. She had made it half way before he realized she was coming towards him.


She opened the window, dropped to her knees and asked, “What are you doing out in the cold?” She stuck her hand out, after feeling a bit of moister come in the window. “And rain!”


“I always watch you until you fall asleep, then I leave,” he answered.


“Well, I’m not going to sleep knowing you are out here in the rain. You may as well come in side,” she insisted, reaching out and pulling at his arm.


“I suppose you won’t care if I think I’m better off out here,” he groaned as he got up, picked up his sword and climbed in the window.


She picked a hanger out of the closet and took his coat from him, so she could hang it in the bathroom on the shower curtain rod. He was busy taking off his boots when she came back into the room. She was carrying a towel, to dry his face and hair. Without asking him, she gathered his hair in the towel and began to dry it. He could have argued that his hair wasn’t really that damp, but he didn’t. Instead he leaned his head back and simply enjoyed her gentle tugging.


“All done,” she announced tossing the towel into the laundry basket she kept in the closet.


He watched silently as she got back in bed and crawled under the covers. She sat in the middle of the bed for several seconds waiting for him to move, before she decided to pat her hand on the foot of the bed and say, “Come on…get up here.” It as if she was calling an animal to sit at her feet.


He took great amused and flashed her a wicked grin. “Are you sure it’s a good idea to have me on the bed with you?” He asked in the soft voice that was always for her.


She fought the need to blush and told him, “I trust you. You won’t do anything I don’t want you to do.”


His face was suddenly sober. She had so much faith in him and he was afraid of disappointing her. Slowly he climbed onto the bed, taking his place against the wall and to the right of her feet.


She decided to lie down on her side, so she could face him. Her body was curled up in the comforter, which was tucked under her chin, and she was watching him watching her. For the longest moment, they just stared at each other not knowing what to say.


“I finally got you in my apartment,” she gloated with a smile.


He stretched out his legs, because she had left him space to do so. “Yes…yes, you did. I guess that makes you very happy.” He said, crossing his arms across his chest.




“Why does it make you so happy?”


“I can see you when I talk to you. It’s more personal. I can touch you if I want to. All kinds of stuff can happen now.”


“It’s that last thing that worries me. You don’t know what you just invited into your home…your bed,” his face grow dark to match is mood.


“Yes, I do. I invited a wonderful man into my home. Someone who’s kind and gentle. You care about people, Touya.”


“Is that why you pray for me? Because you think I’m a wonderful guy?” A bit of sarcasm crept into his voice as he looked down the length of his legs.


“Do you not like me praying for you?” Her voice came out sounding small.


He leaned his head against the wall and took a deep breath, then confessed, “It means a lot to me that you do. I just don’t understand why you bother.”


“Because you can’t get help if no one asks for it. If you won’t ask, then I’ll do it for you.”


“Ma-chan, I haven’t believed in God for over 450 years. Why would he want me now?”


“I don’t know. Maybe he’s sick of you running from him…or maybe he knows you’re sick of running from him.”


He studied her face for a long moment. “That’s ridiculous,” he said, the words sounding flat.


“Touya, why did you stop believing in God?”


“Because he abandoned me! He let me became this thing that murders families to survive,” he growled scooting forward, as if he were going to leave the bed.


She popped up into his lap and stopped him from moving by straddling his legs, and saying, “I don’t know why he did that. I’ll ask Iris to find out why. She’ll tell me. I’ll get you an answer…just don’t leave.” She threw her arms around his shoulders and squeezed.


With her body so close to his, it was difficult for him to be angry. His libido was immediately reawakened and he was busy taking in the smell of her herbal shampoo and the warmth of her skin.


“Maire,” he whispered against her ear as he ran his hands up and down over her ribs; each time coming dangerously close to her breasts. “You bring out a dangerous side in me.”


“You promised you wouldn’t hurt me,” the words came out full of breath.


“Am I hurting you?” he asked, rubbing his cheek against hers.


“No,” she whispered.


Suddenly a crack of thunder rumbled through the apartment. Maire jumped with an “eep.” It was enough to bring Touya to his senses. She trusted him and what he wanted to do before the thunder had aroused him would have been a betrayal; she was still under the influence of the alcohol and he would be taking advantage.


“That scared me half to death,” she said putting her hand on her forehead.


“Maybe you should get back under the covers,” he suggested looking into her green eyes.


“Ok, but you’re going to stay, right?” She began to move hesitantly, waiting for his answer.


“I’m gonna stay,” he pushed himself back to the wall to settle in for the next few hours.


“Thank you,” she said, snuggling up in the comforter.


“Just try to sleep.”


She closed her eyes and he turned to stare at the rain as it pounded against the window.  ‘I should be happy,’ he thought to himself. ‘I wondered what it would be like to be here on this bed with her, and now I know. It’s warm and I’m surrounded by that wonderful sent of hers. This is like being at the gates of heaven. Being here tonight is going to make it very difficult to tell her no in the future.’ He turned to look at her restless form with a frown. ‘I wish I knew what I was supposed to do with you. Staying away from you is no longer an option.’       



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