The Sea and the Wolf: Chapter 8

Published Sep 29, 2008, 3:19:08 AM UTC | Last updated Dec 12, 2009, 6:14:44 PM | Total Chapters 9

Story Summary

One cursed man, one woman he must save, one destiny. Just roast me with Critique

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Chapter 9: Chapter 8

Hali heard her alarm go off early that morning. She had set it the night before. Both surprised and annoyed when it went off. It had been the first time it had gone off since she had been taken in by Conan. She groaned as she rolled over, trying to drown out the noise. She was unable to and moaned as she rolled over again, this time pushing her body off the mattress. She rubbed her eyes, bits of pieces of sleep hurting and stinging at her eyes as she opened them.


Once comfortable, she decided to turn off the loud annoying noise that was still going off in the background. She stood from the bed, crossing the room to the dresser. Once she turned the alarm off, she opened the dresser and began to cross examine all her clothing trying to figure out what to wear. She settled herself with a long laced black skirt, a white tank with lace, a white t-shirt over the tank top. She grabbed her sandals and placed them on. She turned to her tote bag with all her art supplies. She looked herself in the mirror once before she ran to the bathroom to brush her teeth.


Once complete, she hurried downstairs. She could already smell Conan's cooking in the kitchen. Her stomach growled as the smell hit her stomach. She slowly inched into the kitchen, searching for Conan. He stood in front of one of the stove tops, working away at cooking. Hali's mouth watered as she smelt eggs and bacon. It was very satisfying to just smell it, but her stomach still cried to be fed.


“Good morning,” she greeted him, flashing a smile.

He didn't turn to look at her, but continued to work at breakfast. “Morning,” he finally greeted.


“Smells good,” she commented.


“I wasn't sure if you liked bacon or eggs,” he told her.


“I eat both when I can,” she replied.


“Good,” he said. Taking a plate in his hands. With his free hand, using a small spatula he started to take their breakfast out of the frying pan. He put nearly perfect portions on the plates, placing one in front of her at the small table. She immediately munched on the food hungrily, happy to be eating some breakfast. Conan sat down across from her, picking up his own fork and began to eat. Both were silent for several minutes until Hali spoke.


“Something strange happened the day we officially met,” Hali stated.


Conan's eyes wandered up to look at her. His eyes studied her, waiting for her to continue. She looked down at her plate before she spoke. “The day you saved me, fighting these two creatures, not Lyris, before that. When you were between me and those creatures, I saw that before that happened. I mean, I painted it, weeks ago, before I even got your first warning.”


“Does this happened often?” he asked.


“What do you mean?” she questioned.


“Do you usually paint things before they happen?”


“No, this was the first time. It just happened.”


“Has anything else strange happen to you? Anything at all?”


“You mean besides the fact I think I'm going crazy?”


He crossed his arms, tapping one of his fingers, clearly not impressed by her or her comment. She looked away, rolling her own eyes at his attitude. “I saw myself being chased down as I walked home.”


He gaze flew up to look at her, his expression wild with interest. “What do you mean you saw yourself?”


“I walked Lyris home the day you emailed me. I told her I was going to spend the evening at the beach painting. So I headed to a short cut through an alley way, but as I entered, I saw myself, running straight toward me. I was being chased by three people and I was bleeding. Then as soon as they reached me, they disappeared.”




“Well I was freaked out. So I ran out to the main streets at full speed. I only stopped once I reached my apartment.”


Conan hung onto her words, listening to every word she had said. She carefully stood, stepping to his open door, standing in the doorway, letting the morning breeze hit her.


“I suppose I was mentally blocking it out. Shock and confusion maybe,” she hid her face from Conan, her tears fighting to get free. “I suppose that means Seath really is after me for a reason.”


She let the breeze hit her for a few minutes longer before she turned, leaning on the wall now. Conan quietly watched her as she stood, silently thinking to herself. He stood, quietly thinking to himself. He stood, quietly taking both plates to the sink, then returned to watch her think. Finally she met his watchful eyes.


She nodded as she followed him to the scooter. He put on a helmet, black in color, then grabbing another, passing it to Hali. She put it on, buckling it under her chin, looking to what she should do next. He was already sitting, waiting for her to get on. She took her time to flip her leg over the seat. With her sitting she now fought with herself as to where to put her hands. She blushed lightly as she placed her hands around his waist, unsure how he would react.


Nothing happened. He just started the scooter and reached for a remote on a work bench. He pressed the button on the remote and the garage doors opened. Slowly the scooter started up, going forward at a slow pace, Conan balancing the scooter with his feet. Once clear of the garage doors he used the remote again closing the garage doors behind him. Placing the remote in his pocket he lifted his feet and the scooter took off.


Hali was surprised by how fast the small scooter was, going down the street at a steady pace. Slowly coming to a complete stop, she looked above them, a red light flashing stop. They were at the street light at the corner she always crossed to get to class. The light changed to green and Conan took off again.


Hali watched as they passed many people on the sidewalks. They were all slight blurs, a mess of color's that seemed to mesh in with the buildings they passed. It continued on like that for a while, until Conan slowly came to a stop. Her eyes searched the area, a large building also beige in color in the center. Her school.


She smiled. “Thank you for the ride Conan.” She got off the scooter, mimicking what she did earlier to get on. Next she removed the helmet that he had given her.


“Should I take it with me?” she questioned.


“It would probably be easier if you did.”


“No problem,” she replied. She simply opened her tote bag, and placed the helmet inside. “Class is over by three thirty this afternoon.”


“I'll meet you right then,” he said. She turned to leave, but was stopped by Conan speaking up. “Just one more thing Hali.”


She turned back, waiting for him to finish. He dug into his pocket, taking out a small bracelet, he turned to look at Hali, reaching out and giving it to her. She took it, examining it carefully, turning back to watch him carefully.


“What is this for?”


“It's a protector's bracelet. It will protect you for a short while,” he explained. “It should last long enough for you to be able to go to school.”


“Oh, thank you.” She slowly put it on her left wrist, studying it as the silver glittered in the morning light.


She turned away again, ready to go to class. She wished him a good day and took off inside her school. She slowly climbed the stairs, turning up to her class room on the second floor. She entered inside. She was the only one. Her eyes turned to the clock, surprised how she was early. She entered the room, turning to the window, a single stool stood. She placed her tote bag on the stool. Slowly she reached into the bag, pulling out her fold-up easel. Slowly she unfolded the legs and popped open her easel, settling it up straight. Taking out a canvas from her bag she in turn set that up. She removed all her brushes and her paints, putting them in their place.


“So you came to class,” a voice stated.



Hali left her entire body stiffen as she heard the voice behind her. She could feel every muscle in her body fight against her movements as she turned to look at the student. Lyris stood in the door way, her mouth formed into a smile as she entered the class room. She had her watchful eyes on Hali as she stopped at her stool.


Hali finally answered, “I paid for this class already. I won't be frightened by you or your leader.”


Lyris smiled, but her eyes seemed sad and distant, “I knew you wouldn't be.” With that Lyris turned back to her stool, setting up her own easel. Hali turned away from Lyris, paying attention to her own canvas. She stared at her canvas, staring at its blankness, looking at it for inspiration.


Lyris spoke once again, her voice weak and cracked. “How are Conan's arms?”


“They were healed by morning,” she replied.


Silence was upon them again, and it continued on when more students began to arrive. Soon all ten of the students were present, and most of them were quiet as they waited silently. Only a few minutes later, Professor Otis entered the room. She had her paper's in hand and a suitcase in the other. She was smiling and her hair was let long. It was a pretty light brown with little bits of red throughout her hair. She placed her things on her desk and looked through her things before she started.


“I finished reviewing your freestyle homework, and I'm very pleased with all your work. So I'll put them on the projector, and each of you can come on up and explain your work to the class.”


Hali found her entire body become hot with embarrassment. She submitted the painting of the wolf's and the human. The white wolf with Conan's eyes. How was she suppose to explain it?


“First up is Hali Jasper.”


Hali felt her heart beat harder at the mention of her name. She didn't have time for an explanation. Before she could say anything her piece it was on the smart board, her entire class staring at it.


“Hali, do you have a name for this piece?”


Hali stumbled as she tried to get the words out of her mouth. She had no title, she didn't even remember what was going on when she painted it. The image just popped in there.


“I didn't name it yet,” Hali confessed.


Professor Otis smiled and turned back to look at the screen. “Well, why don't you explain to us what is going on in this piece.”


“Well you see, I, well I suppose I should just say that I had a dream about this.”


“You dreamt this? Well explain your dream to us.”


Hali hated being put on the spot; God knew how much she hated it. Her palms were becoming sweaty, and her heart beat heavily. And even her body was shaking nervously.


“Well, in my dream, I was being chased by these creatures, and out of nowhere a wolf came out and tried to save me. Too many horror movies for me I think.”


“And what about your choice of colors?”

“The black background is for oblivion like setting, a sign of being lost. The creatures are black too, because they are the ones causing all this trouble. Then the wolf is white because he's the opposite of the creatures.”


“And what about the human that is painted gray?”


“Confusion, unsure, just unsure which side is causing what. A neutral party you could say.”Hali couldn't believe she had bullshitted the entire thing she had just said. She had to have just get out of the spotlight.


Professor Otis smiled. “Very good work Hali, your painting is very bold, but almost fairy tale like. Your wolf seems very gentle, but brave. Also, his eyes color is stunning as well. He seems ready to take on the world. Rather romantic Hali.”


“Thank you Professor.”


“Alright, next up is you Patrick.”


It went on like that for a bit. She went around the room to every student and in turn they explained their pieces to the class. Soon, it was Lyris's turn. Hali scanned over Lyris's painting. It was a very realistic painting. A little girl sat in the middle of a gobble stone road, her long frilly dress torn in all directions, her face hidden from view, her long curly hair fell all around her. Blood seemed to smear all down one side. It was raining, and the water soaked the girl letting the blood run down her body quicker.


“I found this a little disturbing Lyris. Would you give a little insight?”


Lyris shrugged her shoulders. “I'm not sure. I was in a bad mood I guess.”


Professor Otis smiled like she always did. “Come on, at least give us a title.”


“I call it ‘Innocents Gone’.”


“Well there you go Lyris that's a little bit of an insight. This child's innocent has been taken. It could be in a number of things, which lets us look at it in hundreds of different ways. So we could maybe see ourselves.”


Hali stared at the painting long and hard. She could feel a lot of sadness just by looking at it. And the blood, it was coming from a wound on her shoulder. It looked like a bite to Hali. She began to wonder about the painting, and of Lyris. This painting was perhaps a memory and not just a sad piece. Could this have happened to Lyris when she was a child and just turned? Hali didn't know how to answer that. She wasn't sure if she should have bothered to try either. It did seem rather pointless, because it didn't matter. Lyris was a werewolf, and she was helping Seath. They were enemies now. And that was all there was to it.




The long day finally came to an end, and Hali hurried along down the stairs ahead of her classmates. Conan was probably already outside waiting for her. She hurried, quickening her pace when she heard footsteps behind her. Her mind screamed that it was probably Lyris and she shouldn't stop.


“Hali, please wait up.”


Upon hearing the voice her heart quickened. It was Lyris. Lyris quickened her pace, telling Hali to quickened her own pace, her feet beginning to become sore from the running, but she just kept on going.


“Hali, we need to talk.”


“No, we don't Lyris. You’re just a filthy liar and a monster.”


“For God Sakes Hali, I never lied to you.”


“And the whole 'locked in a bathroom' at the beach and trying to get me out of the house so you could turn me wasn't a lie? You even dared to pretend to be my friend. That makes you a liar and a damn monster, and not because of what you are,” she yelled, continuing to hurry down the stairs, making it to the long hallway.


“I was under orders, I couldn't help it.”


Hali pushed the door to the entrance and hurried outside. She could see Conan at the entrance waiting for her.


“Do me a favour Lyris, and tell Seath to back off.” With that Hali took off running at full speed, stopping to only put on her helmet.


“Are you alright Hali?” Conan asked, his eyes were on Lyris in the distance, her eyes watching them both from the entrance to the school.


Hali shook her head, a tear rolled down her cheek. “No I am not fine. I'm going to spend the rest of my life running from these monsters.”




Hali sat on a stool in the kitchen, a potato and potato peeler in hand, working away at peeling the bundle of potato's Conan had given her. Conan was working away at making Caesar salad with real chicken breast cut up in the salad. Hali was looking forward to the salad very much, and the homemade fries she was helping prepare. After her long day she was looking forward to it.


Both their attentions were drawn to the back door when three knocks were heard. Both sat silently, until three more knocks were heard. Conan signalled for her to stay put while he checked it out. Hali watched as he carefully opened only the first door, leaving the screen door closed.


“What are you doing here?” Conan suddenly hissed.


“I'm here to see Hali, is she here?” a female voice asked, her voice was gentle and very feminine.


Hali couldn't help but inch closer to see who was there, even after Conan told her to stay put. She gasped as she saw a group of five people, all were in a hybrid wolf form. One of them was Lyris, and another looked like Rick, but wolf like. Looking closer some of the others did look like wolves who has attacked her in her vision back at the alley. However the woman in the front didn't even look human. She was covered in hair from head to toe. Her nose was shaped like a snout, and she even had a black nose. Hali was suddenly glad Conan was between them both.


“I'm here to speak to Hali, do you mind?” she sneered at Conan, turning to look at Hali. She smiled kindly at her. “Hali, would you like to talk?”


Hali shook her head. The woman frowned as she watched Hali carefully with her dark eyes.


“Hali, please, I'm only trying to help. I'm so worried about you. Conan is not who he says he is. He wants to turn you. I just want to prevent that from happening.”


Hali didn't know how to talk to her. She just knew she was lying, but she didn't know what to say. “I know who the bad guy is here Seath. Conan is the one who's trying to save me. If you know what my power was, you'd know that I know the truth. I know what you're trying to do with me.”


She frowned. “That's very unfortunate. It worked last time, too bad. You won't be leaving here anytime soon.” She turned to her werewolves. “I want all of you to stand guard outside until sunrise, and then I want two of you to stay here for the rest of the day.” With that Seath took a powerful leap in the air and disappeared. The rest started to spread out, some leaped onto the roof, guarding their places.


Hali felt worried now. What was going to happen now? Conan took her by the hand, closing the door behind him. He waited a moment, listening to the sound of glass breaking upstairs. Conan growled and pulled her along into his office. He took her into his office, closing the door behind him. He let go of her hand, taking a seat in his chair. She in turn sat on the small black chair in his office, across from him. Hali immediately noticed just how sound proof the room was. She couldn't hear them on the roof, while moments earlier she could.


Conan looked down at his desk. There was nothing there, but he seemed very interested in whatever he was staring at, or rather, what he was thinking about. Hali let herself watch him, studying him carefully. He turned to look at her. She turned away, not wanting him to know that she had been staring.


“You alright?” she asked.


“I’m just angry; Seath is always messing with me like this. I wish she'd just back off already.”


“Maybe she would, if perhaps you weren't in her way,” she started. “What I mean is, if I wasn't here. Maybe then she'd leave you alone.”


Conan shook his head. “No, she would have done this anyway. She's been trying stuff like this ever since she turned me. And the last time, she went too far, even for her,” he cried. “The last time she did something like this, I nearly committed murder.”


“You nearly killed Seath?”

“I wish...but no,” he trailed off, clearly thinking deeply to himself. He looked down at his desk again, sighing to himself. “I nearly killed Lyris.”


“What happened?”


He was silent for several minutes; his eyes still looked at the desk. He barely blinked as he stared, clearly fighting with himself over whether or not to tell her. Hali felt her heart fall, knowing that it was something very terrible, that it was something that still haunted him. Finally he looked up at her and opened his mouth to speak.


“Well, it happened ninety years ago. I was about hundred and seven years old. It has been almost a lifetime ago that I had been turned, and I spent most of that life just wandering from place to place,” he started to explain. “I stopped in England for the first time since I was turned. I stayed in London, staying away from the village I was originally from.”


He paused again, thinking deeply to himself. “Conan, just tell me what happened,” she told him, then paused and added, “Don't force yourself if this is painful.”


“I met Lyris. I met her at an art museum. I had no idea that she was a werewolf, or even that she knew Seath. We became close. Close enough that my visit to England became more than just a visit. I bought my own place, and started anew. I thought she understood me. We talked all the time and we were barely apart, except for when I turned. I never told her what I was, but I wanted to. Each day I tried, and each day it just became harder and harder, and then before I knew it, I proposed to her.”


Hali felt her heart beat quicken hearing his story. He has been in love with Lyris, that's why talking about her was so painful for him. That's why he was so angry with her. That was why he hated what Lyris was doing to Hali. They were toying with her, pretending to be a good friend. Hali forced herself to smile for him and leaned over, resting her hand on top of his. His dark eyes watched her carefully, unsure what she was doing. Hali continued to smile trying to comfort him as she spoke.


“She just pretended, to gain your trust, then when you found out who she was and what she was sent to do, everything crumbled around you.”


“Exactly,” he said.


“I know it is a hard thing to do, but you can't let stuff like that bother you, no matter how horrible they are,” she told him. “You’re the better person Conan. You are doing a lot of good in the world. You are. You may not think it, but it is true. Don't ever feel that you aren't, because you are.”


She stood from her sitting position and leaned over the table, and reaching over she placed a hand on his cheek, looking directly into his eyes. She smiled, assuring him of what she had just said. He stared at her, silence. After a few moments, slowly and surely however, his lips formed into a smile.




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