The Time Saga: chapter 2

Published Dec 18, 2005, 11:27:40 PM UTC | Last updated Dec 18, 2005, 11:30:41 PM | Total Chapters 2

Story Summary

warning: YAOI This is an adventure and also romance between Goku and Vegeta. There's a new challenge for the z warriors, and it involves mirai Trunks dimension

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Chapter 2: chapter 2

a/n: So, here’s the second chapter! Finally we know what’s going on. There will be problems! And also, there will be yaoi, very soon!
Please, review my fiction. And sorry for my English, I’m not a native speaker.
So, Trunks and Goten saw something appear. Lots of people who walked around there were frightened and ran away. Others, more curious, were crowding together around the strange object, which the boys had not yet distinguished well.
They could feel a great energy.
Far from the city, Gohan and Piccolo, who had their minds quiet and concentrated, felt the ki.
Goku, who had made a pause in his training for a snack, also sensed it.
Kuririn, at Kame’s house, suddenly felt the strong presence, and remembered to whom that ki belonged.
Ten Shin Han and Yamcha also sensed it.
From the top of the mountains where he still trained, Vegeta sensed, and in an instant identified it.
The same thought ran trough their heads: Problems
And then, when Goku brought his fingers to his forehead, the phone ringed. At the other side of the line, Bulma was in panic.
 Goten had his eyes widened. Trunks seemed more intrigued. There was something about that ki, something unexplainable, that he deeply sensed inside himself.
While they walked in the ki’s direction, Goten turned to Trunks.
- So, what do you think? – he asked, excited – if you ask me, I don’t think it’s an evil ki.
The boy agreed with a head movement. He had hardly heard the question, he felt strangely attracted by the force. Goten noticed it and didn’t say anything else, while they approached the…machine. They could now see it was this; a machine, with oval format.
People around the object were already saying that, being a Capsule Corporation production, there was no danger. Probably it was some kind of experiment. So, some of them went away. There were a few left when the boys finally got there.
The purple haired boy soon noticed Capsule Corporation’s emblem carved in he machine. And in its center, written by hand, he read ‘hope’.
The superior part of the machine opened, and from inside came a man.
Trunks and Goten were shocked.
The man had on his face a serious expression that made him look older than he was. A strange gleam in his very blues eyes seemed to hide something gloomy. His hair, purple and long, was tied in a ponytail. He carried a sword on his back.
- It’s still a little far from Capsule Corporation...I think I was distracted when I programmed the local.
Trunks was getting more and more confused.
- But...but this is me...
Goten observed with his mouth opened. He noticed everyone around was already gone, maybe they got tired of trying to understand what’s going on, but knew that there is no threat.
Trunks moved forward. He opened his mouth, but the stranger spoke first.
- Sorry if I scared you. I shall explain everything. But first, we need to reunite everyone…
- What are you talking about? – the youth yelled – You tell us now who are you! Where did you come from?
Mirai Trunks considered him for a moment and the look on his face became softer. Then, he saw Goten and looked impressed
- This one looks so much like Goku. Is he his son?
- Answer me! – Trunks demanded – this thing looks like a time machine...This story looks familiar. Something similar happened in the past…
- That’s true – Goten agreed – Gohan told us, remember? This guy must be the one that came years ago to warn us of something important…
- That’s right. My name is Trunks and I come from the future. But now, I beg you, we have to find everyone, Goku, Vegeta, Gohan and the others, the fastest we can. Come on, I’ll tell you in our way.
There was no more time for questions, for he threw himself in the air, flying in high speed towards Capsule Corporation. Still feeling confused, the boys followed him. Soon, they sensed several powerful ki coming in their direction. Probably – mirai Trunks deduced – they felt my presence. They must be coming here…Even better. This will save us plenty of time. We should get to my mother’s house before they reach us.
Goten was the lass affected of the two. He turned to the other boy, wanting to reassure him, but Trunks seemed distant, even when he returned Goten’s gaze.
Of course, he must be shocked. It’s not every day that a future version of you appears…But he surely is different. It’s not exactly a physical difference…His eyes are too mature. This Trunks looks so serious!
Mirai Trunks noticed he was being examinated.
- So, you really are Goku’s son?
- Yes. Aren’t you going to tell us what’s happening? – Goten was ansious, and Trunks woke up from his thoughts, forcing himself to listen to the story.
- Cell’s back – mirai Trunks closed his eyes and his features became harder – but he’s changed a lot. The Cell I killed in my dimension…he went straight to hell. There, he absorbed androids 17 and 18 witch I had also exterminated.
- Wait! – Trunks exclaimed – as far as I know, even perfect Cell wasn’t a match to Gohan. And now, everyone has reached higher levels…
He stopped and faced his older version
- You also have an incredible power...Goten and I sensed it as soon as you got here.
- Hey, guys, wait...isn’t this Cell at hell?! – Goten questioned, not knowing the reason of the discussion.
- I have not finished yet. Yes, it’s true that I’m stronger. And Cell was in hell. But now…now he must be here.
- What?! – both of them couldn’t believe it
- That’s right. Dr. Gero kept his experiments in hell. He built a terrible android…Zargon. Besides being incredibly powerful, he’s able to travel across time. When creating this android, Dr. Gero’s objective was to improve Cell even more. He absorbed Zargon, which made him able to travel in time.
Goten was getting more shocked. But Trunks didn’t seem to be so scared, and suddenly he remembered:
- Goten... Don’t you think that what happened now has something to do with this story?
Goten had his enormous black eyes widened.
- Man! I didn’t think about it…
Mirai Trunks looked at them, already afraid of what he would hear. Then, before the boys could tell him, the three of them reached Capsule Corporation. The first thing they heard was Bulma screaming.
- What do you mean with ‘the radar is gone’, dad?!
Trunks and Goten exchanged glances. The other Trunks stopped and heard, without believing.
I’m late, as I thought...
The three guys, standing by the entrance of the house, heard another voice.
- Be calm, Bulma... didn’t you put the radar in some other place?
- Is it possible that you can’t put the facts together, Goku? Someone stole it!
But he wasn’t paying attention to her anymore. He had his eyes fixed on the door, where someone he had already expected to come, was standing.
- So, Trunks! I had sensed your presence. I knew you were coming.
- Mr. Goku… is the radar gone?
- You! – exclaimed a surprised and mad Bulma – you knew he was here all the time, Goku?
He was still observing the time traveler.
- He has just arrived. As I sensed his ki coming on our direction, together with Trunks and Goten, you called me, and I came to help you.
- It makes sense the radar being gone. I tried to be faster, and I couldn’t. But I wasn’t ready to… this. I had to load the time machine. Damn! – now that monster must have already obtained his wish!
Trunks and Goten had approached. Goten had noticed how serious his father was; it was rare to see him like that, and the boy didn’t like it. That look had simply nothing to do with his father.
- Come on, tell us what happened – Bulma demanded, already impatient with that tension. Goku said nothing, he waited  for the future Trunks to talk, never taking his eyes away from him.
- Vegeta, I mean, my father is coming. So are the others, I can sense them. It’s better that we wait for them, so that I can tell everybody.
Goku agreed and looked trough the window. He, too, could feel everybody approaching. Piccolo and Gohan came from the same direction… Were they together?
After the shock of seeing another one like him was gone, Trunks stopped comparing himself to him. He was a little bit taller and had harder features. He seemed to be very quiet, too. The boy didn’t want to think about that; it was kind of strange to have another like him so close.
No, I’m not like him, I am him. And yet, there’s something different.
Goten found himself curious about the time traveler.
- So… There were any damages in your time? – askGoku youngest son, with sincere interest.
Mirai Trunks turned to him.
 - No. He ignored my world. As I said before, I have reasons to believe he came straight to this time.
- What reasons?
- I’ll let you know all I know... but we’ll have to wait for everyone to arrive. They’re very close now – he answered, considering the boy. He liked him, he looked a lot like Goku, even his way of talking. Also, there was his present self, scowling, standing on a wall, his arms crossed. Vegeta’s clone.
He noticed Goten gazing at him sometimes, with those big, innocent eyes. In fact, the boy seemed impressed with his apparition.  He stared at Trunks, too. He must be comparing us.
- What’s Goten staring at? – the younger Trunks wondered. He couldn’t stand the idea of being compared to someone. He glared at him. Goten didn’t understand why and approached him. Trunks was still glaring.
- Hold yourself. Stop looking.
Goten opened his famous smile
- What’s the matter, Trunks? – and he put his hands on the boy’s shoulders
Trunks scowled even more and muttered something
Bulma’s mother came bringing everyone some tea and chatting, in an attempt to distract them.
Bulma also tried to change the subject and smiled to her future son. She was about to ask him how was his life in his time, when Vegeta entered flying by the window.
He faced everyone and fixed his eyes in mirai Trunks, who bowed his head.
- I’ll soon tell you why I’m here...but I’m waiting for the others to come.
Vegeta crossed his arms and muttered something.
By the way, Vegeta – Bulma warned – the radar is gone. I went to look for it after that incident. It wasn’t anywhere to be found.
If he got shocked, Vegeta didn’t show it. He just quickly looked into Bulma’s eyes. It was impossible to know if the news had surprised him.
Truth was Vegeta was more worried about the great ki that came from his future son. Even being so powerful, something made him come back to their time…
But the boy is all alone in his dimension. Not even training a lot he could reach his higher potential. With someone to fight, his power would increase much more, until his maximum! – he clenched his teeth – I’m sure that with this kind of training, I would be able to easily confront Kakarott!
He didn’t notice Goku with his eyes fixed on him.
Then, Piccolo and Gohan got there, warning that Kuririn, Yamcha and Ten Shin Han were right behind them. There was no need to tell them that they should wait for the three men to come so that mirai Trunks could finally explain why he was here.
Minutes later they came. They had flied the faster they could, and when they saw the same youth that had come from the future, now grown up, they confirmed their thoughts.
- So, Trunks – Kuririn calmly asked – tell us.
Mirai Trunks looked at each person in the room.
- Thank you very much for coming. Years ago when I came, I had bad news. Unfortunately, now it’s the same. As you know, after training so much in this world, and even dying, I became stronger. I was able to defeat Cell in his first shape, and the androids. All of them went to hell. Everything started there. Cell absorbed them, reaching his perfect form. Dr. Gero still intended to make Cell be the strongest being in the world. And knew that Cell was now dead and couldn’t leave hell. So, he created another android. His name is Zargon, he’s an human prototype, like 17 and 18. And he’s even more powerful that Cell...and has an incredible ability. He can travel across time.
Everyone had their eyes widened, even Vegeta, without noticing.
- There’s more – he kept on, trying to hold back his anger – Zargon, as I said, had an unimaginable ki. But now, it’s even worse. He is part of Cell. He let himself be absorbed. Now, Cell learned to travel across dimensions...and became strong beyond our comprehension.
- But Trunks – Kuririn interrupted – have you forgotten how fast Gohan finished with perfect Cell? Besides, now everyone is much stronger.
- I can’t tell you exactly how is Cell’s level. Don’t forget that now he’s absorbed an android, which is stronger than him.
- Wait a minute – Piccolo said – Isn’t Cell in hell?
- That’s true – Kuririn agreed
- He escaped. His new power of traveling in time allows him to do so. He’s capable of walking through any time, even being dead. But he doesn’t want to remain like this. He’s after the dragon balls. He wishes to revive.  And judging by what my mother said, it seems that he made it…
- What do you mean?! – Piccolo, Gohan, Kuririn, Yamcha and Ten Shin Han yelled together
- Oh, you didn’t know? The radar is gone from here! – explained Bulma
- I knew that Cell would come to this time – Trunks proceeded – he came here – he turned to Goku – to defy you, Goku.
- Defy me? But why?
- Well, Kakarott – Vegeta said with desdain – you are dead in that dimension. And this monster has sayan cells on him, forgot? It’s natural that he goes after challenges.
- That’s right. And he has chosen exactly this year, for he has already visited another pasts – mirai Trunks looked at Goku – and concluded that all of you were too weak for him.
- What?! – Vegeta furiously yelled – you mean that bastard thinks we are far behind him?
- Yes. He visited lots of pasts. It seems that he even went to a time where Goku had reached some amazing level, and even so, Cell thought he was no match for him.
- He must be talking about that transformation you did when you were confronting Majin Boo, right, dad? – Goten asked
- Yes, super sayajin level three... – Goku agreed
Bastard! – rage was possessing Vegeta – he dares to consider Kakarott’s level as low! A level that even I haven’t reached!
- Then he decided to stay in this year. And he has the radar. We should chase him now and stop him. Being dead, he has not much time to look for the dragon balls. He belongs to the other world, and will be sucked back to hell very soon. But the radar makes things easier for him.
- Too late. A few hours ago, the sky got darker. Shen Long was called. Goku felt his ki... – Bulma told him
- Then we have to find him.
- But if he wants to fight me, he will soon find us – Goku said, and looked into Trunks eyes – You have seen this you really think he is so much stronger than us?
- I haven’t seen him. I never talked to him. How could I? He came from hell straight to this time.
- What?! – this shocked everyone
- But then – asked a very suspicious Piccolo – how can you know so much?
Mirai Trunks bowed his head and it looked like he was remembering something very good, in the middle of all this tragic news. He almost smiled as he spoke.
- The one to warn me about all of this was my father, Vegeta. He made use of telepathy. He’s also in hell. He saw and heard every single thing that happened there, since the beginning. If it wasn’t for him, Cell would surprise us.
Silence filled the room. Everyone there knew Vegeta from that time had died, fighting against the androids, but not for Earth. He was still very selfish, too worried with his powers. Ambition had moved him in the battle that took his life away. Nobody dared to face him.
Except for Goku.
Vegeta maintained his indifferent, proud appearance and irony appeared on his face. As if it was not obvious for those humans that him, prince of all sayans, was really going to hell, for he was moved only by cruelty. It was even ridiculous that they dared thinking the opposite.
But things have changed in this dimension, Vegeta.
The voice ran trough his head. Vegeta was startled and looked around him. Who could invade his mind this way?
He could swear he knew that voice. He could swear it was Kakarott’s.
But Kakarott can’t read minds. He has  never owned such ability!
Yeah, but that stupid is full of surprises about his potential…
All of this, the silence, than the voice, lasted only a few seconds, and soon, mirai Trunks kept telling what he knew. Everybody paid attention to him, even Goku. And Vegeta couldn’t know if he had imagined such things. Maybe he was still imagining, because stupid, third category Kakarott still seemed to look at him once more, discreetly, expressing something he didn’t know what it was. 
- Well, people – exclaimed Kuririn – we couldn’t expect Cell to be kind, telling Trunks all of his plans! What were we thinking, right? – he finished, with his good humor.
Mirai Trunks was now very quiet, with his gaze lost. He had already told all he knew. There was only one doubt that kept on the warriors’ minds. Would he stay to fight? His time had no danger. But he didn’t seem ready to return.
Nobody dared to ask him.
The first to talk was Vegeta. He was shaking with anger. He seemed to be holding himself not to turn into a super sayajin and blast everything to hell.
- Bulma! I want a 500 times increased gravity room!!! – he shouted, before flying through the window at the speed of light.
- Alright, alright… - she muttered, noticing that both Trunks had their eyes still fixed on Vegeta, until he disappeared in the sky.
Gohan and Piccolo exchanged glances. Goku’s intuition was right, just like Piccolo’s. However, they should have started to prepare themselves too much sooner. Mainly Gohan. He had ignored his father and Piccolo’s arduous training for a long time. Now, maybe it was too late to begin. Cell, probably, was already alive.
Goku noticed the guilt on his son’s eyes.
-Hey, Gohan… Don’t worry. Everything is going to be alright! Weren’t you going to train with Piccolo? – Goku said with his well known calm.
Gohan felt ashamed.
-Yeah… I hope I can help against this enemy.
- Sure you will. Come on, I am going to get prepared, either, as much as I can.
Goten gave one step aside, Trunks right behind him.
-Dad, Trunks and I decided to train together. We don’t want to disturb your rhythm.
- It’s your decision. – Goku smiled. – But you do not disturb me, Goten! You’re a very clever adversary.
Goten was happy to hear that, but he had already decided; he and Trunks had almost equal levels, which would be ideal for them to help each other.
- My father prefers to train on his own... – Trunks whispered, thoughtfully
- I’ll go with him – mirai Trunks decided – he perfectly knows that a fighting partner is very useful.
- Good luck, but knowing him, I think he won’t accept any help now – Trunks warned, and his future self considered him for a moment.
- Are you used to train by his side?
- So so. He’s not very patient; he considers my level too low for him.
They looked at each other. Both knew that future Trunks had a high power level.
- I’ll try – he decided, and flew to the sky.
- So, he intends to fight here... – Bulma said
- Yeah…let’s not interfere on his decision. We don’t know what goes on in his mind – Goku asked
Kuririn, Ten Shin Han and Yamcha exchanged glances. They knew very well that they wouldn’t be of any help since the battles had become supernatural. They had only come here because they were worried and wanted to know what was happening. Now, well informed, they could only wait.
- Not even against Cell, years ago, I could do anything. This time I won’t even try. – warned Kuririn. He felt sad and angry about it, but it would be better this way. The last thing he wished was to disturb Goku and the others.
Goku was embarrassed, but admitted that it was better if they stayed out of battle.
- Probably – Bulma commented – the one to steal the radar was that monster. How did he know about the radar?
-We can’t forget that dr.Maki spent years collecting data about me… Also, someone in hell could have told him. Someone who knew about it...
- It’s true, Goku...but it doesn’t matter right now, isn’t it?
Goku had on his face that rarely seen serious look. No one dared to contradict him when he was like that.
Actually, he looked like he was concentrating on something. Everyone quietly stared at him. After a few minutes, he opened his eyes.
- Cell’s ki. I sensed it.
- There are no words. We can’t waste any time. If he decides to attack us soon…
- Damn it! – Piccolo yelled – we don’t have any chance. Who knows when he‘ll come against us?
- We can only use each minute we have. – concluded Goku, before putting two fingers on his forehead. He didn’t even hear the ‘goodbyes’, he was gone in an instant. But his attitude served as an example and everyone quickly moved on.
Piccolo and Gohan went back to their place. Trunks found it was a good idea to take Goten to the mountains where he used to practice with Vegeta. And Bulma went to ask her father for the 500 times increased gravity room, which Vegeta had so kindly asked for.
Mirai Trunks was far behind Vegeta. He flew as fast as he could to reach him. He was hoping that his father would accept him as a training partner.
I’ve crossed time. I told everybody about what is happening. But my mission doesn’t end here yet.
My father, Vegeta, you have to train me!

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