The Time Saga: Chapter 1

Published Dec 18, 2005, 11:27:40 PM UTC | Last updated Dec 18, 2005, 11:30:41 PM | Total Chapters 2

Story Summary

warning: YAOI This is an adventure and also romance between Goku and Vegeta. There's a new challenge for the z warriors, and it involves mirai Trunks dimension

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Chapter 1: Chapter 1

Disclaimer: This characters don’t belong to me, but to Akira Toriyama.
A/N: This fiction will be a great adventure, with lots of battles, danger, suspense and yaoi. That’s right, YAOI, between Goku and Vegeta. Don’t like it, don’t read it. Important: I’m not a native speaker of English, so PLEASE correct me!
And words written in italic form are thoughts.
And Trunks and Goten are seventeen and sixteen years old.
Please, do review it! Hope you enjoy it, and I’m opened to suggestions;
Chapter I
Vegeta was in the mountains. Rarefied air, the cutting cold, the low pression, were nothing to him, obviously. But he was tired of always training in the gravity room that Bulma’s father had built for him. Here, there was fresh air. More room to fly. And, most important, no one to disturb him. Peace and silence were sacred here, and he needed it. Training without interruptions. Every day, since early, he would practice hard.
He felt humiliated. How not to feel? The whole thing had started on Earth. Fighting against Kakarot. Almost losing. At Namek, the Guinyu troops had come. The one to beat them all, had been the idiot. Then, during the greatest threat, again the low class warrior has surpassed his power. Kakarot destroyed Freeza. Against Cell, he and his brat had won. And finally, when Babidi the magician had invaded Earth with Boo, the same happened. Always, Kakarot overcoming his own limits. And he, Vegeta, could do nothing. Couldn’t follow the evolution. Even after being almost dead, and even dying in some of the battles, his strength didn’t match Kakarot’s. The sayan prince couldn’t understand, and, honestly, didn’t wish to, anymore. He was only interested in training hard, doing the impossible, so that one day he would be able to overcome Kakarot’s power and be the strongest in the universe.
Maybe, conquering the universe didn’t sound so interesting anymore.
- Shit!
The earth below him began to shake and two trees were falling down in his direction. With an agile jump, he managed to avoid them. Fury had overcome him, thinking about those things, and he ended up blowing up the area.
Damn it, I have to be calm. Cold – he warned himself – Coldness was the key to increase his strength. Tormented by rage, he would only get this kind of result – blowing up everything around him. Self control and reason. This way acts a truly sayan warrior.
But Kakarot has no coldness at all.
It doesn’t matter! The time will come when the idiot will succumb because of that damned softness of his.
He floated and breathed fresh air; closed his eyes and calmly released ki. Concentrated like this, he could feel a great power. He was clearly stronger, much more than he had been some years ago, when Majin Boo was threatening them. But training alone was not the better option. Only joining great fights and then recovering health, a sayan could free his hidden strength.
There was Trunks. The boy used to follow him in his trainings, sometimes. Bulma had made it very clear: “You are forbidden to force him into fighting, Vegeta. He’ll do it if he wants, understood?”
Very well, understood. He wouldn’t risk arguing with that crazy woman. Anyway, without the will to fight, Trunks would never be able to increase his powers so much, even with the sayajin blood running through his veins. However, the boy enjoyed fights. He had asked Vegeta to train him. But Trunks lacked of discipline. A shame, Vegeta thought. So soon, his son had reached super sayajin. Amazingly soon. And a few years later, the boy hadn’t evolved as much as his capacity allowed. Not enough to be a challenge. No way.
Only against Kakarot a decent battle could be fulfilled. And he has also been practicing. I can feel it. He’s been training even that useless brat of his. Damn it, why is the idiot spending his time? He perfectly knows I’m the only one who even has a chance to defeat him…
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Gohan arrived at his parents house and saw Goku and Goten at the backyard. Both were standing in their battle positions.
- Hi! Don’t stop on my account, it’ll be a pleasure to watch you!
Both waved to him. Then, from the house, someone came desperately running
- Gohan! You came to make us a visit, I’m so glad you didn’t forget of your poor mother!
Chichi seized his arm and began to drag him home.
- Wa…wait mom…let me see father’s and Goten’s fight.
- Gohan! You wanna go back into training and quit your medicine career? What a shaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaame!!!!!!!!!!
-  No, it’s not that, I just want to watch it, that’s all!
Chichi dried her tears and scowled at her husband and son.
- Even though we have peace on Earth, these two insist and keep fighting! Well, Gohan, don’t take too long, I’ll make you some tea.
And she went back, still furious.
Goku tilted his head to the side.
- Wow, I had no idea she still gets mad because of this…
- Nevermind, dad, lets go! – Goten prepared himself
Goku did the same and let his son begin. The boy atacked by front, quickly sending a ki blast, and while Goku avoided it, he came from behind. Good move, Gohan thought, but his brother would have to be faster. Goku managed to dodge several punches and a kick. Goten moved back and stared impressed at his father. Gathering his strength, he risked a few kicks, but couldn’t hit Goku not even one time. He moved back again and then Goku was right by his side, punching him in the belly. Goten tried to hit him back, but punched the air. He turned around and was kicked on his shoulder.
A fool smile appeared on the youth’s face
- He he he…It’s impossible to get you, dad…
- Keep trying, you’ve improved a lot, Goten!
The boy released more ki and quickly attacked with more punches and kicks. Without problems, Goku blocked them all. The boy was getting tired of trying to follow Goku’s speed. It was taking his breath away and he fought slower and slower. Usually, his father would slow down so that Goten could fight in his own speed. Only recently he had noticed how fast his father really was. He continued trying to hit him, risking all of his moves, until Goku brought his elbow against the boy’s chest.
Gohan ran to his brother when he landed on the floor. But Goten laughed.
- Hey, no worries, I’m all right! – and stood up, returning to the air
- Sorry, Goten, I think I’m going too hard on you. Wanna stop?
- No way, lets go!
Gohan was paying attention to everything. His father’s ki didn’t seem so high right now, but obviously Goku was hiding it. It wasn’t necessary to release it all to confront Goten. Besides, dad isn’t joking now…Goten may think they’re having fun, but this training sounds serious…
Goku looked right into his son’s eyes.
- Come on, Goten, you can be stronger than that!
The youth thought and decided. He flew at his better speed towards Goku, becoming a super sayajin in his way. This made him faster and he got to his father before he expected. He punched him at both sides of his face. Goku smirked and blocked one more punch that was coming. He held Goten’s fist and with his knee hit the boy in the stomach. Goten lost his breath and got one more blow in the neck. Turning around, he sent a great energy ball towards Goku. After a big smoke, there stood Goku, looking intact, with arms crossed over his chest.
- Don’t waste so much energy when your opponent is faster, Goten. It drains your ki.
Out of his super sayajin mode, the boy threw himself on the grass, drying his sweaty face.
- Sorry, I know I must be deceiving you, dad.
Goku also went down and landed a hand on the boy’s shoulder.
- You were great, Goten. Go rest now, will ya?
Gohan smiled and nodded to his brother. Feeling tired, Goten went back to the house.
Gohan observed his father for a moment, while he was drying his face and drinking some water.
- Father…what is the purpose of this training?
Goku smiled at him
- Well, when I die, someone will have to look after the Earth, right?
Gohan looked at him suspiciously
- But…do you sense something?
Goku was staring at the far away mountains
- I don’t know…
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
It was midday. The sun’s light was at its stronger moment. Under the intense heat, Vegeta still trained compulsively, when the sky got dark. It could only mean one thing. But for what? Bulma should know about this, he concluded, and flew towards Capsule Corporation.
Those spheres? Why have they decided to call that dragon right now?
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
But Vegeta had not been the only one to think that Bulma was the responsible for the sky’s darkness. All of the z warriors knew that she was the only one to own the radar. So, when he got there, Vegeta found out that Goku and Gohan were already there. Both of them were staring at Bulma with wide eyes. He also became aware of Trunks and Goten ki, wich were approaching the house, and another ki, probably belonging to Kakarot’s stupid friends.
- So, is anybody going to explain what happened? Bulma, why did you reunite these balls?
Bulma was perplex.
- But Vegeta, I’ve just explained to these two that I don’t know anything about it! I also got surprised when I saw the black sky at this hour!
That instant, Trunks and Goten entered flying through the window and, right behind them, Piccolo.
- The rest of the guys are coming. Tell us, what happened? – asked the namekuseijin.
- Nobody knows, Mr. Piccolo. – Gohan explained.
So, Yamcha, Ten Shin Han and Kulilin arrived. And none of them could explain. Everybody exchanged glances, not knowing what to do. Who else, besides them, would know about the dragon balls? And, if there was such person, who in this world could find them, if only Bulma had the radar?
- Well, guys, maybe it’s nothing to worry about, right? Somebody found out about the dragon balls and wanted his wish to come true. And Bulma is not the only genius in the world.  Maybe someone has found a way of detecting the locations of the balls – Kulilin timidly offered
- Maybe, but I don’t think so. – declared Piccolo.
- Anyway, there’s nothing we can do but wait. – Ten Shin concluded.
Everybody looked at Goku, who had his head bowed and a thoughtful look on his face.
-  Truth is the only ones who know about the dragon balls besides us are those who once threatened the Earth. Freeza, Raditz, Cell…
- That’s not true, Goku – said Piccolo – The people of Namek, too, know about them.
- Sure, but they have their own spheres. They wouldn’t come here searching for the Earth ones – stated Bulma
- Oh, I forgot to tell you! – Goku exclaimed – I used the teletransport at the very moment I sensed Shen Long’s ki, and…
- Bastard! How dare you forget of telling something like this? – yelled an irritated Vegeta, and Piccolo thought the same.
Everybody glared at him; he scowled, and went quiet.
- I’m sorry, I should have told it before. But when I got there, the wish had already been made, and all I could see was the balls getting dispersed.
- Didn’t you sense any strange ki, or anything like that? – asked Piccolo
- No.
- Then maybe the shorty is right, there’s nothing to worry about. – concluded Piccolo, and, before he got out, he warned – anyway, it’s better if you beware.
He got out quickly. Gohan reached him a little later, and both of them flied towards the forests, where Piccolo used to meditate. 
All the others got out a few minutes later, leaving Bulma alone and wondering if there was in this Universe another genius at her level, who could build another radar.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Piccolo was almost getting to the place where he always stayed, when something occurred to him, and he changed his way. Gohan followed him in silence. Although he had been distant from his master for many years, for now he was married and had a child, he still respected Piccolo very much, and there was more than respect. They understood each other very well. Gohan didn’t need to ask to know that Piccolo had something to tell him. He used to feel it very deeply, just as Piccolo used to feel when his disciple was thinking about him.
Both landed on a desert place, full of rocks and nothing else, the same where they had trained to Nappa’s and Vegeta’s arrival, many years ago.
This place was bringing some nostalgia to Gohan. There, he had come to know his master better.
- Why this place, Mr. Piccolo?
Piccolo looked around him. This was the ideal place. No living beings, as far as his alien sight could reach.
- The forests where I stay are perfect for meditation. The waterfalls are clean and pure and their noise brings quietness to me. But there is lots of life. This place is uninhabited, there’s no danger of destructing…
He observed Gohan, almost kindly.
- So, you intend to train hardly?
Piccolo gave no answer, and Gohan was thoughtful. He was starting to put the facts together.
- Tell me, Gohan, have you noticed that your father has been training more seriously than usual?
-  Yes, I have…
Piccolo knew that Gohan had realized that. Even him, from far away, could feel Goku’s effort. And also Vegeta’s. But this one was always practicing as if the biggest challenge was going to take place at any instant.
- And when my father senses something…
- It is not only him. I also feel that we should be prepared.
- So that’s why you brought me here, Mr. Piccolo?
- If you attended my call, Gohan, than I suppose you wish to accompany me? Although I will understand if you don’t want to, considering that you have a family now…
- No! I’m staying and training with you – Gohan decided at once. It was true that there was Videl and little Pan, but what would be the point of it all, if Earth was in danger?
And, mainly, I would like to spend some time with Mr. Piccolo… I don’t know how I could get this far of him all this years. It’s not something to be done. Not with friends, and I consider him to be my best friend. I almost don’t come to see him; I’m always occupied with work, or with my family. But I know sometimes he comes to see if everything is ok. I sense his eyes over me. How selfish I am. I miss the times when we were closer to each other. But at those times, the Earth was always in danger…
- By the way, Gohan. Shouldn’t you tell in your house that you’re going to be out for some time?
- Oh, yes. Good idea, Mr. Piccolo! I’m going to do it, and I won’t take too long.
And I’m telling my father, too. He’ll be glad to know that I’ll be prepared for...whatever. He may think I’ve given up fighting forever…
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
- Trunks, what do you think of you and me training together? – suggested Goten
- If you want it, it is ok for me. But don’t you think that your father’s training is much better?
- Yes, I do – Goten sighed – But I only disturb him.
- Oh! And you only notice it now, Goten? You should try really hard, at least to be able to maintain a battle! – the youth replied, sarcastically.
Goten glared at his friend
- That is why we’re helping each other. I suppose you too don’t want to disturb Mr. Vegeta now, right?
The question irritated Trunks and Goten grinned
- I don’t disturb my father! And why have you suddenly decided that our fathers should train by themselves?
- Come on, didn’t you hear what they said back at Capsule Corporation? – said Goten, astonished.
Trunks muttered something.
- Hn! I don’t believe it, neither does my father. He already said that now, with the strength he and Goku achieved, there will be no threat. Besides, there are no proves of any kind of danger.
Goten sighed and gave up. At least, Trunks had agreed to train with him. Not that he wanted very much to fight. Sometimes it was kind of fun, but he didn’t have the same will of his father or Vegeta. His human side required for a little bit of peace, sometimes.
Who knows, maybe Trunks is right. Everything is going to be alright. My father hasn’t found any suspicious ki. I’m not going to be worried about it...
And then, not very far from them, a light shined, there was a little smoke, and then a very weird object appeared. From inside it, came an enormous ki.

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