Spencer and romance, it's not a long story: Spencer and romance, it's not a long story

Published Jan 9, 2024, 5:16:24 AM UTC | Last updated Jan 9, 2024, 5:16:24 AM | Total Chapters 1

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Spencer PaperDemon Art RPG 🧑🏽 #pd2276
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Chapter NaN: Spencer and romance, it's not a long story

Spencer would fall in love fast or really at all. He doesn't really get when someone gushes over someone, but he would be looking for a large amount of trust and friendship between them and him. 

If he did find himself in such a spot it would be a whole battle for him to just understand his feelings about the situation. There’d be a lot of overthink It would take quite a bit for him to understand it as he’s never really felt this way about anyone before, but then you mix in that he’s never really had a strong friendship with someone so there be the question of if this what it’s like with friends. 

But after a long while he might sort stuff out. He would feel a sense of accomplishment of just simply figuring out his own feelings before anything has actually happened. He'd have a hard time admitting his feelings to anyone, even himself once he fingers it out. He’d most likely wait for the other person to show interest then him ever telling the person. 

If he actually got in an actual relationship he’d just see it as a different friendship but he’d still want both him and the other person to be friends with him not totally understanding how to feel or act in such a relationship. 

He wouldn’t feel comfortable with a lot of physical touch such as kissing but is happy to just cuddle and read a book together. He’d be more likely to share his knowledge of obscure things with his partner. Things such as a weird plant or a not so well known book series that he just found. He would also, definitely, set up a board game or card game on specific days for both of them. 

It might look more like a good friendship than anything else but there still is a spark there, with him trying to understand what his role is in this relationship, with his partner hopefully understanding him and helping him navigate the relationship.

He is most likely this person through his work of being a traveling doctor with Spencer having a very different reaction when helping someone with a more clear sense of self and knowing what exactly he needs to do and say, unlike when he is in a larger group of people or talking to strangers in a normal setting. 

Some of the conflict that Spencer would face is not having the most clear communication with him more like to keep things in his head, as well as being an overthinker but that could be worked through. One of the effects of this is that he’d not tell his partner when he’s overwhelmed on a social station with him not like a crowd but touching through because someone he trusts is there. It would be especially hard to tell his partner if they were the one who suggested the event. Though at some point he’d mostly tell them sooner or later with a compromise hopefully being made between the two. With his partner having a break from socializing letting Spencer do what he wants to do or have them just have some quiet time with each other. 

Spencer is also someone who would be ok if he was single with romance not being a large part of love and is more looking to help others through medicine and maybe making just friends on the way. Both options are fine to him.

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