Sensei Flicky and the Half-Elf: Bubble Trouble

Published Nov 11, 2023, 11:28:02 PM UTC | Last updated Nov 11, 2023, 11:28:02 PM | Total Chapters 1

Story Summary

Flicky the spider monkey has met a half-elf boy named Levia, who is struggling to master his water element, growing along side him. Flicky thinks she can help him master this, will she be able to do it?

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Chapter NaN: Bubble Trouble

Since discovering her hidden power, the element of water, whilst living in her tree in the middle of a marshland, Flicky hasn't be able to stop using it. From riding around on floating paths of water, high up in the sky where no monkey has ever gone before to breathing out huge streams of bubbles, creating pretty light shows with the reflective water orbs, she has gained a newfound love for the art of aqua, coming to appreciate something she once thought was so insignificant, and upon meeting Levia, the meek and mild, blue-skinned half-elf boy, she was more than happy to help teach him the way of the water. That was until she realised what a slow process this whole training session would be. 


"Youre not breathing in hard enough, ookie!" squeaked flicky, crossing her arms and pouting a little. She looks up at Levia with a cross face, only standing at about half his height. 

"Sorry..." Levia apologised, slightly slouching and bringing his body inwards; holding his hands up to his chest. 

"You know I'm not very good at this whole element thing..." he carried on.


"Gah... Don't apologise, ookie! You're gonna make me feel bad!" Flicky retorted, poking his knee with enough force to make him flinch and brush her paw away.

"Let's just try again." She instructed. 

"Now what carefully, ookie!" The spider monkey girl got into position; her fists out at her sides and her eyes closed. She took a large, deep breath in through her mouth, holding it for a few seconds. Next, she slowly breathed out. From her mouth emerged many clear, medium-sized bubbles that quickly darted out and splashed against the target made from old wood, sticks and chalk. The attack was weak yet hit almost every time, in Flicky's case at least. 


"You got that, Ookie? Your turn now!" Flicky jumped back behind Levia. Admittedly, she believed in him less than she did at the start. But she was still determined to help Levia perfect his bubble breath. 


"A..Alright! I can do this!" Levia chanted. Flicky watched him with a smile as he looked back at her for reassurance. He got into his focused position, copying what the simian did in her demonstration. After a few seconds of his eyes being closed, he took a biiiiiig breath in, quite a bit bigger than Flicky did. Then, slowly, he breathed out. Yet instead of a stream of bubbles leaving his mouth, one huge bubble emerged, quickly darting towards the target and bursting around it and slightly knocking the target bacl the moment it was fully formed. Levia looked shocked and a little afraid of thr attack he had just produced. He turned his face toward Flicky, nervous for her reaction. Not because she was a cruel of course, but because of his timid nature. Her reaction surprised him greatly.


The simians's mouth hung open in surprise, turning into an open smile and a little victory dance whilst she chanted happy monkey noises, climbing up Levia to sit on his shoulder. This action surprised the half-elf, never having any small creature coke into physical contact with him before. He enjoyed the sensation of the soft, tan fur on his shoulder, though. 

"That was amazing, Levia, ookie! How'd you do that! You finally did it, ookie ookie!" Flicky excitedly complimented him, ruffling his hair, making Levia laugh. 

"I..I don't even know! I just followed what you did!" Levia said, grinning widely at his success.

"If you keep that up, one day you might be as good as yours truly, ookie!" Flicky smugly said, smirking, shifting her body to sit on both his shoulders, resting her head on the Elven boy's head. He rolled his eyes and chuckled at the spider monkey girl. Picking her up off of his shoulders and placing her on the ground, he smoothed out his clothing and picked up his tote bag.

"Thank you so much for this training, Flicky. I appreciate it alot! Can we do this again some time?." Levia thanked, grinning down at his new friends.

"Absolutely! You're always welcome at the dojo of the Flick-meister!" Flicky boasted a little, crossing her arms and looking proud. Levia chuckled and smoothed his hair.

"Well, I best be going back to the village now. You're a great teacher! Farewell 'till next time!" He turned and waved with one arm, jogging away for a few seconds until he stopped and rustled through his bag.

"Oh! Before I forget..." Levia pulled a large, rip, yellow banana from his tote bag and thew it to Flicky. She boosted herself with a stream of water to catch it with booth hands, immediately peeling it and biting half of it. "Sank yew!" She said, her mouth stuffed with banana. Levia made one final wave goodbye before disappearing into the distance along the stone path of the marshland. This goodbye is in no way forever. Levia will be back soon to train with his simian friend very soon.




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