Tommy's Ribbon Scarf: How Tommy got his Silver scarf.

Published Nov 8, 2023, 9:06:06 AM UTC | Last updated Nov 8, 2023, 9:06:06 AM | Total Chapters 1

Story Summary

When Tommy was first adopted by his two fathers. One of the fathers named Iggy gave Tommy a silver silk scarf and a note that says "Dear child, this might be a big change for you so I'm giving you this scarf as a gift. I hope you enjoy it. - Love Dad". 

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Chapter 1: How Tommy got his Silver scarf.

Tommy stared out the window of the car. A man who's hair was dyed pink was talking to another man in the driver's seat with dark skin and fluffy white scarf that looked like pure white feathers. Tommy was too happy and excited by the idea of having a family to listen. When the car stopped Tommy saw the little house he was supposed to live in. It was a beautiful white house with a burgundy roof the house was moderately sized. Tommy grabbed his luggage and his parents followed. By the time they got there they found Tommy asleep on the couch his luggage on the floor becide the couch. When Tommy woke up he found himself in a well kept, blue colored, bedroom. When Tommy turned he found a small white box that said "For Tommy". Tommy gently grabbed the box and opened it. Inside there was a small note and a silver silk scarf.

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