Dreamer's Journal: Flower Festivals

Published Oct 29, 2023, 11:21:26 AM UTC | Last updated Oct 29, 2023, 11:21:26 AM | Total Chapters 2

Story Summary

Tales of Yumeki Dreamer's adventures

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Chapter NaN: Flower Festivals

Yumeki Dreamer is laying on his bed in the dark.

"Uuhhggh, I need a vacation…"

You would think life is already some sort of vacation if you are a fallen god. Grabbing his sunglasses, Yumeki looks at his reflection in the dark. 

"Guess we'll make it work." Swiftly Yumeki sits up, turns on his lamp and grabs his sketch journal off the bedside table. The bookmark ribbon has a green and purple charm in the shape of an eye. This charm is similar to the eyes found all over his upper body.

"Great," he sighs. "Where did I put the travel guide…"

He gets up from bed and grabs a small brown satchel hanging on a hook from behind the bedroom door.  Carefully Yumeki places his sketch journal and a pen into the bag. Inside the bag is also his wallet with a few dollars and some change. There is still some space inside.

 After reading himself, he leaves his room and makes his way downstairs. A large glowing book sits on a table.

"Thank you for making this easy."

Flipping through the book, Yumeki lands on a page that grabs his attention. It reads "Castimeria, come visit the wildflower festival and beautiful landscapes!"

"Huh, I haven't been to a festival for a bit. Maybe ever."

On the page is a glowing triangular image. He taps it and the glow transfers to his finger. Turning to a more open room he draws a large triangle in the air and the portal opens.

"Now or never." Breathes Yumeki as he steps through. On the other side of the portal is bright sunlight, a nice summer spring breeze, and the fragrance of flowers. "This is perfect." Faint music can be heard playing in the distance and a dirt path is nearby. Yumeki makes his way to the path, people with Friendly smiles wave and say hello.

Never has Yumeki been somewhere so pleasant. He makes it to a small bustling town, the streets are filled with stalls. Continuing down the street he comes across a booth selling wildflower press art prints.

"Hello there sir! How can I help you today?" The woman at the stand asks. The stand is purple with an awning of woven flowers.

"Oh, I'm well thank you. Just, looking around." Yumeki picks up a print of blue wildflowers with a watercolor cat, bee, and hummingbird creature on it. "This one's cute!" He smiles.

"That is one of my favorites, the little guy is called a Ceebi!" She says as she straightens up some art.

"How much would you like for this one?" Asks Yumeki as he places the print down and grabs his wallet from his satchel.

"That one is 25 gold!" She smiles

Yumeki opens his wallet with slight surprise to see gold coins where his dollars and change was. 150 gold in total. "I'll take it!" He hands the woman the 25 gold and she hands him the wildflower ceebi print in a plastic protector.

"Wonderful doing business with you sir! Have a good day and enjoy the festivities!" She smiles, bows, and waves. Yumeki smiles and waves back then continues down the path.

Other booths include wildflower dyes and paints, clothing made of petals, bouquets, little figures, and at the end of the street was an elf playing a lute. He is selling his music as cassette tapes with small flowers in the shell and vinyl with flowers pressed between the layers. The album is called "Bloom of the New Dawn"

A crowd is gathered around when Yumeki joins. The music consisted of melody's of nature, love, family, and friendship. The elf bard finishes his performance. "Thank you everyone, you have all been so kind today! I appreciate you coming out to celebrate whether it's your first or fifth time!"

The sky darkens and most of the crowd has left. Yumeki goes up to the bard.

"Your music is wonderful! How much for a signed vinyl?" Asks Yumeki as he grabs his wallet again.

"Hey! Thanks man, I appreciate it. 100 gold for the vinyl and I will happily sign it! Who's it for?"

The bard grabs a flower pen and a vinyl.

"This will go to my sister, Audio!" Yumeki smiles.

"What a unique name, here you go my good sir! Hope your sister enjoys it!" He hands Yumeki the vinyl. The autograph reads " To Audio, a wonderful sister. Stay kind, stay sweet, stay smiling. Jest the Bard."

"I appreciate it, have a good night and thanks for performing." With vinyl under arm and the daylight fleeting, Yumeki makes his way to an open space. His finger glows and he draws a large triangle in the air and the portal home appears.

Re-entering his home, he lays the vinyl on the counter and heads upstairs to end his adventure with some sleep.

The next morning Yumeki calls up Audio.

"Hey come to my place, I got you something."

Within a few hours the sound goddess arrives.

"Yumeki!!! Hey!! What's up!!" Audio gleefully hugs her younger brother. The hug is tight but it makes Yumeki feel really good. He hugs back.

"So I went on an adventure yesterday. A place called Castimeria. They had a wildflower festival going on." Yumeki goes over to where the vinyl is and Audio sits on the couch.

He picks up the vinyl and heads over to Audio.

"NO WAY!!! A VINYL!! DUDE! THANK YOU!!" Audio excitedly exclaims.

"It's signed too." He points out the signature.

"Bro, thank you. Like wow!" She hugs him again.

"I got some art for myself." Yumeki grabs his bag and pulls out the wildflower ceebi print.

"OH MY THAT'S SO CUUUTE!!" Audio gently takes the print to admire it. "Could you go back and take a picture of those little guys if possible, maybe please?"

"I will think about it." Yumeki chuckles. "Want to listen to it?"

"I'm on it!" Audio snaps her fingers and a record player with speakers connected appears. She sets it up. As the music starts to play a cheerful vibe spreads across the room.

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