PaperDemon Art RPG News

Here is where we post new Art Role Playing Game challenges, community news, announcements, site updates, and mental health articles to help motivate you to become more awesome.

  • New Smilies!

    I've finally created my own custom smiley pack just for the forum. Would you guys like it if I allowed smilies to be used in critiques/reviews and private messages? I can install that feature duri...

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    Posted May 14, 2005, 7:24:08 PM

  • Red Curtain needs a new look

    Greetings peeps. School will be over in a few weeks and I'd like to do a new design for the Red Curtain. Would you guys like it to be dark backgrounds and light colored text like it is or light ba...

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    Posted May 6, 2005, 10:21:51 PM

  • New "Paper Demon Media Productions" Website

    The Paper Demon Media Productions Website is now online. I have moved the Surviving Together stuff from into the PDMP site. You can visit the new site here:Paper Demon Media Produc...

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    Posted Apr 27, 2005, 8:22:54 AM

  • Aliases locked

    After much thought, I have decided that it is a good idea to keep members from changing their aliases on the fly. From now on, if you wish to change your alias, you'll have to ask me to change it ...

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    Posted Apr 23, 2005, 6:08:15 AM

  • Bug found in Members area with writing

    I found a bug that's probably been around for months in the members section. When you update a story, it moves it from the red curtain and into the paper demon section. I found it and fixed it tod...

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    Posted Apr 23, 2005, 12:29:27 AM

  • All Paper Demon Media projects on hold

    I just wanted to inform you guys that for the next month, I won't be around much. My short film is due in one month along with my coral reef illustration so I'll be pressed for time in the following w...

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    Posted Apr 18, 2005, 8:11:29 AM

  • Chatroom

    I've put the chatroom back up in response to the poll asking what features people want. You can enter the chatroom after logging in and click in on "Chat Room" under "Inbox." At th...

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    Posted Apr 10, 2005, 11:51:52 PM

  • Did you log in and find out you were BANNED?

    I appoligize but this morning when I was trying to fix a bug with the banning mechanism, I inadvertantly caused everyone to get a BANNED message when they log in. I appoligize for the message! The onl...

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    Posted Apr 8, 2005, 1:21:39 AM

  • rpgmusic-man ID 229 - BANNED

    Honestly people like this make me want to cry. They get me so upset. I can't believe someone would be so stupid and confidant that the stuff they uploaded is theirs. :mad: This user has been banne...

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    Posted Apr 7, 2005, 1:56:33 PM

  • Posting your artwork, change in way of adding to galleries

    I've always known that adding artwork and writing to the appropriate sections was confusing. There is a specific way I wanted each person to choose their categories but I never was able to express...

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    Posted Apr 3, 2005, 7:31:08 AM