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Wanted: New co-author for Mosquiton fic

  1. Posted on Feb 28, 2006, 10:23:14 PM UTC
    ID: 7961 | #1
    Level 28

    I'm looking for a new co-author for my Mosquiton fic "Master Mosquiton: New Beginnings".

    Inaho and her little sister had just escaped from the evil clutches of their wicked step-mother. But are they really free from her grasp? Luckily a certain vampire and his twin sister are there to protect them.

    If anyone is interested please contact me at ieither [email protected] or

  2. Posted on Mar 3, 2006, 11:08:39 PM UTC
    ID: 8007 | #4
    Level 275 BETA ADMIN
    Ehhh- Vampires. Sorry, that's one fantasy creature that all my friends know I don't touch with a 20ft pole. I can't even stand Buffy the Vampire slayer cause of them. I'm a HUGE needle phobic. Writing, drawing- i don't care ^^; Oh well ^^;
  3. Posted on Mar 3, 2006, 11:59:13 PM UTC
    ID: 8012 | #6
    Level 275 BETA ADMIN
    Other writers? See, its a hard one, cause I've never heard of Mosquiton let alone anyone that could fic it. That's the thing with writing a good story- you need to know the characters WELL. I've writen a few fan fics for DBZ and Green LAntern, but you know how long DBZ is. Green LAntern has been going since World war 1- The green Lantern I wrote about has been going for 10 years and I have his whole run of comics. It's really difficult to jusmp into writing a story without past cause you don't know how they'd react and what they'd be interested- their emotions and how they talk. Their past and how it effects them. People like my fics cause I have all of this. I don't let the character get 'out of character'. Besides, why do you need help- if you have inspiration to write, why not just write it and see how it turns out? What's the worst that could happen? :)
  4. Posted on Mar 4, 2006, 5:23:12 AM UTC
    ID: 8013 | #7
    Level 28

    I suck at writing. I have no grammer and I get writers block very easily. That's why I need help.

    Maybe you can post my ad in some other forums.

  5. Posted on Mar 4, 2006, 5:33:26 AM UTC
    ID: 8015 | #8
    Level 275 BETA ADMIN
    Uhhh- I wouldn't have a clue who to talk to to be quite honest. I know nothing of the comic. As I see it, if you have an idea you want to run with, then do it, if not and you want one, then start writing down what you know, and what you want to play with. As for writers block- that shouldn't be a stopper- if you know where you want the story to be before you start, then you write anything till you get to a more interesting sceen. Go back to it later then, and usually, you'll either love it, releise that is was a differnt turn that also makes sence, or it'd be better with this *cue better idea* insteed. That's how I do it. You must know where you want the story to go though. If you need help with flow, I could help, but I can't write the story for you.
  6. Posted on Apr 24, 2006, 4:20:39 AM UTC
    ID: 9051 | #10
    Level 7
    Wow I havn't heard anyone mentioning Mosquiton in ages O.o Anyhoo, I loved the OVA, it got so perverted near the end >:3 Good luck finding your partner!

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