PaperDemon Art RPG

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Info dump

  1. Posted on Apr 10, 2024, 5:03:10 PM UTC
    ID: 47470 | #1
    Level 20

    ahem, please dump info on me, I am sick and bored and I'm honestly fine with everything

    From speices, lore, how you made your characters, the arcs, the plot, the theme or main idea

    I'll go first :3

    CW/TW: Themes of death, breaking laws, and emo stuff.

    Vincent and Vector (u don't know him, but Vincent's adopted human little brother) used to be named Ezra and Tyler, their story was totally different too. Instead of Vector being Vincent's adopted brother and all of that possession stuff, and Vincent's arson, murder, and this paperdemon stuff, Vincent [name was Ezra] was bound to Vector [Name was tyler] (they also weren't siblings, but enemies) from a curse given to Vector (this inspired Vector being bound to a parasitic eldritch god) when he entered the cursed hotel (placeholder before I made the Dreamscape). It was going to be a slow burn enemies to lovers, I think I changed it when I wanted to give Vincent a better backstory and it just kind of spiraled from there until I scrapped the whole Ezra and Tyler thingy (I didn't like it anyways, always felt 2d and kind of icky). The whole Ezra and Tyler thing came from an old dnd roleplay prompt I found on google. I still have the old Playlist called, Ezra is Manipulating Tyler Again, on my youtube and I've noticed a lot of those songs are shared on Vincent's current Playlist on Spotify. I like looking at Ezra and Tyler's story and comparing it to Vincent's and Vector's to see the parallels or what's different. I made a Yes To Err Is Human, So Don't Be One! Pmv that has both Vincent's and Vector's old designs [Vector was still called Ezra, Vincent was now named Vincent]. Vector was original going to be called Vincent, but I though Vincent fit the vampire much better. Vincent used to be just a vampire with a demon-like form, but I change it to teifling after I made him my version of Lucifer. I changed it to incubus after I joined PD and made him pole dance. Vector's story changed a lot too, he's now a guy who's being harrased by a parasitic eldritch go and jumps universes.

    I have a lot more, but that all doesn't have anything to do with Vincent.

    Sorry for misspellings, I wrote this in five minutes ❤

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