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Motive and motivation

  1. Posted on May 24, 2016, 4:52:05 PM UTC
    ID: 28613 | #1
    Level 13

    Little known fact: When I write, it's usually fanfics for the sake of fandom attention. I'm not saying what I produce doesn't mean anything to me, hut if people don't say anything about it I lack motivation to write over time. I want people to enjoy my writing, and if I don't know whether or not anyone is enjoying I turn into "Why am I even doing it?"

  2. Posted on May 30, 2016, 7:38:34 AM UTC
    ID: 28635 | #2
    Level 9

    You do it because you want to. I have a few I started but need to sit down and finish. And the good thing about fan fiction is that you can edit it later, change some things and you have an original story. I've done that with at least one. 

  3. Posted on Oct 6, 2016, 1:14:54 PM UTC
    ID: 28691 | #3
    Level 1

    I cannot stand the feels if I try to write a fan fiction. In high school I played a little bit with some Pokemon stuff but I just could not get into it. I find it sad that you feel the need to write fan fictions specifically to get attention from those people.

    I write to put things out that should not be left in, to help others who have issues that they need not to be left in, and hopefully one day to be able to quit my day job. The few bucks a year I make from story writing keeps me from that "Why am I even doing this?" moment.

  4. Posted on Oct 6, 2016, 11:08:38 PM UTC
    ID: 28697 | #4
    Level 65

    These days, I mostly don't write. >.< When I did, sometimes it was because I had an idea which I wanted to see (fandom or otherwise) and I knew nobody else would write it for me, and sometimes because there was some kind of community event or contest going on and I wanted the fun of participating. The stories haven't left my head, I've still got some characters I'd like to see happen to a piece of paper, but I can't seem to find the words for them anymore... I think I was relying so much on bursts of inspiration that I never learned discipline. There's a story I really don't want to leave that I'm starting from the other way 'round right now - trying to research some of the details of the things I want to put in, and hoping that understanding more about my idea-characters' setting and how they would live will give me more fuel than running off impulse.

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