PaperDemon Art RPG

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Post 28697 - Motive and motivation

  1. Posted on Oct 6, 2016, 11:08:38 PM UTC
    ID: 28697

    These days, I mostly don't write. >.< When I did, sometimes it was because I had an idea which I wanted to see (fandom or otherwise) and I knew nobody else would write it for me, and sometimes because there was some kind of community event or contest going on and I wanted the fun of participating. The stories haven't left my head, I've still got some characters I'd like to see happen to a piece of paper, but I can't seem to find the words for them anymore... I think I was relying so much on bursts of inspiration that I never learned discipline. There's a story I really don't want to leave that I'm starting from the other way 'round right now - trying to research some of the details of the things I want to put in, and hoping that understanding more about my idea-characters' setting and how they would live will give me more fuel than running off impulse.