PaperDemon Art RPG

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Mature content?

  1. Posted on Jun 22, 2008, 2:00:27 AM UTC
    ID: 21888 | #1
    Level 20

    I`m working on a new story and would like to post the chapters I have already written, but I`m a bit in doubt on where to put it. It does contain violence, but it is not that graphic, heres an exampel:


    ”So your stubborn? Fine by me, you can have it the way you want it.”

     He had lost any sense of time , had no idea how many lashes he had gotten by now, he had long since given up holding the screams back, the only reason he no longer screamed when the whip caught his naked upper body was that he no longer had the strength to do so.

    It will in time turn into yaoi/shonen ai but there wont be any hardcore sex scenes. So I just wonder how much does it take before it is considdered mature?

  2. Posted on Jun 22, 2008, 2:46:56 AM UTC
    ID: 21889 | #2
    Level 14

    I think the violence is fine, as for the mild sexual content. But I'm always a bit sensitive over whether yaoi/yuri should be labeled mature. I think a simple question would be: do we want 13 years olds to know all about yaoi/yuri etc? I dunno, I hope that's an objective judgement.

  3. Posted on Jun 22, 2008, 3:50:54 AM UTC
    ID: 21891 | #3
    Level 41

    I say to be on the safe side put it in mature. No matter what, the decision is in BR's hands, and it'll make less work for all the mods in the end. My rule of thumb is that if I'm unsure about my art, I put it in mature. There's no guidelines for what can't be put in the Red Curtain, but there are for what can't be put on Paper Demon. If that makes any sense...

  4. Posted on Jun 22, 2008, 8:40:08 AM UTC
    ID: 21894 | #4
    Level 275 BETA ADMIN

    Naugh- its fine ^^ If you draw art of it and it can be shown in the PD section, it'll be fine. Shounen-ai is allowed in the PD section, but I believe there's a filter for it. Posting it on the PD side will be fine. If you have any worrys though, email Susie at **bogus red at paper demon dot com** (Without spaces and all the buisness) with an excerpt of the most scandelous bit, or the story its self (Least possible cause she's a busy gal ;) ) I think it'll be fine though :)

  5. Posted on Jun 22, 2008, 11:07:56 AM UTC
    ID: 21895 | #5
    Level 20

    thanks for your awnsers,I think I will post it in PD with a message saying I will move it if someone are offended.

    I always find it hard to decide what belongs in PD and what is "too much".

  6. Posted on Jun 27, 2008, 3:44:07 AM UTC
    ID: 21929 | #6
    Level 5

    On the submission page, you can mouse over a little info button that describes adult content. It says that "full-body nudity, extreme violence, excessive blood/gore,  yaoi, or sexual content" all must be posted on the Red Curtain side.

    Eerrm... I hope I'm not stirring up an old kettle of worms here, if you'll pardon the mixed metaphors, but... why is yaoi set apart from sexual content? Is there a reason to single it out like that -- for example, does it mean that any homosexual themes at all, even without explicit depictions of sex, are considered adult?

    Every way I read this it squicks me out a little. Can someone please clarify the reasoning behind this?

  7. Posted on Jun 27, 2008, 4:14:55 AM UTC
    ID: 21930 | #7
    Level 275 BETA ADMIN

    On Jun 26, 2008 8:44 pm, Indefatigable42 said:

    Eerrm... I hope I'm not stirring up an old kettle of worms here, if you'll pardon the mixed metaphors, but... why is yaoi set apart from sexual content? Is there a reason to single it out like that -- for example, does it mean that any homosexual themes at all, even without explicit depictions of sex, are considered adult?


    Yaoi is explicit male on male sex, just like Yuri is female on female sex. Shounen-ai and shoujo-ai are the PD friendly versions. They're the kissing and hugging level stuff. Romance. It's a thing that the Japanese do stuf about alot- it's shunned alot more in english speaking sociaty, so we usually give it the Japanese label :) Besides- it's easier to say ^^

  8. Posted on Jul 5, 2008, 4:56:27 AM UTC
    ID: 21981 | #8
    Level 5

    Right, but what I mean is that currently, [i]only[/i] yaoi is singled out in the description of adult content. It should make it clear that all explicit sexual content needs to go into the Red Curtain. What I'm concerned about is the implication that gay sex scenes are worse than straight sex scenes.

    When you consider that the archive isn't only for anime fans, using a single keyword such as 'yaoi' to describe explicit male/male sex just isn't descriptive enough. It should expressly say that works containing (for example) 'explicit sexual activity between same-sex or opposite-sex partners' should go in RC.

    Use words, not jargon, and make it say what it's supposed to say. Shorthand confuses the issues.

  9. Posted on Jul 24, 2008, 9:28:04 AM UTC
    ID: 22152 | #9
    Level 1

    Well, I just submitted the beginning of my own story. There's probably going to be a little violence and gore, and I do have a sex scene and references to sexual content (a guy and a girl, if you must know) What compelled me to finally put it on the Red Curtain side was the fact that my original character is incredibly foul-mouthed. If a movie gets rated R for a few uses of the word "fuck," and the Red Curtain is reserved for items above PG-13, then...

  10. Posted on Jul 24, 2008, 12:04:55 PM UTC
    ID: 22155 | #10
    Level 275 BETA ADMIN

    On Jul 24, 2008 2:28 am, The Master Planner said:

    Well, I just submitted the beginning of my own story. There's probably going to be a little violence and gore, and I do have a sex scene and references to sexual content (a guy and a girl, if you must know) What compelled me to finally put it on the Red Curtain side was the fact that my original character is incredibly foul-mouthed. If a movie gets rated R for a few uses of the word "fuck," and the Red Curtain is reserved for items above PG-13, then...


    Swear words should be used in moderation. Like, only characters that should swear, and only when they're talking, otherwise the narator gets too much personality and distracts  from te story, or the swear wrds lose impact. I try to not be potty mouthed at all, cause when you call someone a bastard or whatever, you KNOW they are annoyed. Besides, they're offensive. Casually reading a word like that makes you feel bad, even if it's only sublimical, and you don't notice it. It shouldn't be RC cause of language only. IT's the content.

    Point- Red Curtin is for 18 + things. Just so you know. You have to be 13 to JOIN Paperdemon. Paperdemon does allowe nudity to a point (No pink bits) so Shouenen-ai etc is allowed in the Paperdemon side. That's soft core- cuddling, kissing... anything sexual goes to RC, or over graphically violent.

    Just to clarify ;) We AREN'T anal Deviantarters... We understand that 13 year olds aren't idiots. The mature flag doesn't go on JUST cause its nude around here ;) In saying that, also the vibe that trhe art / writing gives off may push it over...

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