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National Novel Writing Month

  1. Posted on Aug 25, 2007, 4:57:58 AM UTC
    ID: 18919 | #1
    Level 115

    Or NaNoWriMo in short. I know there was a forum on it last year but it was locked so... I made another one. Anyway is anyone planning on doing it this year? I am :yes: I've got a pretty good story in mind. I'm working on the outline and concepts and stuff for it. But just wanted to know if anyone else out there is planning on entering as well. Maybe we can discuss story ideas and stuff :yes:

    If you don't know what NaNoWriMo is here's a link to more info.

  2. Posted on Aug 25, 2007, 3:21:46 PM UTC
    ID: 18930 | #2
    Level 1

    I'm still working on my book from last year. My teachers all decided to throw tons of projects on us last November, so I hadn't the time to work on it a lot. This year, I'd be happy to reach 25k or to finish my book. I have two other book ideas lined up and waiting though.

    What's you're idea so far?

  3. Posted on Aug 25, 2007, 4:15:04 PM UTC
    ID: 18932 | #3
    Level 4

    I'm for SURE participating!!! My name over there is: irishgirl982. What is everyone else's names??

    Last year I finished over 50,000, but my book is still going on... lol. I plan on hopefully finishing it before november to start my new book. I'm thinking about doing fanfiction again... unless I come up with some brilliant idea before then.

    What are you guys doing for your stories? Any brilliant ideas?

  4. Posted on Aug 25, 2007, 8:06:05 PM UTC
    ID: 18944 | #4
    Level 115

    On Aug 25, 2007 8:21 am, Monochromatic Nymph said:

    I'm still working on my book from last year. My teachers all decided to throw tons of projects on us last November, so I hadn't the time to work on it a lot. This year, I'd be happy to reach 25k or to finish my book. I have two other book ideas lined up and waiting though.

    What's you're idea so far?


    Assignments = take up to much time lol well hopefully you'll reach your 25k goal this year.

    I'm still working on the plot and conflict and stuff but basically my idea was kind of a medeval fantasy ( which is new for me) where in their world there are five masks that have give the person who wears it certain powers. For instance, Super speed or strength. One of them has the power to raise the dead another gives God like powers. The last one  gives the able to shape shift in to a wolf and the power to control ice. Yeah It's still underconstruction.



    I'm for SURE participating!!! My name over there is: irishgirl982. What is everyone else's names??

    Last year I finished over 50,000, but my book is still going on... lol. I plan on hopefully finishing it before november to start my new book. I'm thinking about doing fanfiction again... unless I come up with some brilliant idea before then.


    I haven't yet signed up. I'm planning to sometime this week though:yes:

    Over 50k and still going! Awesome :grin: What was your story about??

  5. Posted on Aug 26, 2007, 8:05:09 AM UTC
    ID: 18972 | #5
    Level 4


    Over 50k and still going! Awesome :grin: What was your story about??



    Oh, it's just a Harry Potter fanfiction. (You can find it here: )It's at just over 90,000 words now. Which is sad considering I wrote the first 50,000 in one month. Hopefully I'll have it finished by november!!

  6. Posted on Aug 26, 2007, 3:08:43 PM UTC
    ID: 18976 | #6
    Level 1

    On Aug 25, 2007 1:06 pm, Jill V. -S.T.A.R.S. said:
    [quote]Assignments = take up to much time lol well hopefully you'll reach your 25k goal this year.

    I'm still working on the plot and conflict and stuff but basically my idea was kind of a medeval fantasy ( which is new for me) where in their world there are five masks that have give the person who wears it certain powers. For instance, Super speed or strength. One of them has the power to raise the dead another gives God like powers. The last one  gives the able to shape shift in to a wolf and the power to control ice. Yeah It's still underconstruction.[/quote]

    I wonder if I'll even be able to meet that...Anyway, sounds like a good idea. I don't think 'God-like' powers would be the best idea for one of the masks, I like the others but this one just sounds off to me. It's just a suggestion though, I think you're plenty creative enough to come up with another power on your own though.

  7. Posted on Aug 26, 2007, 5:05:13 PM UTC
    ID: 18977 | #7
    Level 115

    On Aug 26, 2007 8:08 am, Monochromatic Nymph said:

    On Aug 25, 2007 1:06 pm, Jill V. -S.T.A.R.S. said:
    [quote]Assignments = take up to much time lol well hopefully you'll reach your 25k goal this year.

    I'm still working on the plot and conflict and stuff but basically my idea was kind of a medeval fantasy ( which is new for me) where in their world there are five masks that have give the person who wears it certain powers. For instance, Super speed or strength. One of them has the power to raise the dead another gives God like powers. The last one  gives the able to shape shift in to a wolf and the power to control ice. Yeah It's still underconstruction.[/quote]

    I wonder if I'll even be able to meet that...Anyway, sounds like a good idea. I don't think 'God-like' powers would be the best idea for one of the masks, I like the others but this one just sounds off to me. It's just a suggestion though, I think you're plenty creative enough to come up with another power on your own though.


    That's part of the plot of the story is that everyone is in search for that mask in particular. There's also a flip side to it, if the wrong person wears it, it kills that person instead of giving them powers. It's also a one time only mask. It destroys itself after a certain amount of time of being worn to make sure it doesn't get abused :yes:

    But anyway did you have a story lined up for this year?

  8. Posted on Aug 27, 2007, 2:51:05 AM UTC
    ID: 18991 | #8
    Level 1

    Well, that makes more sense and makes the Godly-ness more believable. It's clever how it's a one-time use mask, I don't think I would've thought of that.

    Ideally I'd have my book finished by November...not holding my breath though. My classes aren't going to be easy this semester, plus work, and the random happenings of life will probably put a damper on it.

    I actually have two more book ideas that I thought up recently, well more of a dreamed up. Interestingly enough, all three ideas have come from dreams and are all Science Fiction...even though I never read or watch the genre, save for Star Wars when I was younger.

    One of them is set up in the not so distant future. It starts out on the west coast when these weird creatures start attacking people at least 18, no one's certain about 17 though. A small group of kids ends up trying to make their way to D.C. where the oldest people [who also act as 'parents'] are 15 turning 16 at some point during the book. The youngest person is 3 or 4...haven't decided yet. There are tell-tale signs that the creatures are about to attack; a drought, crops and livestock die, people start going missing, and then they are blatantly attacked. The kids don't know if they're invisible to the creatures, or if the creatures just aren't interested in them. Little to no information has gotten to or out of the west so there's mass confusion. The other side of the world is also affected, the attack seems to originate around the Pacific Coast moving eastward, or west as the case may be.

    I think I'll start with that one after I finish my current book. I don't want to move onto another book before this one's done though, so we'll see. Any suggestions for the idea though, so I can think about it?

  9. Posted on Aug 28, 2007, 4:49:21 AM UTC
    ID: 19016 | #9
    Level 11 BANNED

    My friends keep telling me I should write a novelization of our D&D campaign, but such a thing would be about as long as Robert Jordan's 'Wheel of Time' series.

    At first they all made 1st level characters for a Ravenloft campaign, and after about 3 years of playing once or twice a week, they got to 12th level and finally escaped the Domain of Dread. Three powerful witches made their lives a living hell, and since Tragedy was a central theme of that campaign, many PCs and NPCs close to them died. Then I put them in my homebrew Norse mythology world and their quest was to stop Fimbulwinter from turning the whole world to ice (gathering magical item sand clues and such). The three witches followed them out of Ravenloft and continued their malevolence against the heroes.

    But after about another 2 years of playing they got to 19th level, and confronted one of the final bosses of the campaign, but the whole party was killed, and frozen for all eternity.

    Then the players made all new characters and started the campaign again 100 years later (in the game, mind you), where the Fimbulwinter had taken complete control of the world. Bound in the earth, Loki plotted to escape, and so his wife Sigyn commissioned four Niebelung dwarfs to make a sword powerful enough to cut Loki's chains and free him, thus starting Ragnarok.

    The dwarfs confront the PCs and tell them about the sword they need, and dupe them into finding the components for it. Several levels later the party realizes they were duped and stop working for the dwarfs. Enraged, all the minions of Loki hunt the party down and attempt to kill them, but they fail on all acounts.

    Meanwhile the three witches have their own agenda: they start a huge civil war across the land and the PCs become immersed in it, and they are soon faced with the same quest the players' other characters were on.

    So now the heroes must reverse the Fimbulwinter, kill the witches, and stop Loki from starting Ragnarok. Right now they're 18-19th level, and we'll probbaly take the campaign into epic levels to the heroes can fight an actual god. All in a day's work for mighty adventurers!

    The characters in that story will be: Dalroc - orc barbarian; Iron-feather - half-elf sorceror; Skilving - yuan-ti rogue; Sasha - human sorceress.

    But who knows if i'll ever be able to write this ultimate super epic by November...

  10. Posted on Aug 28, 2007, 5:13:04 AM UTC
    ID: 19017 | #10
    Level 7
    I have a few plots in mind, but I give up easily and have issues with planning so I don't know. It might be good to enter to help flesh out my one of my stories a little more though. I might consider it.

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