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Wanted: Co-author for "Ranma Kurata"

  1. Posted on Jul 15, 2007, 4:32:47 AM UTC
    ID: 17924 | #1
    Level 28

    I'm looking for a co-author to help me write my Ranma/Kodocha crossover fic "Ranma Kurata"

    Summery: Sana's mother, Misako Kurata and Nodoka are sisters but they don't get along. In fact they pratically hate each other. So when Misako heard that Nodoka was going to make Ranma commit seppuku, she took drastic measures and rushed to save her one and only nephew, Ranma, and demanded her sister to let her adopt him. Because unlike Nodoka, Ms. Korada doesn't believe in honour. So how will Sana will handle for having her water gender changing cousin for a big brother/sister and how will Ranma will handle for having an overly hyper-active child star for a little sister?

    And for Misako's fun, she'll make the Saotomes, Tendos, the Amazons, the Kuno's, Happosai, and the rest of the NWC's lives a living hell for the constant abuse they place on Ranma.

    Although, just for fairness, she might allow Kasumi and Dr. Tofu some visitation rights.

    Caution: There will be no Ranma/Akane pairings nor any other pairings in this fic. Unless you want to fix Ranma up with Akido's sister then that's okay.

    Right now all I got is the title and the disclaimer.

    If anyone is interested please respond this post or contact me by pm.

  2. Posted on Jul 16, 2007, 2:03:31 AM UTC
    ID: 17934 | #3
    Level 28

    Because right now I'm having trouble how to start the story off. So far I only got the title and disclaimer.

    What do you think how the story should start off with?

  3. Posted on Jul 16, 2007, 3:17:39 AM UTC
    ID: 17935 | #4
    Level 275 BETA ADMIN

    If all you want is a beginning, you should probably talk live about it. Over a forum is too slow. What you want is quick fire ideas with instant answers. Hock up in the chat room or something :) Sounds the best idea to me :D

  4. Posted on Jul 16, 2007, 4:42:56 AM UTC
    ID: 17939 | #5
    Level 115

    Good idea, Arkillian.

    Who's POV is this from? Is it a first-person narrative, or third person? If it's third person, are you planning on focusing on one particular character throughout the whole story (like...Harry Potter, or something) or are you gonna do an omniscient 3rd person? ...Yeah, I think that's what it's called. :lol:

  5. Posted on Jul 16, 2007, 5:00:18 AM UTC
    ID: 17942 | #6
    Level 28

    Sorry Arkillian but I'm afraid I have to turn down your idea because I don't like chat rooms. Too many people talking at the same time and I could never get a word in edge wise. Plus only freaks, weirdos, creeps, and sexual preditors go to chat rooms.

    Dollmaker: I want to be a third person P.O.V but I don't want the same old beginnings like Ranma sitting on the tendo rooftop, ranma and akane arguing on their way to school, ranma and genma having their morning sparring, nor any other cookie cutter ranma fanfic beginnings.

    I want something new something fresh something different. That's why I need co-authors. I never think on my own.


  6. Posted on Jul 16, 2007, 5:28:56 AM UTC
    ID: 17943 | #7
    Level 281 ADMIN

    On Jul 15, 2007 10:00 pm, Animeiac said:

    Sorry Arkillian but I'm afraid I have to turn down your idea because I don't like chat rooms. Too many people talking at the same time and I could never get a word in edge wise. Plus only freaks, weirdos, creeps, and sexual preditors go to chat rooms.[/quote] has a chatroom. Only PD members can access it. Just go to Members Area > Chat and click on the link for the Lobby. There aren't too many people that use it. But if you organize a gathering there to chat about your story it would work. Our chat room is there specifically for these times when live conversation is needed.

  7. Posted on Jul 16, 2007, 1:32:17 PM UTC
    ID: 17944 | #8
    Level 28

    On Jul 15, 2007 10:28 pm, BogusRed said:

    On Jul 15, 2007 10:00 pm, Animeiac said:

    Sorry Arkillian but I'm afraid I have to turn down your idea because I don't like chat rooms. Too many people talking at the same time and I could never get a word in edge wise. Plus only freaks, weirdos, creeps, and sexual preditors go to chat rooms.[/quote] has a chatroom. Only PD members can access it. Just go to Members Area > Chat and click on the link for the Lobby. There aren't too many people that use it. But if you organize a gathering there to chat about your story it would work. Our chat room is there specifically for these times when live conversation is needed.


    I appriciate the offer but chat rooms just aren't for me.

  8. Posted on Jul 17, 2007, 2:46:16 AM UTC
    ID: 17949 | #9
    Level 115

    On Jul 15, 2007 10:00 pm, Animeiac said:

    Sorry Arkillian but I'm afraid I have to turn down your idea because I don't like chat rooms. Too many people talking at the same time and I could never get a word in edge wise. Plus only freaks, weirdos, creeps, and sexual preditors go to chat rooms.

    Dollmaker: I want to be a third person P.O.V but I don't want the same old beginnings like Ranma sitting on the tendo rooftop, ranma and akane arguing on their way to school, ranma and genma having their morning sparring, nor any other cookie cutter ranma fanfic beginnings.

    I want something new something fresh something different. That's why I need co-authors. I never think on my own.



    Well, I suppose I can agree with the chatroom an extent. I use chatrooms when they're available. I think they're funny. Especially the freaks, weirdos, etc. Sexual predators are no laughing matter, though. :ponders: All the same, I've never met one. Which is for the best. I think Bogus's idea of using the PD chatroom's a good one though. It's usually abandoned, and it'll probably still be a nice, slow, mellow pace if you invite a couple folks in.

    As for helping out myself, I'm not very far in Ranma 1/2 (*hackI'vereadthefirsttwomangahack*) and...the other thing you mentioned. I don't even think I've heard of it. it another Takahashi thing?

    Anyway, I kinda was going to suggest something along the lines of the arguing thing. But my suggestion was going to be...uh...who was it...Misako and Nodoka arguing about Ranma going to live with Misako (if I got that right). Then have Ranma hiding in another room during all of this, listening to it.

    Just as things are getting interesting - poof! It was just a dream/flashback thingie! Ranma's dream/flashback thingie, to be exact.

    Corny and overused, I know. But it works...sorta. :ponders: I think I'm going to stop helping now. :lol: I'm probably giving you a headache more than anything.

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