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Challenge story-writing... thing...

  1. Posted on Feb 7, 2007, 3:21:29 AM UTC
    ID: 15887 | #1
    Level 6
    Hey, everybody!  =D  I was perusing other writing sites, and I came across this concept called "challenge writing".  For those of you who, like me, are new to this idea, challenge writing seems to be an undertaking in which one person writes a story based on or following guidelines set by another person.

    So I said to myself, "Self, this sounds like fun!  Let's see if any of our buddies on PaperDemon want to give you some guidelines to write a challenge story!"

    So, here I am.  If anyone's interested, Self and I would like to write a sweet challenge story.  It can be fanfic or not (though a fanfic would probably be more interesting, since there is so much else one would have to conform to).  As far as fanfics go, my favorites are the Legend of Zelda series (any game for GameBoy, SNES, N64, or GameCube [except I haven't quite finished Twilight Princess yet, so maybe nothing about that]) and the Harry Potter series.  I know the DBZ main characters pretty well, but not a lot of plot.  I watched almost all of the FullMetal Alchemist episodes, so I could write about that, too.  Again, I would probably prefer it to be LoZ or HP.  Or Lord of the Rings (the movies, not the books [shoot me, I know...]).

    Actually, just ask me if you want me to do a different book/movie/series etc.  If I know it, I'll likely be happy to do it.

    First-come first-serve basis.

    Guidelines can be anything: "What if Link were a girl?"  "What if the LotR characters were in a LoZ situation?"  And you can have as many as you want, provided they don't cancel each other out.  The only thing I ask: nothing R-rated, and no yaoi, etc.

    Wheeeeee!  This is going to be sooo much fun.  ^ ^
  2. Posted on Feb 8, 2007, 6:59:56 AM UTC
    ID: 15902 | #4
    Level 6
    Basically, you say something like, "Write a DBZ story in which a hand grenade, a talking snake, and parmesan cheese each play a vital role."  It can be something as simple as that, and then I have to figure out how to incorporate those things into a DBZ fanfic.  Or, you can say, "Write a story where Trunks (DBZ), Link (LoZ), and Ed (FMA) meet each other and have to battle a fire-breathing dragon."  Then, I do my best to write a story following the guidelines you set.  It doesn't even have to be a fanfic.  It can be absolutely anything.

    You don't give me an entire plot.  You give me some aspects of it, and I try to piece them together.

    I think it makes it more interesting if the aspects you give me seem unrelated, or if you suggest a "what-if" scenario (like, What if Simba from The Lion King turned evil? or, Re-write Little Red Riding Hood from the woodsman's point of view.).

    Does that make more sense?  It's just fun to see what comes out when you stick in a bunch of random variables.
  3. Posted on Feb 8, 2007, 9:50:21 AM UTC
    ID: 15903 | #5
    Level 275 BETA ADMIN
    Alright then- Harry Potter fic- the Maurauders back when they were students pulling a prank on Severus Snape which involves the leg locker curse cause that is the coolest curse in all history ^^ Too general?
  4. Posted on Feb 15, 2007, 11:25:53 PM UTC
    ID: 15950 | #7
    Level 19

    okay, this belongs in the sujestion box! I was wondering why i couldn't find that section- anyways i' m sure BogusRed  would make a section for it.  With challenges, the writing selection should grow dramatically its defanatly worth a try, why dont you post it there tenis pirate if not then i'll post it.

    Arn't challenges usually more of a plot rather than a rabling, [ given a theme, conflict, characters and in some cases characterization altogther]

    Last edited by Kekoura on Feb 15, 2007, 11:27:26 PM UTC. 1 total edits.

  5. Posted on Feb 16, 2007, 12:10:09 AM UTC
    ID: 15951 | #8
    Level 275 BETA ADMIN
    On Feb 15, 2007 3:25 pm, Kekoura said:

    okay, this belongs in the sujestion box! I was wondering why i couldn't find that section- anyways i' m sure BogusRed  would make a section for it.  With challenges, the writing selection should grow dramatically its defanatly worth a try, why dont you post it there tenis pirate if not then i'll post it.

    Arn't challenges usually more of a plot rather than a rabling, [ given a theme, conflict, characters and in some cases characterization altogther]


    You should start a new forum in the suggestion forum then- I don't know if BR gets personal notification when stuff is posted there or not. She may not see this ;)
  6. Posted on Feb 23, 2007, 8:16:39 AM UTC
    ID: 16006 | #10
    Level 39

    On Feb 12, 2007 10:51 am, Psycho Kitty Net said:

    Chuck Norris fights DBZ villians.

    Everyone knows that when Chuck Norris does Roundhouse Kick (once), every DBZ villain will die instantly. :lol:

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