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Want a Free Book? ;)

  1. Posted on Jan 27, 2007, 4:50:50 AM UTC
    ID: 15744 | #1
    Level 115

    Yes, you heard right!  My mother's an author, and she's hosting an interesting little sale.  I shouldn't tell you...buuut, if you're interested in fantasy and romance novels, go to:

    and send this code to her e-mail. There's a huge CONTACT ME link at the bottom of the page.

    Here's the code -


    The two books you could recieve are:

    1. The Nexus:

    All Maggie O'Hara ever wanted was a nice, normal family. Living alone in a small town in Ohio, her dreams seem to come true when she discovers a family she never knew; 3,000 miles away in Ireland.

    Her mother’s family welcomes her with open arms.

    Her father’s family is trying to kill her, and they're not the only ones!

    Meanwhile, posing as a pub singer is "Brian," the Daoine Sidhe assassin who is irresistibly drawn to Maggie, while under orders to destroy her.

    Maggie discovers her ancient roots in modern-day Dublin. Her father bequeathed her both a gift-her half-fairy heritage, and a curse. She is a Nexus, a conduit from the magical world of Tir na Nog to the mortal realm.

    Touch a Nexus and your wish will come true!

    2. Twist of Fate:

    Tessa Grant, a university professor from Dublin Township, Ohio, finds herself inexplicably transported to Eden, Alaska in 1935--an uncivilized territory at the height of the Great Depression. At the exact moment, her great-grandmother, Amelia Richardson, finds herself in 2002, in Tessa's place. Their only clue is the bracelet Alexander Richardson gave to his wife as a wedding gift with a cryptic message inscribed in Latin. Somehow, the bracelet is the key to switching back--but do they want to?

    PLEASE specify which book you want.  If you don't say, mom won't send you one.  :slant:  And please, this is a real, bona-fide offer.  ;)  So please don't pass it up!  Regardless of the fact I'm bad at advertising! :lol:

    Edit:  Oh yeah, I nicked the book descriptions from the links from her site. :lol:  Amazon and something else.  I don't remember the otehr one.  These books are actually published e-books.  And feel free to browse her site, too.  :D She's got some cool stuff.

    Last edited by Cokekitty on Jan 27, 2007, 4:54:47 AM UTC. 1 total edits.

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