PaperDemon Art RPG

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beta needed

  1. Posted on Dec 9, 2006, 4:10:33 PM UTC
    ID: 14932 | #1
    Level 81 BETA

    Would anyone be interested in reading one of my story?

    Most of you know english is not my first language (Im a French-Canadian), and before posting my chapters i'd like for someone who's good in english to check my story for mistakes of any kind.

    It's a romantic/action/gory/zombie story....those interested PM me.


  2. Posted on Dec 9, 2006, 11:58:53 PM UTC
    ID: 14935 | #2
    Level 275 BETA ADMIN
    Well... my english isn't that great- and I was BORN english XD I can read storys for basic grammar, and do a real crit on story structure/interest etc... not so much grammar since I suck at both grammar and spelling. I know alot of words and story structure. If you're still wanting that kind of help, I'll give it a go if the story is emailed. I can't stand comment crits- I do an in progress crit which is what I'm thinking as I read it- more useful :yes:

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