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  1. Posted on Nov 10, 2006, 6:15:53 PM UTC
    ID: 14422 | #1
    Level 3
    I meant to ask this earlier, but I guess I'll ask it now. Is anybody on PD doing NaNoWriMo? Or attempting it, at least? :ponders:

    I've got a story going, but at the rate I'm writing, I'm not sure I'll be able to make it to the 50,000 word goal. :slant: It is, however, really fun, and I feel like I'm making progress with this story even though I have a low word count. :yes:

    So, uh, is anybody here participating? :scratchhead:
  2. Posted on Nov 10, 2006, 10:55:41 PM UTC
    ID: 14431 | #3
    Level 3
    National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo) is November, and participants try to write an at least 50,000 word novel from scratch by the end of the month. It's a contest that cares completely about quantity, and quality doesn't matter. Although it is nice.

    But its purpose is... well, the last question in their rules FAQ answers that better than I can in my own words. :)

    These FAQs might answer some of your questions:
    basic stuff

    rules and clarifications
  3. Posted on Nov 11, 2006, 12:24:31 AM UTC
    ID: 14432 | #4
    Level 275 BETA ADMIN
    50000 words O.o That's alot- even for me. In one month. My longest story at the moment is unfinished at 35000 words, but those took me ages to get there... Good luck ^^;
  4. Posted on Nov 11, 2006, 4:32:27 AM UTC
    ID: 14435 | #5
    Level 36 BETA
    Yup! Every Year!

    50000 words O.o That's alot- even for me. In one month. My longest story at the moment is unfinished at 35000 words, but those took me ages to get there... Good luck ^^;

    I guess I'm not the norm. 50,000 to me seems small, but a lot of people freak over that number. I'm already almost there and it's not even halfway through the month.

    Last year I think my final total was 103.795 words or close to that.
    it was a 300 plus page novel completed and I didn't even start it until 11.09.05.  O_o

    I just get on a roll I suppose.  

    Last edited by fablespinner on Dec 2, 2006, 5:38:02 AM UTC. 2 total edits.

  5. Posted on Nov 11, 2006, 4:57:27 AM UTC
    ID: 14436 | #6
    Level 3
    :P I'm definitely on the other end of the spectrum. This is my first NaNo, and I'm waaaay behind. I'm actually going back and writing in sentences that both up my word count and add more to the story. <<; But I'm really hoping that I can get caught up on this band trip I'm going on. Not sure how well that's going to work though. :x

    Also: Short word wars are love. I usually lose, but it really gets me typing! :D
  6. Posted on Dec 2, 2006, 4:52:25 AM UTC
    ID: 14782 | #9
    Level 2
    On Dec 1, 2006 4:30 pm, Runic Tunic said:

    So is the contest over now? Do you get your novel published if you win, or what?

    The only thing you really gain from NaNoWriMo is a first draft of a novel, and the satisfaction of writing a whole heckuva lot in a month.  You don't get published or anything just 'cause you did it.
  7. Posted on Dec 2, 2006, 5:37:26 AM UTC
    ID: 14783 | #10
    Level 36 BETA
    What Caitlyn said...
    Nano is just an exercise for writers.
    The point is to draft an entire novel start to finish without worrying about futziung over every little detail.

    You can go back and edit/proof later. Nano's purpose is to tell a story.
    You only win self-esteem.

    Last year I wrote 103,897 Words (my story was much more in-depth.)

    This year I completed my novella in 50,960 words.

    50,000 words... That equates to approximately 150  8.5"x11.0" 10 pt font pages.


    My NaNoWriMo Novel This Year:
    (Link Opens a PDF File)
    "Caught in the Crossfire"

    Last edited by fablespinner on Dec 2, 2006, 5:41:13 AM UTC. 1 total edits.

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