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Would you read a LONG story posted here?

  1. Posted on Jun 29, 2006, 1:57:40 PM UTC
    ID: 10281 | #1
    Level 275 BETA ADMIN
    Up till now, I've been posting excerpt stuffs here cause well... I'm a novel writer. My average story ends up 50+ pages before I really start to get into plot. Some of my old stuff, although isn't greatly writen has a great storyline, that my teachers have all really liked as I wentthrough school. They are LONG though.

    Who'd be interestedin reading them if I posted them?
  2. Posted on Jun 29, 2006, 9:36:45 PM UTC
    ID: 10298 | #3
    Level 275 BETA ADMIN
    See, that's the problem- I draw so much that my rescent stuff IS my excerpts, and the excerptsare well written, good english etc... (or atleast better english)

    Most of my other storys are 3 or more years old, and alot are unfinished at 100+ pages. Well, I'll list some here and see if there is interest-

    Fanfic- Pokemon- The tatakai league-
    Ash, Misty, Brock, and Tracey go to the Tataki Islands to battle in a brand new league of islands and pokemon created by me and one of my writers for Slayer's Game. Currently I've written 1 gym and 1 inbetween gyms episode thing. About 70 pages? Quality stuff- it's been BETA CHECKED *waves hands in spooky fashion*

    Fanfic- Green Lantern- The Drakobitus's Reckoning
    Green LAntern (Kyle Rayner) in search for a long lost childhood friend Alex Dragon (my character) gets taken to Phauroraland to help stop the Drakobitus- a spirit of pure evil. Currently has the final fighting scene to go. This is my most rescent writing that is not an excert

    Monica- Drama genre story (Name of story to be revised)
    This story has been rewritten about 4 times- its a story line that I WAS going to use for Dragon Twins, but It fell through with that storyline cause it wasn't strong enough.
    Monica (named after the lead character) is a drama genre story about a girl from an all girls school that is forced to join an all boys school disguised as a boy when her school is burnt down- this situation gets complicated when she falls in love with one of her best friends....and his enamy. This story is a bit old now, but the storyline is there- just not the good english, grammar
    .... and I guess thought. I didn't reserch enough to bring the storys full potential out... It's still very much jump jump jump.

    Dragon Twins- Medieval fantasy
    I'm a little hesitant here, cause the old versions of this have different rules than the new one, so you'd have to forget my better ideas to read this. Although the story is still good, its unrefined as yet. Story line is about a guardian of a parralel universe gets taken from his world and sent to live on Earth. When he turns 16, he realises his destiny- to protect his real homeworld from Drakobitus- by defeating him. I think the old ones have a different bad guy to Drakobitus though... he's new material...
  3. Posted on Jun 30, 2006, 1:52:45 AM UTC
    ID: 10307 | #6
    Level 174 BETA MOD
    To be absolutely honest, I don't tend to read long stories unless I have bigtime background interest...  I also must admit that spelling mistakes in stories irk me, though I know it's a silly thing to be annoyed by.  :lol:

    So while I might quickly skim a long long story written by a member here, the likelihood that I will spend a lot of time actually reading it and thinking about it is slim, though not unheard of.

    I would love to see your dragon twins stories, though, posted in more chapters.  All of those I've read so far have proven very interesting.  :)
  4. Posted on Jun 30, 2006, 2:13:40 AM UTC
    ID: 10309 | #7
    Level 112
    Yeah that's a good point. Try putting them in chapters. Either way i'm find with long stories. I read that one thing called Surviving Together and that's really long.
  5. Posted on Jun 30, 2006, 4:57:22 AM UTC
    ID: 10312 | #8
    Level 275 BETA ADMIN
    Oh- they are in chapters! That's not the problem :) I understand about seperating stuff out like that- my problem is that the storylines aren't short, and can't be shortened.

    Minimaid- in my opinion, at least my more rescent storys are worth reading. Some of my old ones are hard to read cause I miss out on things and don' develope ideas, or reserch them correctly (I do now!), but the content in the story is interesting. I have teachers back in primary that remember my storys vividly. I have a huge imagination. I just din't have the skills to tap it correctly back then :nods:

    I'll post some current stuff and link it here so people can deside :)
  6. Posted on Jun 30, 2006, 5:40:03 AM UTC
    ID: 10314 | #9
    Level 174 BETA MOD
    Oh, Arkillian - I didn't mean to suggest your stories aren't worth reading - from what I've seen of your work, it is very much worth reading.  I'm just not very open time-wise right now, and long stories don't hold my attention.  I meant to give you an honest answer, but I'm truly sorry if I sounded insulting.

    I love your writing - it's far better than much I have seen.  :)  I certainly couldn't do it myself.

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