PaperDemon Art RPG

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One last update

  1. Posted on Jul 1, 2005, 6:49:32 AM UTC
    ID: 2066 | #2
    Level 129
    Good work on the drop down menus BR! It does look so much more organized that way. And prettier. You work your butt off for us and we appreciate it. I didn't know that about IE. I must confess that I am an IE user. There! I said it! Happy now? :cries: I feel so much better now that I have that out in the open. ;) All in all, the site is starting to look so much better. It does look pretty sharp now. Have fun on your trip.
  2. Posted on Jul 1, 2005, 6:56:55 AM UTC
    ID: 2067 | #3
    Level 281 ADMIN
    You know, Firefox is a better browser to use also because it prevents you from getting popups and spyware. It also has an awesome tab feature.
  3. Posted on Jul 1, 2005, 7:04:44 AM UTC
    ID: 2069 | #4
    Level 174 BETA MOD
    I use Firefox... Have been for a while. Once I started, I couldn't go bakc to IE... It was just so.. bad. The only thing it's good for is replying to Hotmail, and I don't even use hotmail anymore.

    I LOVE the new dropdown menus. They are far nicer looking and easier to use than the old ones. You are making this site better every time ou add to it. :)
  4. Posted on Jul 1, 2005, 7:12:37 AM UTC
    ID: 2070 | #5
    Level 281 ADMIN
    Thanks. I still need to get around to making those menues for the Red Curtain as well as making other changes in the Red Curtain.
  5. Posted on Jul 1, 2005, 7:39:58 AM UTC
    ID: 2075 | #6
    Level 129
    Well, you'll have plenty of time to do that when you get back. It sure is looking pretty "spiffy" here. You have made one beautiful site. ;)
  6. Posted on Jul 1, 2005, 7:44:19 AM UTC
    ID: 2078 | #7
    Level 281 ADMIN
    Yay thank you. There is sooo much stuff crammed into the pages. I need to lighten things up a bit. I may create a bunch of template files so that each section looks a little different and doesn't have so much stuff crammed into it. That would take a lot of time though. Time I don't have right now. I took the user poll off too. I need to figure out a better place to put it or something.
  7. Posted on Jul 1, 2005, 7:51:28 AM UTC
    ID: 2083 | #8
    Level 37 BETA
    I use firefox and mozilla...IE is RETARDED!!! :mad: Okay, sorry...just had to vent...all those years of IE error messages and lost data just make me a little peaved...ha ha.

    I love the new change you made with the drop down menu BR! It looks great and is much more organized. Thank you, and have a great time on your trip! :bounce:
  8. Posted on Jul 1, 2005, 10:07:39 AM UTC
    ID: 2123 | #10
    Level 174 BETA MOD
    Welcome to the forum, Tawfiq! You can formally introduce yourself under the intros section. We look forward to seeing you around the site!

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