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Game View - Pool of Radience (PC)

  1. Posted on Apr 23, 2006, 12:42:24 AM UTC
    ID: 9025 | #1
    Level 40

    Welcome to a little something I like to call:

    Sliverbane's Game View. 

     Pool Of Radiance for PC - RPG (Nov 2001)

    When I stumbled across this game I had just finished up the Baldur's Gate saga weeks before.  I was in need of a fix!  The game looked interesting enough...and boasted the same platform as the Baldur's Gate games I so dearly loved at this point.  So I traded in my Baldur's Gate games (Icewind Dale as well) and purchased this game.  After installing the game and playing a few minutes I was most certainly intrigued.  It was different...that was to be expected.  However, as time wore on I realized that the game was far different from what I had grown used to when playing Baldur's Gate.  The tedium of waiting for each person to strike the enemy became very annoying.  I wanted the all out brawl that I was so used to spells flying, swords, axes and maces swinging!  At one point my party of five had to wait for an entire orog clan to get in to position before I could even move/cast a spell.  It wasn't that I felt the orogs had the advantage over me by being able to move before I was just boring that EVERY round I had to wait for them to figure out where they wanted to go. The game is slow in that respect.  My other gripes: Mages take FOREVER to level up the dungeons are insane mazes of nothingness, uninteresting treasures, countless undead which becomes very boring.  Backtracking to so-called  points of interest only to find it was unnecessary - useless! And the music!! Ridiculous - almost childish like a 4 year messing with a MIDI player. And 80% percent of the time there  is no music playing!  I wish I'd been able to take part in the making of this game...for I surely would have added to the musical aspect!!  Music is a big factor in RPG's!  Bad music or infrequent use of music leaves the setting/characters bleak and sterile in my opinion.  

    I have spent much of the game underground in the Dwarven Dungeons.  SO BORING!  There was a moment of excitement when a ghost named Elena appeared...then proceeded to hauntingly trail after the party.  I would halt my party to look at my strategy guide and hear eerie footsteps grow closer then stop.  I soon began to notice the faint outline of a woman trailing my party.  It was damn eerie.  At first I thought I was hearing a glitch in the game!!  I'm still playing this game of course and waiting to see if the story makes up for the current lack of excitement. Until then... ^_^ 

  2. Posted on Apr 23, 2006, 1:51:17 AM UTC
    ID: 9026 | #2
    Level 6 LOCKED
    I could have warned you against this, but I see it is too late.  Pool of Radiance was a disaster, Neverwinter Nights is the real deal.

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