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Tomb Raider! HECK YEAH!!!

  1. Posted on Dec 27, 2005, 8:00:08 AM UTC
    ID: 6343 | #1
    Level 1
    Hey, I love playing Zelda, but yah gotta admit that Tomb Raider has always been tha bomb. Yeah, I suck, sound sucks, everything sucks, but the game is just sooo fun!!! :bounce: Who' with me???
  2. Posted on Dec 27, 2005, 10:38:38 AM UTC
    ID: 6346 | #2
    Level 275 BETA ADMIN
    Tomb raider was great graphics when it came out- it wasn't ubber pretty, but it always had high end techno. You play Tombraider for the problem solving more- I ADORED the little lara levels where she went throught the LAbyrinth with no guns. That is my fav TR game :)
  3. Posted on Dec 27, 2005, 10:07:58 PM UTC
    ID: 6360 | #4
    Level 281 ADMIN
    I had Tomb Raider 2 for the Playstation and I hated it. The controls were SOOO terrible that it made the game extremely frustrating Then I started using the Game shark to get things like unlimited ammo and such and then it kept locking up at a certain level and I never got any further.

    I thought the game was poorly designed, especially in the controls department. The graphics kinda sucked too. And it had TERRIBLE LOADING TIMES ugh!! I hate loading time! It had a few cool moments. but for the most part it sucks and I wouldn't ever play it again.
  4. Posted on Dec 28, 2005, 12:34:01 AM UTC
    ID: 6364 | #5
    Level 275 BETA ADMIN
    Susie hon- TR was MADE To be played on PC. NOONE gets the playstation controls. Heck- the pc controls are so easy that I can use them!!! I've got most of them on pc- including Angel of Darkness which looks pretty, but they got rid of the swan drive!! You can't swan dive off high places!!!! I love Kurtis though- that was the best thing about AOD- you got to play someone different. Kurtis wasn't as flexable as LAra, but he has some cool guns XD I love the fact that you can melee fight in AOD too. Pistols are my weapon of choice. Unlimited amo, and makes you have to jump more :3
  5. Posted on Jan 23, 2006, 10:23:46 PM UTC
    ID: 6906 | #6
    Level 7
    I've always liked the Tomb Raider games.  The new one looks awesome:  <- that site has the coolest flash design ^^

    Hehe, I understand about the controls being difficult on the PS, it's always funny to see a first-timer continuously run into walls xD "Oof!"

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