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Flyff - A free MMORPG

  1. Posted on Sep 2, 2007, 8:54:04 AM UTC
    ID: 19196 | #12
    Level 4

    Maybe this is the wrong topic, but how do I play an MMORPG? I've always wanted to try playing one, but I'm a bit timid when it comes to setting the whole thing up.  How does it work? ^^'

  2. Posted on Sep 2, 2007, 6:10:12 PM UTC
    ID: 19210 | #13
    Level 112
    XP to play an MMORPG. Well it may take a while to download the whole game, depending on how slow your computer is, but once you get it set up it's pretty cool ^_^ you usually always have something to do and you can even make good friends. The only bad thing I know of is people who swear a lot and people who hit on you if you're a girl. If you are one, maybe make your character look like a guy, but that's just my opinion ^^ I've only seen a few guys who hit on everyone like crazy, so you should still have fun :)

  3. Posted on Sep 3, 2007, 6:49:55 PM UTC
    ID: 19222 | #14
    Level 4

    On Sep 2, 2007 11:10 am, Keenarnor said:
    [quote] to play an MMORPG. Well it may take a while to download the whole game, depending on how slow your computer is, but once you get it set up it's pretty cool ^_^ you usually always have something to do and you can even make good friends. The only bad thing I know of is people who swear a lot and people who hit on you if you're a girl. If you are one, maybe make your character look like a guy, but that's just my opinion ^^ I've only seen a few guys who hit on everyone like crazy, so you should still have fun :)



    Thanks a lot for that! Sounds like fun... I know my brother is addicted to that stuff, but he never seems to have time to explain to me how to play it... lol.

    Hehe.. maybe I will make my character look like a guy.. sounds like fun. :D I'll email Shalashaska when I make an account.

    I have DSL btw and soon I'll have cable, so I don't anticipate too much of a problem. ^_^

  4. Posted on Sep 4, 2007, 1:26:12 AM UTC
    ID: 19232 | #15
    Level 6

    I'm a guy and I always play girls on Online games, people are nicer to you and tend to give you more free stuff ;D. It's also fun when they hit on me (I dunno, maybe I'm just evil like that).

    I also have fun toying with the guys that ask me if I'm really a girl, I don't say I'm a girl but I don't say I'm not either, it's hilarious to watch them go with gut instinct (Most times they think I'm really a girl =p).


    Plus in PvP situations it's always humiliating to be beaten by a little, cute/innocent looking character (I always make my characters look cute and little, usually ranged/archer class too =p). In RO I'm a Priestess, which makes it even more humiliating since it's a support class and not a fighting class XD

    But yeah, once you get them set up they're a blast to play, having other, real people to talk to and compete with is far more entertaining than most offline games where your main competition is (normally pretty crapily) programmed AI.

  5. Posted on Dec 14, 2007, 2:19:08 AM UTC
    ID: 20369 | #16
    Level 4

    Has anybody played Dofus?? It's a cool game. I wanna play Ragnarok Online though, i like how the characters look. There's also Gunbound, it's kind of a calculating game with mini vehicles. Kinda like Worms, but still different.

  6. Posted on Dec 16, 2007, 9:38:10 PM UTC
    ID: 20385 | #17
    Level 5

    I've played both Rappelz and Flyff, and I'm enjoying Rappelz much more just because you can level faster.

    ...also, yay for video games that provide male as well as female eye candy. :D

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