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The Wii or the PS3!

  1. Posted on Oct 29, 2006, 4:15:58 PM UTC
    ID: 14146 | #21
    Level 24

    On Oct 28, 2006 12:01 pm, Shalashaska said:

    You guys are probably right on the fact that the Wii will make a lot of sales because it is so backwards compatible. I mean, a dollar a game, what's better than that? The PS3's high price tag will push some potential buyers in the beginning,  but me being a Sony fanboy from the beginning,  I'm a little biased. Oh yeah, and when you look at the technical specs of the Wii and PS3 side by side, the PS3 is 13 TIMES more powerful of a system, and 2 TIMES  more powerful  than the Xbox 360. Take that  Nintendo Fanboys!

    If you want to argue power, the 360 is every bit as powerfull as the PS3, its just like all new systems, the games that maximize the systems full resources will not been seen for a few years. But that is not the point, I can tell you there are alot of old school games on systems no where near as powerfull as anything today that I would rather play then alot of the shit the produce today.

  2. Posted on Oct 30, 2006, 1:41:12 AM UTC
    ID: 14152 | #23
    Level 112
    Ok everyone chill, I started this topic just to see which you guys would get first, not which was better, so chill. I don't want this topic closed ok? :)
  3. Posted on Oct 30, 2006, 9:22:54 PM UTC
    ID: 14163 | #24
    Level 29 BANNED

    On Oct 29, 2006 5:41 pm, Keenarnor said:

    Ok everyone chill, I started this topic just to see which you guys would get first, not which was better, so chill. I don't want this topic closed ok? :)

    yeah.. whatever... :annoyed:

  4. Posted on Oct 31, 2006, 1:53:29 AM UTC
    ID: 14172 | #25
    Level 115

    On Oct 27, 2006 7:33 pm, Keenarnor said:


    I call explaining it! Ok, the Wii is special, because 1. it has a remote control type controller, making it extremely interactive with whatever game. 2. you will be able to download any game from the NES, SNES, N64, Super Graphix-16 and the Sega Genesis i think. It's gonna rock! It's only 200 dollars too


    O.O No way!! Dollmaker waaaaant!!! =P~

    Dollmaker want baaad...that, and a DS. >>; But that's because I have a dirty mind, and any gaming system with a slogan that says, "Touching is good" HAS to be worth buying. :rofl:

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