PaperDemon Art RPG

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Hey, I'm new here!

  1. Posted on Mar 19, 2024, 1:10:13 PM UTC
    ID: 47038 | #2
    Level 41 MODJR

    Hi, I'm Ford! Welcome to Paperdemon! I have four (and a half) characters. Here's a brief description of each:

    • Luis Defou (Male/ 5'6''/ 168cm/ Dogfolk [Golden Retriever])
      • Anthropomorphic golden retriever, grumpy mechanic by day, gosh dang hero by night. If you're looking for a debate, he's the man for you. But, if you're looking for a dog, you might just get bit. 

    • Rafael "Rafi" Valentine (Male/ 6'/ 183cm/ Human)
      • Modern textile merchant, operating mainly out of Pavia and Castimere. An eternally affable smile, and clothes straight out of a outdoorsman magazine. If only that smile could reach his eyes.

      • Solomon "Sully" Valentine (Male/ 6'3''/ 190cm/ Human) (NOT REGISTERED)
        • Rafael's brother, bodyguard, and talisman. Calm and dependable. Carries a picture of his wife and kids with him at all times. A bit of a hero complex.

    • Creedence "Creed" Windrider (Female/ 6'3'' (191 cm) without antlers, 7'5.4'' (227 cm) with antlers/ Paperdemon [Avangardian variant]) 
      • A professional airship racer of Avangard, who uses her massive 28ft-wingspan to her advantage... only in the air, of course. Anywhere else, and she tends to be.. clumsy. An eternal wallflower, even in front of sports newscasters, despite her best efforts. Seems to have strange ties to her family.
    • Vincent "Vin" Renato (Male/ 6'4''/ 193cm/ Vampire)
      • A cult leader with a god complex and a 16th century aesthetic. Will try to convert your character to being a vampire


    I see both Brand and Roy hail from modern worlds. That's great, so does Rafi and Sully! Luis also comes from a world of modern technology, but separates beyond that. What kind of roleplay do you enjoy? Combat? Character conflict? Drama? Romance? 

    (P.S. the Role Playing forum is for the actual roleplaying, so I had to scoot your topic over to to Role Playing OOC (out of character discussion). Sorry for the confusion!)

    Last edited by Fordandra on Apr 5, 2024, 2:53:01 PM UTC. 4 total edits.

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