PaperDemon Art RPG

Open group | 1328 Members

Post 6628 - Profile Page Revamp

  1. Posted on Jan 8, 2006, 9:10:06 PM UTC
    ID: 6628
    In order to prepare for the new features I'll be introducing for Premium Members, I needed to redesign the profile pages (They were in need of a redesign anyway :P). The profile pages look pretty nifty now. I also created a different page for viewing an artists writing and artwork. This way the artwork can take up the whole width of the page by having four columns of artwork and no side bar.

    When you view someones profile, a nifty bar at the top appears so that you have quick links right there to view their artwork and writing. What's also cool about the new profile pages is that if a box area is blank, it won't display the whole box (which was something of a problem before, a new member would have all of these empty boxes and it didn't look good). Anyway, there is also a new Stats page where you can see statistical info such as how many forum posts, critics, etc. Some of this information was already available before but now it has more stuff like Crits received, favorites received and given. Although perhaps this information should be kept private? Before we were keeping things like hits and favorites private but i think maybe overall favorites is ok.

    Premium Members profiles have more pizzaz to them than the Standard member profiles. I'll see if I can add more design to them when I get the chance. Premium members get a nifty personal chatbox right on their profile page! Awesome huh? In the future, I'll be able to add different themes for premium member profiles. I hope to do this very soon, like, within the next few days.

    By the way, these new changes have NOT yet been made in the Red Curtain. It will take time for me to make the changes there too.

    I also plan to redesign the top and bottom parts of the main design of the site. I think with the addition of the new profile bar thingy, the top most navigation is just too darn big. So i'll redesign that very soon. (also the bottom part of the page is a little boring and crowded so it needs some freshening up.

    Last edited by BogusRed on Jan 9, 2006, 4:06:50 PM UTC. 1 total edits.