PaperDemon Art RPG

Open group | 1328 Members

Post 4963 - Interface Improvements and DBZ Fanfic House Keeping

  1. Posted on Oct 31, 2005, 2:33:25 AM UTC
    ID: 4963
    Made some additional interface changes in the members area today with the Writing section. Now it looks just as sleek and pretty as the newly designed Artwork section. I hope you like the new changes.

    Also, I've gone through and eliminated the DBZ sub categories for fanfiction in both the Red Curtain and Paper Demon. Now all DBZ fanfics are in the DBZ category. Before it was really stupid and separated by paring but this just was too cumbersome and lame looking. So I just combined them.

    I've also expanded the fanart galleries some more over the past couple days. I want to get rid of "Other Fanart" or at least just leave it up as a temporary thing. Once artwork is added there, me and the Mods will look at those arts and create new fanart categories when necessary.

    I know that the galleries page is getting HUGE now so I'm going to have to come up with some way of compressing the categories page. perhaps do something like a little search thing. i dunno. It will require learning XML or DHTML or something like that.

    Or wait! I could do it with Flash! I know how to do it with flash. and it will be more interactive and stuff. Maybe even show images of the artwork in that category as you are searching?

    Oh now the wheels are turning...   But damn, I can't work on it now. I have tons of homework :(