PaperDemon Art RPG

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Post 46484 - Release v65.0.1

  1. Posted on Jan 10, 2024, 8:17:37 PM UTC
    ID: 46484

    We made a few releases over the past few weeks. See below.

    Welcome to the v64.1.0 release!

    Release highlights
    You can now gift items to other players!
    You can now edit the names of your characters!

    Change log
    d0f66c3f ⭐ feat (game-roller) charismatic companion mechanics
    34d0b87d ⭐ feat (game-character) allow player to gift items
    c3f47430 ⭐ feat (game-character) allow player to edit character name
    d6c6e7a9 ⭐ feat (game-character) allow player to delete image from draft
    a3e932b8 ⭐ feat (user) admin lookup tools

    Welcome to the v64.1.1 release. This just had a bug fix for the shop.

    Change log
    54065c6e 🐛 fix (game-items) fix shop items per page
    6cd400dc 🐛 fix (game-items) fix shop pagination

    Welcome to the v64.1.2 release.

    Change log
    22720f33 🐛 fix (game-items) fix advent calendar transaction messages

    Welcome to the v64.2.0 and v64.2.1 releases

    This release includes TRIOCASTING. Take it for a spin against the slime if you'd like. You must be rank 3 or higher to do a Triocast. Documentation on this is coming soon.

    Change log
    98d6a44 👷‍♀️ build (app) build dom package separately
    31427e4 👽 compat (app) remove reading-time package
    8a65698 🐛 fix (game-shop) prevent build opt bailouts
    1ee07899 📝 docs (game) update verification queries for purge scripts
    3c24081c ⭐ feat (game) purge script
    e0719a3a 🐛 fix (game-items) deleted items break transaction records
    671e778e ⭐ feat (game-shop) analytics
    3c0da105 ⭐ feat (game-rollers) triocasting mechanics for battles
    4dd97767 🐛 fix (submissions) redirect to not found for mismatched mature content
    74a2e1ac 🍱 assets (directory) remove game
    b083c8fd 🍱 assets (game-characters) revise rules
    d509dc53 🍱 assets (arpg-directory) add to directory 

    Welcome to the v64.3.0 release. This includes a hot fix release to patch a bug with the points editor.

    673adfe 🐛 fix (game-points) fix point editor
    58c2032 ⭐ feat (game-rollers) strength potion

    Welcome to the v65.0.0 release

    This update includes removal of the old writing and comics sections as talked about back in August. We had to make this update as soon as possible due to security reasons and a pending server upgrade.

    I have NOT yet migrated old writing into the new writing section. I'm still working on a script to do this.

    Expect there to be some bugs around the site over the next few weeks from this upgrade. Please report them in ⁠bugs-and-suggestions 

    Change log
    a5422f7 🔥 purge (app) delete many old files including old comics and old writing section
    4800d0e 👽 compat (app) php
    bcc0aff 👽 compat (app) php
    efdc468 👽 compat (app) php


     Welcome to the v65.0.1 release. This contains hot fixes

    Change log
    a3e5b83b 🐛 fix (game-rollers) text rollers broken
    3254c088 🐛 fix (comments) blog comments not saving