PaperDemon Art RPG

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Post 46317 - Create a Character with Offsite Art

  1. Posted on Dec 25, 2023, 4:47:59 PM UTC
    ID: 46317

    Character Name: Eltanin

    How old is your character?: 28

    What species is your character?: Paperdemon

    What is your character's hair color?: Dark brown

    What is your character's eye color (if applicable)?: Brown in bright light, yellow in dim light

    Brief character biography:
    Eltanin was born in a wet cardboard box all alone… or at least, that’s the backstory he’s using today.

    Nicknamed Captain of the Blue Moon or the Gentleman Pirate by his targets, Eltanin is the captain of the 32-gun frigate Redoubtable, one of the many sky pirate vessels terrorising the Avangard skylanes. Using his Paperdemon magic, he’s able to create copies of any existing document as long as he knows that they exist, or can reasonably deduce that they do. By copying ship’s logs, cargo manifests etc, he is able to assess whether a merchant ship is safe or worthwhile to attack, as well as detect incoming navy ships and flee before they can apprehend him. 

    He takes special effort to ensure that no one is seriously hurt or killed in these raids, partly because of his own morals, mostly because he made a promise to his cabin boy that he would never force the kid to take a life while serving on his vessel.

    Eltanin keeps his true backstory close to his chest, but there are a few hints. His diction and frequent use of poetic metaphor imply a higher education than most sky pirates, and it’s public knowledge that he graduated from the same naval school as rising star admiral Sinan Harlow and civilian captain Morwenna Bligh. His brief romance with Morwenna was well-documented, but fewer know about his one-night stand with Admiral Harlow.

    Eltanin avoids direct fights wherever he can. He takes a while to get a handle on a stranger, initially pushing their buttons with wit and veiled insults, learning how best to catch them off-guard or get them monologuing. He's adept with concealed weapons like knives and single-shot pistols, but once he loses the element of surprise, he goes down quick in a protracted fight.

    Did you know that wood pigeons can shed their tail feathers if bit by a predator? If the critter's grip isn't secure, the feathers come away in their teeth, allowing the bird to fly away. On an entirely unrelated note, Eltanin always wears longcoats that are one size too large for him.

    Designer permission: <- Requires Toyhouse account to view, backup screenshot here:
    Designer profile:


    Are you updating an existing character? No
    If yes, which item are you using? -


    Processed. New character here.

    Last edited by BogusRed on Jan 4, 2024, 4:11:36 AM UTC. 1 total edits.