PaperDemon Art RPG

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Post 45141 - Public Statement Regarding Recent Occurrences

  1. Posted on Sep 21, 2023, 1:22:54 AM UTC
    ID: 45141

    Unfortunately, the below is a case of someone who believes they have all the information responding based on having only part of the story. Rather than deleting the post, I would like to respond to these additional accusations towards PaperDemon as someone a little more apprised of the situation.

    The leaked financial information was leaked in a very public letter on Discord and related to PD's contracts with its customers. Everything mentioned in this news post is absolutely truthful. The person reviewing the information and helping with rulings was in no way financially motivated, as ruling advice was given from the standpoint of an unpaid volunteer who did not know the accused nor the accusers and had no stake in the rulings one way or another.

    The harassment we are referring to had nothing to do with people determining reasons for their initial bans from any servers. Again, please do not make assumptions based on partial information - these assumptions are what caused such an issue in the first place.

    We are also accused below of not taking into account the issues from both sides. This is not the case, and all information presented was reviewed as stated in the news post. Only the bans have been mentioned, as it is inappropriate to call out any other more private consequences taking place. If it were not for the public nature of the accusations, we would not have felt the need to mention the consequences publicly at all.


    Finally, we accept that anyone adjacent to this situation is likely to be disappointed in the result. People naturally wish to stand by and defend their friends. However, all we can do is our best with the information which was presented to us.



    On Thu, 21 Sep 2023 06:06:32 GMT, Acceril said in post id 45138:

    "leaked financial information" that was public???

    "Harassed people" by trying to find out why they were banned and trying to find information? At least be truthful about the ban, or just say it was in your better interest to support a person who paid you an exorbitant and unreasonable amount of money every month...

    Would also like to see you mention how awfully the issues were handled by the APRG leaders in the first place for it to get to this point but of course that isn't anywhere in the announcement. Kinda disappointed by the team here with only holding one side accountable when there was clearly issues with both ends, and yet nowhere do I see a place that says you're holding both ends accountable here so like, lol what?

    Real suss that it just so happened to work out in a way that was financially more favourable to the PD team...