PaperDemon Art RPG

Open group | 1315 Members

Post 4344 - Adding and Editing art down temporarily

  1. Posted on Sep 19, 2005, 6:02:08 PM UTC
    ID: 4344
    Hey guys. For some reason the GD library (that nifty program that creates the thumbnails and resizes images on the fly) has been uninstalled. O.O

    I'm having my host look into it. I have no idea why it just suddenly disappeared. There's nothing I can do except turn off the art upload for a while. :cries:

    I'll keep you guys posted.

    BTW, some of you may have uploaded art last night or this morning only to just get a blank screen that says Done in the status bar and big Xs when you full view your art. This was caused by the GD library uninstall. All of the artwork added after the GD uninstall has been removed from the database and you guys will unfortunately have to repost your work after the GD lib is reinstalled.

    Ok everything's cool now. My host fixed it. :D I'm a little peeved that it stopped working in the first place. I'm looking at new hosts :(

    Last edited by BogusRed on Sep 19, 2005, 11:33:35 PM UTC. 4 total edits.