PaperDemon Art RPG

Open group | 1328 Members

Post 38779 - [Art RPG] Valentine's Fay - Castimeria Battle Challenge

  1. Posted on Feb 14, 2022, 8:11:57 PM UTC
    ID: 38779

    The Valentine's Fay

    Starting HP: 6,000

    Element: Fire

    Join The Battle!

    Want to know how our art challenges work? Check out this page!

    The Valentine's Fay are creatures of myth, known for their whirlwind flings with mortal creatures. They often pair up with the lonely, and leave them heartbroken after another catches the fickle Fay's eye. Join the battle of hearts and show this boss the true love in your characters life-- platonic or romantic!

    Get Equipped

    You may use one or more of your registered characters to participate in this battle. If you don’t have a character yet and you would like to join the fight, register your character by completing the Character Creation Challenge.

    Once your character is registered, purchase a Battle Token and equip it to your character by clicking the “Equip Item” button on their character sheet. This token will grant you access to the fight.

    We are waiving the rank 2 requirement for this battle. All ranks may participate.

    Want more than one Battle Token so you can fight with more of your OCs? You can purchase gold or earn gold via various in-game challenges like the Character Development challenge or Portals.

    Ready, Set, Fight!

    You may make one attack per 24 hours. In addition to your one attack, you may partner with another player to Duocast. See the Allies header for details.

    Scroll down on the battle forum page to the “Attack” header and fill out the form to join the fight!

    For art based attacks…

    • Choose one of the prompts below and upload your artwork to with the tag PDARPGBossBattle and PDARPGValentinesFay. Copy and paste the prompt you chose into the description of the artwork.

    • The artwork must fulfill the prompt and be at minimum a black and white sketch that includes about half of your character’s body.

    • Submit your attack to the battle forum post.

    For writing based attacks…

    • Choose one of the prompts below and upload your writing work to Tag it with PDARPGBossBattle and PDARPGValentinesFay and copy/paste the prompt you chose into the description of the piece.

    • Make sure to use the writing beta system, not the writing legacy system!

    • Make sure to copy/paste your writing piece in its entirety into the image description beneath the prompt you chose.

    • The writing piece must be a minimum of 150 words.

    • Submit your attack to the battle forum post.

    If you need help, read the Battle Guide for more details, or join our Discord to ask questions.

    Your Allies…

    You are not alone in your efforts-- many other heroes stand by your side in this fight. You may duocast with another character for a massive power-up-- just make sure to check in with their owner to make sure they’re on board with the partnership!

    Duocasting transforms your character’s element for an attack. Some combinations may be especially effective against the boss, so make sure to try duocasting with different elements.

    You may post one solo OR duocast attack per day yourself. Additionally, you may PARTICIPATE in a duocast that is posted by someone else once per day.

    The art or writing piece accompanying the duocast must include both characters.


    If you’ve taken a beating and need a rest, purchase a healing item from the Shop and go to the Healing Thread to apply it. Make sure the item is in your inventory before you fill out the form!


    You’ve read your mission brief and you’re ready to join the fray! Pick one of the prompts below to complete an art or writing work for each attack you make. If you’ve already gone through all of the prompts, feel free to join our Discord and drop new prompt ideas into the #Suggestion-Box for review.

    Make sure to copy and paste the prompt and its number into the description of the works you upload for battle!

    1. Draw or write about your character fighting the boss!

    2. Agape - Draw or write about how your character expresses universal love-- compassion for strangers or nature or creatures.

    3. Eros - Draw or write about your character's romantic relationships.

    4. Storge - Draw or write about how your character expresses familial love.

    5. Philia - Draw or write about your character’s closest friendships.

    6. Draw or write a valentine's themed piece for your character.

    7. Draw or write about your character and flowers.

    8. Draw or write a piece with your character interacting with the boss. Is your character unimpressed with their flirting or do they return the boss's affections?


    For each character you enter into battle with, you will earn…

    • 50 XP per attack or hosted Duocast

    • 40 Gold per attack or hosted Duocast

    • 2 Trokens per attack or hosted Duocast

    • 5 - 7 AP per attack or hosted Duocast. Your duocast partner also earns AP if they are depicted in the artwork/writing.

      • 5 AP for sketches and written works

      • 7 AP for full color art

    (The person who posts the duocast is considered the host of the Duocast)

    Now you’re ready to join the fray!

    Be sure to click [Follow Forum] once on the page to be notified as the battle progresses.

    Acknowledgements: Thank you to Alexandria for conceptualizing the boss, Nyatara/The_Maya for prompts, Shyftlock for challenge blog post, BogusRed for boss art.

    Last edited by BogusRed on Feb 14, 2022, 8:24:16 PM UTC. 2 total edits.

    Art attachment